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The 4th International Conference on Green Agro-industry UPN Veteran Yogyakarta (ICGAI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.22 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Arif Anshori1) and Tri Endar Suswatiningsih2)

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1)Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Yogyakarta
2)Department of Agribusines Faculty of Agriculture Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta

Adaptation to the dry season are carried out by some farmers in Gunungkidul Regency by planting feed maize. This research aimed to study the cultivation of feed maize during the dry season. The study was conducted at Playen Gunungkidul D.I. Yogyakarta using the farmer interview and field survey methods. The results showed that farmers growing feed maize with irrigation from deep well pumps. Irrigation were performed on average 7 days, as needed. Farmers are plants maize with an average spacing of 20 x 40 cm and 2-3 seeds per hole. The average of urea fertilizer were 20 kg/1,000 m2 and NPK too. The fresh weight of feed biomass was 7.512 ton/1,000 m2. B/C 2.35, farmers profit Rp. 2,384,000/1,000 m2. The fresh weight of root biomass was 0.788 ton/1.000 m2. Feed biomass was transported out from the land. Root biomass was returned to the soil. In addition, carbon dioxide absorption occurs in feed maize, consists of feed biomass of 3.673 ton/1,000 m2 and root biomass of 0.623 ton/1,000 m2

water deficit, biomass, carbon, profit



Added Value Analysis of Coconut Agroindustry in The Inter-Country Border Area in Bengkalis District
Djaimi Bakce, Almasdi Syahza, Brilliant Asmit, Tia Sofiani Napitupulu

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Djaimi Bakce

Institute of Research and Community Services Universitas Riau
Kampus Bina Widya Jl. HR. Soebrantas Km. 12.5 Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia

There are a number of potential agroindustry products to be developed in the border area between countries in Bengkalis Regency, one of which is coconut. The development of coconut agroindustry is important because most people depend their lives on coconut farming. In connection with efforts to increase community economic development, the problem faced is the suboptimal utilization of industrial technology in increasing added value, and the suboptimal role of economic facilities and infrastructure in supporting the production, processing and marketing processes in Bengkalis Regency. This study aims to analyze the added value of coconut agroindustry products. Value added analysis using the Hayami Method. There are three coconut agroindustry products developed, namely copra, dried grated coconut, and coconut shell charcoal. The highest added value of coconut agroindustry products is coconut shell charcoal for IDR. 3,165.79/kg, then dried grated coconut is IDR. 1,057.86/kg, and copra IDR. 243.36/kg. In order to increase the added value of coconut agroindustry products, technology transfer is needed to increase the quantity and quality, as well as variations in coconut agroindustry products. In the process of technology transfer, it is necessary to optimize industrial technology and supporting infrastructure for the economy.

Coconut Agroindustry; Added Value; Inter-Country Border Area

Economics, Social and Business


Agribusiness Management Model Facing Industry 4.0
Maftuh Kafiya, Bargumono

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Maftuh Kafiya

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Facing Industry 4.0, agribusiness management must follow the modern operation suited to the situations as well as the fast changes and dynamics of the new era. Agribusiness products generally are perishable and short-lived. Special treatments are needed to preserve quality, quantity, and continuity. The role of agribusiness is to manage agricultural products starting from on farming, harvesting, post-harvesting, processing to marketing and other activities related to agriculture. This study aims to understand the agribusiness management model in each agribusiness subsystem under the challenge of Industry 4.0. The method used is literature review about that subject. Agriculture in Industry 4.0 is to maximize the technological application and to integrate it with the internet and network. Internet of things and network which is to integrate all aspects of agricultural activities so it can be managed systematically and makes humans- activities simpler and easier. New input, adoption, modification, innovation, and product diversification will secure products- consistency for consumers that in turn, will ensure the production continuation itself. All kinds of management models are tailored for agribusiness products that are responsive to fast change, effective, and efficient in the Industry 4.0 era become consumers- prerequisites to fulfill their life needs.

agribusiness, internet of things, network, technology

Economics, Social and Business


AN ANALYSIS ON ECOTOURISM POTENTIAL AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE MERAPI MOUNTAIN SLOPES AREA (A Study in Kalitalang and Deles Indah Tourism Objects, Kemalang District, Klaten Regency)
Siti Hamidah, Purwanto and Sutanto

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Siti Hamidah

Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Ecotourism developed in conservation areas is a "Green and Fair" ecotourism for the benefit of the sustainable development and conservation, which is a business activity that is aimed to provide sustainable economic alternatives for the people in the protected areas. The purpose of this research is to examine the potency of the Natural Resources and Socio-Culture for the development of ecotourism of the southern slope of Mount Merapi, especially in Kemalang District, Klaten Regency. The research method used is descriptive and its implementation uses case studies at Kalitalang and Deles Indah Tourism Objects . The respondents of this research are the Officials / Heads /Chairpersons of the agencies which are related to this research (Mount Merapi National Park Office, Regional Disaster Management Agency, Youth and Sports Culture Tourism Office, District, Village, and Tourism Awareness Group). The other respondents are the visitors of Kalitalang and Deles Indah Tourism Objects who could be met and were willing to be interviewed for the past two months. The data needed is primary and secondary data, which are collected by means of Interviews, Observation and Documentation. The data analysis uses a descriptive analysis. The results showed that the (1) Natural Resource Potency in the form of a beautiful natural scenery (Merapi volcano, forest, valley) is very interesting to visit and for photo spots; (2). Tourism Awareness Group (PokDarWis) has been formed as the manager of Kalitalang and Deles Tourism Objects; (3) Local Cultural Activities are as the attractions and they have been routinely carried out; (4) Facilities, such as Parking Areas, Toilets, Mushollas, Homestay and Trash, have been built; (5) Food and Beverage Products, Typical Handicrafts are worthy of sale, (6) Guidance from the Mount Merapi National Park Office, Regional Disaster Management Agency, Youth and Sports Culture Tourism Office, District and Village Government has been established; (7) Visitors have begun to increase in 2019 because they have been promoted on line, and the location directions are quite informative; and (8) need so further investigation for its development strategy must be carried out, because most of visitors have not satisfied and want to be better good for the facilities, there are any obstacles and risks.

Ecotourism, Potency and Development, Natural Resources, Social, Cultural, Mount Merapi Slopes

Economics, Social and Business


Analysis of Clove Agro-Industry Potency as an Alternative Green Industry in Indonesia
Antik Suprihanti

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Antik Suprihanti

Agribusiness Department, Agriculture Faculty, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the major clove producers in the world. The majority of clove used as the main ingredient of clove cigarette (kretek) industry. The decreasing trend of clove cigarettes demands caused alternative industries development besides the clove cigarette industry are needed. The purposes of this paper are to analyze policies related to Indonesian cloves, analyze the development of alternative clove industries and their challenges as a green industry in the future. This research is a literature study. Government policies related to the clove industry are still focused on efforts to fulfill cloves for the cigarettes industry and have not yet led to the development of other cloves industry besides cigarettes industry. This has led to the development of other manufacturing industries such as essential oil as a potential export commodity that has not received serious attention from the government. The development of cloves agro-industry is expected to not only encourage the development of green industry, increase export values but also improve the welfare of farmers.

clove, agro-industry, policy

Economics, Social and Business


Analysis of Physicochemical Characteristics Diversity of 46 Accessions of Indonesian Local Rice Germplasms
Septian D.W. Putra (a*), Elis Septianingrum (a)

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Septian Deny Widya Putra

a) Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi,
Jl Raya IX Sukamandi-Subang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Physicochemical characterization of rice germplasms is an important step of the rice breeding program. The physicochemical characteristics are important for consumers- acceptance. The objective of this study was to analyze physicochemical characteristics information to obtain suitable accessions for breeding programs and to cluster accessions according to their main characteristics. A total of 46 accessions of ICRR & ICABIOGRD collection were evaluated for 24 physicochemical traits. Principal component Analysis (PCA) was carried out to analyze the variation and the contribution of each trait to the total variance. This study showed that physicochemical variation might be divided into 5 principal component: Principal component 1 (PC1) was dominated by grain roundness, PC2 by low amylose content, PC3 by high milling yield, PC4 by long and slender grain, and PC5 by premium quality. Clustering analysis yielded 4 clusters. The 1st cluster was dominated by round grain, 2nd cluster by low milling yield, 3rd by high broken grain, and the last cluster by high milling yield and premium quality. This work showed that there were 7 potential accessions to be included in the rice breeding program of high milling yield and premium quality rice, i.e. accession no. 10479 (Umbul-umbul), 10486 (Babad Cianjur), 10491 (Marus), 10499 (619), 10515 (Siregi), 10551 (Logawa), and 10562 (Umbul-umbul). Those varieties can be used by rice breeders to develop new varieties to answer the global challenge of food security.

Rice germplasms; physicochemical characteristics; Principal component analysis; Clustering analysis

Crop and Crop Management


Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects of Swine Industry in Vietnam
Nguyen Hoang Qui and Budi Guntoro

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Qui Hoang Nguyen

Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl Fauna 3, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

In the gross output of agriculture sector, livestock contributes about 19% and is important income for farmers, especially small-farmers in Vietnam. Small-scale farms accounted for 85% in livestock scale of Vietnam. Swine sector is the most important livestock sector in Vietnam because of their contribution to nutrient human in Vietnam annually, about 70-76% of total meat production (main meal of Vietnam people). This paper reviews the Vietnamese swine trading sector. Starting with an overview of Vietnam natural conditions of swine industry, including a description of prevalent swine production systems, value chain of swine trading, the paper then takes a systematic view of opportunities, challenges and prospects of swine product marketing. Besides that, the government in Vietnam implemented projects, policies and strategies for strengthening swine industry, keeping pork price stable and improving swine herd. The opportunities offered by swine farming to improve livelihoods for many small scale and resource poor households in Vietnam, thus farmers and small-farmers can enhance their standard living. However, pork and swine producers, especially small holders, face challenges of knowledge gap in best practice in husbandry and management of farms as businesses. Other challenges in swine production are low quality-high cost feeds, inability to service quantity and quality demands of the market and challenges of sourcing high quality raw materials. One of emerging problems is the majority of swine farmers are limited in market power and there is low income from swine production and in beginning of 2019, African Swine Fever (ASF) emerged in Vietnam and rapidly spread to whole of Vietnam country which caused seriously influence on swine industry in Vietnam and led to the decrease of swine herd in Vietnam. This paper also assessed likely changes in the next 5 years in Vietnam, based on past trends, future scenarios and evaluated growth potential, viability and sustainability of small holder swine systems in Vietnam.

value chain, swine industry, Vietnam

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Sri Wahyuni

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Sri Wahyuni

Indonesian Center For Agricultural Socioeconomic And Policy Studies
Jalan Tentara Pelajar N0.3B. Bogor 16111

Chili has significant contribution in inflation, therefore government continue implementing various programs and conducting researches on chili to obtain maximum production (2.33 million tons in 2020). This paper aims to generate information as based of the policy. The methodology: 1) Reviewed the previous program and 2) Conducted research during the last 3 years such as in 2016 Chili resistance to drought climate ( East Java and West Nusa Tenggara), in 2017 Access of chili to export market in 2017 (West Java and North Sumatra and in 2018 Chili supply chain in Toko Tani Indonesia(TTI) in 2018 (Central Java and West Java). Results: 1) There were five famous chili national program had been implemented, three of the programs (Climate Field School or Sekolah Lapang Iklim (SLI), Annual Water Allocation Forecast or Rencana Alokasi Air Tahunan (RAAT) and Water Rescue and Partnership Movement or Gerakan Nasional Kemitraan Penyelamatan Air (or GNKPA) derived importance lesson learned; 2) farmers resilience index on drought (62-67 %) meaning could solve drought problem, Access of chili to export market constrained by high production input, meanwhile there is an opportunity to export to England and Germany, Mobile TTI marketing significantly shorten the supply chain. The proposs strategy is integrating the tree programs in a production center supported by a marketing institution.

Chilli, National program, strategy

Agricultural Engineering


Climatic features of spring and autumnal frost occurences in the wine regions of Hungary (1961-2010)
Lakatos L.(1), R.R. Rukmowati Brotodjojo(2)

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Laszlo Lakatoz

1Eszterhazy Karoly University, Eger, Hungary
2UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author: lakatos.laszlo[at] (Dr. Laszlo Lakatos)

While frost is a natural phenomenon in Hungary from autumn to spring, the frost damage, causing crop damage and yield reduction or even harvest shortfall, does not occur every year. The aim of the study was to estimate the occurrence and frequency of frost damage in fall, winter and spring frost damage from the CarpatClim data base, in the wine regions of Hungary. Determining the daily distribution of the LT50 function between September 7 and May 15, with the Cold Hardiness model which contains 23 grape varieties, the occurrence probability of fall, winter and spring frost damage can be accurately determined. The extent of frost damage, frost duration and strength of frost is significantly affected by tolerance of grape varieties. We analysed the extent of fall, and spring frost damage respectively at frost susceptible, moderately frost-tolerant and frost-tolerant grape varieties. We examined the stepovers of frost damage thresholds by using CARPATCLIM database during the period between 1961-2010. The results provide not only frost damage quantification, but they may also help to judge the complex value of cultivation areas more accurately and to parameterize the crop safety of wine regions.

frost damage, LT50 function, wine regions, wine grapes, CarpatClim data



Coal Mine Reclamation With Distribution Of Cinder Husk And Goat Manure To Palm Plantation (Elaeis guineensis) Growth In Muaro Jambi
A T Maryani (a*), Sarman (b), Rosyani (c)

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Anis Tatik Maryani

(a,b,c) Agroekoteknologi, Agriculture, Jambi University

Reclamation is an effort to repair or maintain the function of lands affected by mining activity. It is done to make the lands useful and to ensure revegetation. The lands which are formerly used for mining activity need reclamation in order to bring back ecosystem, micro-climate, land fertility and water storage function to resolve the problems on limited fertile land in attempt to increase palm production. Therefore, there are two ways which should be conducted: 1) controlling the function of farmland, 2) increasing the quality of marginal lands to be used as farmland. This research aims to find out the effects of goat manure and cinder husk distribution with various doses to the development of palm plantation. The experiment was done in Pijoan, Muaro Jambi, throughout 5 months, from April to September 2019. The experiment was conducted with complete random design, consisting of 8 treatments with 3 times repeatition. P1 : 150 g of goat manure + 325 g of cinder husk, P2 :175 g of goat manure + 300 g of cinder husk, P3 : 200 g of goat manire + 275 g of cinder husk, P4 : 225 g of goat manure + 250 g of cinder husk, P5: 250 g of goat manure + 225 g of cinder husk, P6 : 275 g of goat manure + 200 g of cinder husk, P7 : 300 g of goat manure + 175 g of cinder husk, P8: 325g of goat manure +150 g of cinder husk. The data resulted from the research was analysed statistically with 5% of Tuker HSD examination. The distribution of optimal fertilizer for palm plantation growth was done by distributing 325 gr of goat manure + 150 gr of cinder husk treatment for the plant height, rod diameter, number of leaves and the number of midribs.

Land Reclamation, Former land of Brick mining, Palm Cinder Husk, Goat Manure, Revegetation

Crop and Crop Management


Combination of Coconut Water and Banana Extract on New Dogashima Medium Enhance Multiplication of Vanda tricolor
Innaka Ageng Rineksane (a*), Arum Wahyu Ningsih (a), Agung Astuti (a) and Gatot Supangkat (a)

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Innaka Ageng Rineksane

a) Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jalan Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183

Vanda tricolor is an endemic orchid on the slopes of Mount Merapi whose existence is threatened with extinction due to eruption and exploitation of its natural habitat. The rapid propagation of Vanda tricolor can be done through in vitro multiplication. Multiplication can double the number of shoots by adding growth regulators in the medium. Substitution of synthetic growth regulators with organic material for multiplication can reduce the cost of propagation of Vanda tricolor. This study aims to obtain the best organic extract for multiplication of Vanda tricolor. This research was compiled using a randomized completely design single factor. The treatments tested were New Dogashima Medium supplemented with 0.5 mg L-1 thidiazuron, coconut water 150 ml L-1, coconut water 150 ml L-1 + banana extract 150 g L-1 and coconut water 150 ml L-1 + tomato extract 150 ml L-1. Each treatment was repeated 5 times, each replication consisted of 3 samples. The results showed that the treatment of New Dogashima Medium supplemented with coconut water 150 ml L-1 + banana extract 150 g L-1 could replace the role of synthetic growth regulators in the multiplication of Vanda tricolor orchids as indicated by the parameters of the growth time of shoots, number of shoots and number of leaves.

Orchid, Medium, Organic extract, In vitro, Substitution

Crop and Crop Management


Comparison of organic and conventional paddy farming: study in two villages in Malang district, Indonesia
Robert Wiliater Sibarani, SP., MMA,. M.Sc. (a*), Prof. Dr. Buncha Somboonsuke (b)

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Robert Wiliater Sibarani

(a) Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand
* robertsibarani[at]
(b) Department of Agricultural Development, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand

Abstract As resource of living for the farmers, farming activities must being the sustainable livelihoods. Practicing organic farming is the way that can be chosen to realize the sustainable livelihood. However, the practicing of organic farming in Indonesia was only 0.6 % (208,042 hectares) in 2017. The orientation of conventional farmers to achieve more profit from their farming activities is the issue to increase the conversion from practicing conventional to organic farming. The objective of this study is to analyze the profit earned in conventional and organic paddy farming where the analysis is based on the cost of paddy production (variable, fixed, and total cost), the total of paddy production, and the selling result of paddy. Two village in Lawang district, namely Sumber Ngepoh and Mulyoarjo, are chosen as study field. There are 32 organic paddy farmers from farmer group of Sumber Makmur 1 and 34 conventional paddy farmers from farmer group of Mulyo 2, who are as respondents and interviewed. The independent t-test is used to analysis the different of profit earned by respondents between both villages. The statistical test of the means shows that the mean for variable cost and total cost of farmer group of Mulyo 2 is 18 and 15 percent respectively less than farmer group of Sumber Makmur 1. And, the mean of the fixed cost, the production, the selling price, the selling result and the profit of farmer group of Sumber Makmur 1 are 104, 185, 8, 211, and 843 percent respectively more than farmer group of Mulyo 2. It is concluded that practicing organic paddy in Sumber Ngepoh village is more profit compared to practicing conventional paddy in Mulyoarjo. This conclusion can be basic for farmers in Mulyoarjo village to convert from practicing conventional paddy to practicing organic paddy by objective to get similar benefits as gotten by farmers in Sumber Ngepoh village.

Sustainable livelihoods, Organic farming, Conventional farming, Profit

Economics, Social and Business


Rosnita*, Syaiful Hadi, Novia Dewi, Roza Yulida, Yulia Andriani, Eri Sayamar

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Rosnita Rakuni

* ) Fakultas Pertanian, Kampus Bina Widya Km. 12,5. Simpang Baru Pekanbaru (28293)
Telp. (07610) 63270 – Hp. 085278047062
Email: rosnitamag[at]

ABSTRACT Competence of palm oil farmers in global trading competition depends on implementing 4 of 7 ISPO standards that was set by the government. The aims of this research were to : 1) Studying the Role of farmer-s extension in guiding the farmers to implement the standards, and 2) Analysing farmer competence in implementing standards set by the government. This research used survey method held from January to June 2019. Multi stage approcah was used in site selection (district and village). Sampling respondent consist of 91 palm oil farmers came from 3 villages representative. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (percentage, and Likerts scale). Result of this research showed that farmer profile was dominated by male with high school education, had 4 family members, Javanese who have 10-20 years farming experience, and had farming as the main livelihood. It has an impact on less capable of small holder farmers in fulfilling the 4 standards (legality of land ownership, farmers organization and farm managememt, enviromental management, and developing a sustainable agribusiness). The goverment was expected to sinergize with farmers and private sectors (coorporation) in improving farmers empowerment and independence during palm oil management according to the set up standards so that the farmers could compete globally. Keywords : palm oil, ISPO, competence

palm oil, ISPO, competence

Economics, Social and Business


Control of environmentally friendly technologies of purple blotch disease (Alternaria porri) and anthracnose on shallot in the rainy season
Ineu Sulastrini, Gunaeni N, Sutarya R and S Hartanto

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Ineu Sulastrini

IAARD-IVEGRI, Jl. Tangkuban Parahu no. 517, Lembang, West Bandung 40391

Purple blotch and anthracnose diseases are major diseases in shallot. The purpose of this study is to obtain control technology purple blotch and anthracnose diseases on shallot that are environmentally friendly in the rainy season. The design used in this study is a separate plot design (Split plot design) with the main plot shallot varieties (A), namely Sembrani, Bima Brebes and Maja Cipanas. As a sub-plot is the use of fungicides, ie chemical fungicides, chemical fungicides and biofungicides are used interchangeably and biofungicides are used routinely. The results showed that the Sembrani variety significantly affected the severity of purple blotch, anthracnose and stemphyllium diseases compared to the Bima Brebes and Maja Cipanas varieties. The use of chemical fungicides is continuously comparable to the use of chemical fungicides and biofungicides which are carried out alternately in controlling purple blotch, anthracnose and stemphyllium diseases on shallot

control of technology, purple blotch, anthracnose, shallot, rainy season

Agricultural Engineering


Design of fertilizing applicator for soybean: Field Test
Miraj Fuadi; Lilik Sutiarso; Radi

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The concept of precision farming, especially in fertilizer, aims to make fertilizer effective and efficient. In this study liquid applicator and fertilizer used were used, namely Urea and KCl. The applicator was tested in the field with a land size of 36 x 8 m divided into 6 plots and a spacing of 40 x 20 cm. Recommendations for fertilizer application are based on laboratory tests of Nitrogen and Potassium content each plot. The parameters recorded are the time and volume of the fertilizer used. From these data obtained the value of effective field capacity, theoretical field capacity, field efficiency and coefficient of variance. From the analysis results obtained field efficiency values of 78.4% and CV values for each plot ranged from 5.21 - 12.22%

precision agriculture, fertilizer; VRA,

Agricultural Engineering


Determination of Microspore Developmental Stages of Eggplant cv.Planet Hijau for Induction of Microspore Embryogenesis
Devi Bunga Pagalla, Endang Semiarti, Ari Indrianto

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Devi Bunga Pagalla

Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Biology, Teknika Selatan Street, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281

Embryogenesis of microspore or androgenesis is one of method that extensively uses in breeding programs to produce embryos and plantlets with the number of haploid or double haploid chromosomes with homozygous or pure lines in a relatively short time. Immature male gametophytes can change their developmental fate from pollen to embryo when exposed to stress treatment during in vitro culture. Stage development of microspore is one of the important factors that determine the success rate of induction of microspore embryogenesis. In this study, stage development of microspore of eggplant cultivar Planet Hijau was determined through morphological analysis of microspore cells based on the morphological size of flower buds to optimize the induction of embryogenesis. The results showed that the interval of flower buds 15-18 mm and the interval of petal length 7-10 mm contained 50-55% late uninucleate microspores. In determining the stage of development of microspores, the length of anther and diameter of anther are also considered. The flower bud of eggplant which contain late uninucleate and binucleate microspore is the best stage to induction of embryogenesis.

Microspore developmental stage, microspore culture, embryogenesis

Crop and Crop Management


Development of Bacterial Cellulose/Chitosan Biocomposite as a Potential Edible Coating for Fresh Cut Fruits
Sukmiyati Agustin (a), M Nur Cahyanto (a), Endang Tri Wahyuni (b), Suparmo (a)

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Sukmiyati Agustin

(a) Department of Food and Agricultural Technology Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
(b) Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

A bacterial cellulose/chitosan (BC-C) biocomposite material was obtained by microbial synthesis under static condition with the use of Gluconacetobacter xylinus InaCCB404 and addition of chitosan in varied concentration. The BC and BC-C biocomposites were examined for the chemical composition by FTIR, the crystallinity by XRD, the tensile strength by tensile tester, the color by chromameter and the water vapor permeability (WVP). The spectra resulted from FTIR analysis showed an intermolecular interaction between BC and C. The obtained biocomposite material was transparent, and display a WVP value of 2.97 – 5.94 x10-5 g.s-1.m-2.Pa-1 with crystallinity index and crystallite size lower than native BC. The BC-C biocomposites- properties showed the material potency as an edible coating for fresh cut fruits.

bacterial cellulose, chitosan, biocomposites, edible coating

Any Other Topics Related to Agro-Industry


Difference of Antioxidant Activity on Original Wedang Uwuh, Brew, Dip, Instant and Syrup
Retnosyari Septiyani, Elok Rahmawati

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Retnosyari Septiyani

Prodi Bisnis Jasa Makanan
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Wedang uwuh as a typical Imogiri Yogyakarta drink has been widely known to the wider community and even began to develop a lot like wedang uwuh in the original form of spice concoction, brew, dip, instant and syrup. However, research on wedang uwuh is still very limited. Therefore this study aims to carry out proximate analysis of the original, brewed, dipped, instant and syrup so that the chemical content is known and test the antioxidant activity so that it can provide information to the public about the types of variants of wedang which have the best antioxidant activity. Based on the proximate test results, wedang uwuh is boiled and dipped to have lower energy than the original wedang, instant and syrup. Testing of antioxidant activity with the DPPH and IC50 methods showed that wedang uwuh brew had the highest antioxidant activity value compared to the original, dip, instant and syrup variants with IC50 values of 9195.40 ppm. Factors that influence the differences in antioxidant activity in the original, brewed, dipped, instant and brewed ingredients include mechanical treatment, heat treatment, light exposure, and packaging used during storage.

original wedang uwuh,brewed wedang uwuh , dip wedang uwuh , instant wedang uwuh , wedang uwuh syrup

Agricultural Engineering


Effect of anthocyanin extract concentration on edible film as a pH-based biosensor
Irna Dwi Destiana*, Atika Romalasari, Hasna Azzahra

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Irna Dwi Destiana

Department of Agro-Industry
Subang State Polytechnic
Jl. Bigjen Katamso No. 47 Subang, Indonesia

Butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) is an edible flower that rich in anthocyanin compounds. Anthocyanin pigments such as flavonoid compounds constitute the largest natural pigments responsible for the vivid red, blue, purple and orange color in plant tissue. Anthocyanin are sensitive to changes in pH and temperature level and very suitable for use as active ingredients in pH based biosensor. Biosensor can be made from starch that is made into edible film. The objectives of this study were to determine the exact percentage of anthocyanin extracts addition to the edible film to be used as biosensor, to determine the color and pH level of the edible film. Edible films were made from tapioca flour, glycerol, CMC and acetic acid and anthocyanin extract of butterfly pea flowers. The treatment taken are the difference addition concentration of anthocyanin extract consisting of 10%, 20% and 30%. The parameters observed were anthocyanin levels, color and pH level produced from edible films with various extract percentages. The result showed the highest level of anthocyanin was produced from 30 % anthocyanin extract treatment (101,223 mg / 100g). The result on color was based on the brightness level of the achromatic color of the edible film with the highest content with value of L * 56.35, value of a * 6.93, and value of b * -7.83, edible film was in dark blue color. The result of pH value was pH 5.19.

Clitoria ternatea L extract, biosensor, pH

Agricultural Engineering


Effect of Genotype and Planting Media on the Growth of Dendrobium Orchids In Vitro
Chitra Priatna1), Fitri Rachmawati1)

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Chitra Priatna

Indonesia Ornamental Crops Institute

Dendrobium is a cut flower that is sought after by the public because of the beauty and uniqueness of the resulting color. So that various efforts are made to increase production to meet the needs of the community. One of the efforts made by in vitro culture propagation for Dendrobium propagation. Giving various types of media and types of explants affect the growth of culture. The optimum media for Dendrobium var plant height increase. Dian Agrihorti is 5 g / L growmore media and MS-0 media is the right media for Dendrobium var. Syifa Agrihorti. Media ½ MS + FV + Charcoal is the optimum media for multiplication of the number of roots in Dendrobium var. Dian Agrihorti and D. var. Agrihorti Syifa.

Key words: Dendrobium Orchid, Media Type, Explant Type, In Vitro Culture

Crop and Crop Management


Effect of rice bran storage on the antioxidant activity of a hydrophilic extract
Enny Purwati Nurlaili1), Sri Hartati2), Retno Widyastuti2) dan Febbi Nurahmawati2)

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Enny Purwati Nurlaili

1)Study Program of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang, Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur Bendan Dhuwur Semarang
2)Study Program of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo, Jl. Letjend S. Humardani No. 1 Sukoharjo 57521

The utilization of rice bran in rice milling in Java, in general, is not as soon as after leaving the mill. The research aims to determine whether the duration of rice bran storage affects the antioxidant activity, yield and total phenols of hydrophilic extracts. The study was conducted with rice bran treatment stored for 0, 1, and 2 weeks. Each sample was extracted hydrophilic component with ethanol solvent. The extracts obtained were tested including yield, total phenol, and antioxidant activity. The results showed that the increase in yield experienced a significant difference, especially in the second week. Total phenol and antioxidant activity increased significantly in the first week and decreased again in the second week. The conclusions from this study indicate that the duration of rice bran storage needs to be considered the optimal limit.

antioxidant activity, hydrophilic extracts, rice bran, total phenols, yield

Agricultural Engineering


Engineering analysis in the development of Modified Atmosphere Storage (MAS) to extend shelf life of tropical agricultural fresh products during storage
Eusabius Paul Pega, Nursigit Bintoro and Arifin Dwi Saputro

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Eusabius Paul Pega

Bulaksumur, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 55281

An attempt to extend the shelf life of fresh products after harvest still need to be investigated to find the most applicable technology with the cheapest cost for the farmer. Seeking of such technology becomes an important aspect for better postharvest handling in Indonesia. In the developed countries, since along ago there has been a storage technology known as controlled atmosphere storage (CAS), however this technology is very complicated and very expensive to build. As an alternative, MAS seems to be possible to develope for developing country as Indonesia, since MAS doesn-t need a precise controlled of the gas composition continuously and much cheaper than CAS. The purpose of this study was to develope and investigate a method including the equipment to store fresh agricultural produtcs which could be modify the gas composition and temperature inside the storage room, which was know as MAS. Reseach had been carried out by constructing the MAS equipment first. The equipment made from available components from the local marked such as wood board, heat insulator, refrigeration unit, nitrogen gas tank, carbon dioxide gas tank, oxygen gas tank, pipes and so on. Then continued by examining the constructed equipment to create various gas composition and storage temperature inside the storage room as required for storage of fresh products. It was found that both temperature and gas composition could be created as required manualy by choosing intended temperature level and regulating gas flow from the tank. Concentration of oxygen inside storage room could be reduced by flushing nitrogen gas from the tank until the intended value was reached. As lower oxygen concentration was the main factor to reduce respiration rate, while nitrogen gas was known as an inert gas this meant that the created of gas composition to extend shelf life of agricultural product definetely could be resulted. It was found that resulted gas compisition could be maintained around one day and need to be adjusted again to the intended composition after that. The next research would be conducted to examine the performance of the equipment using fresh product inside the storage room. This research was still in progress using tomato as the sample. Some parameters would be measured both dealing with the performance of the equipment and physical properties of the stored fresh product. The combination of gas composition and temperature inside storage room of MAS would be investigated applying factorial design experiment 3 x 4 with three replication. The resulted data would be analyzed both statisticaly and mathematically including the application of kinetics modeling.

modified, atmosphere, storage, tomatoes, kinetics

Agricultural Engineering


Ergonomic Modification of Hand Thresher To Reduce Workers Posture Risk
Yovita Wanda Saputri (a*), Guntarti Tatik Mulyati (b), Mohammad Maksum (b)

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Yovita Wanda Saputri

a) Department of Agro-industrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Flora Bulaksumur No.1, Caturtunggal, Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Indonesia
b) Department of Agro-industrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Flora Bulaksumur No.1, Caturtunggal, Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Indonesia

Hand thresher is a threshing tool with the largest percentage of 49% used by rice harvesters in DIY. It has more difference starts from the shape, size, material and even the completeness of the facilities that affects the posture of thresher workers when using or when the transportation process of the tools. The purpose of this study is to transporting the hand thresher who is expected to reduce the risk of rice threshing workers, facilitate of transporting process, and then evaluate modification of hand thresher with physical workload from the workers and count the value of the modification. Modification was carried out using VA method, RULA tools, NBM tools, CVL and the function of each components of the tool. Posture assessment conducted using the RULA method showed a decrease from 7 to 6 for the removal process and 6 to 5 for threshing process. From VA method, the total value of new tools is 9⋅6×105 for the value of the new hand trainer tool. Some of the components added to the modification of hand thresher are fans, sockets, sieves, opening holes, wall coverings, entry holes, thresher cylinder covers, holes for carrying bamboo, wheels, and handlebars.

Hand thresher, Modification, Value Analysis

Agricultural Engineering


Siti Nurhidayah (a*), Selvy Isnaeni (a), Resha Riyadi (b)

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Corresponding Author

a) Agrotechnology Study Program, Agricultural of Faculty, Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya, Jalan Peta No. 177 Tawang, Tasikmalaya 46115, Indonesia
b) Student of Agrotechnology Study Program, Agricultural of Faculty, Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya, Jalan Peta No. 177 Tawang, Tasikmalaya 46115, Indonesia

Black rice is a functional rice that can be consumed to prevent or treat sufferers of degenerative diseases. Black rice is rarely found and is limited because farmers who are less receptive to growing black rice because of their shortcomings are plant hight which causes crop stems to fall easily. This study aims to estimate genetic diversity and heritability of black rice on plant height character. The experiment used a randomized complete block design non-factorial namely 8 accessions of black rice with 4 commercial varieties (IR13, IR18, I19 and IPB4S). The results showed that black rice accession treatment significantly affected the plant height character. Plant height character has high area wide heritability with average plant height of 113.4 cm and 108.3 cm for commercial varieties.

antocyanin; antioxidant; black rice; genetic variability

Crop and Crop Management


Ni Wayan Hari Sulastiningsih, Nazly Aswani and Catur Hermanto

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Corresponding Author
Nazly Aswani

Indonesia Vegetable Research Institute, Jalan Tangkuban Parahu No.517, Lembang, Bandung Barat

e-mail : naz.aswa[at]

Garlic production is practiced vegetatively through cloves/bulbs. However, naturally, garlic also produces bulblets/bulbils in stem or scape (top set). The agronomic characters of this tiny bulb-like form have been rarely discussed despite its potential for soil-borne disease-free garlic production. This research carried out in March 2019 was aimed to evaluate some of plant morphological characters from garlic bulbils. These bulbils were harvested from Indonesia garlic variety known as Lumbu Hijau. Completely Randomized Block Design was applied throughout 4 treatment combinations e.g immersion duration and dose of growth hormone with 3 replications. Seedling percentage, plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight, dry weight, bulb height, number of cloves and number of bulbils were evaluated. Although the result showed that all treatments were not significant for all characters, they showed a fairly high seedling percentage (69.33-81.33%). Plant height measured on 75 days after planting (DAP) ranged between 26.99-30.75 cm with 3-4 number of leaves. Plants were harvested on 120 DAP where fresh weight ranged 2.9-3.1 g/sample. After two months of air-dried, dry weight was measured for 1.9-2.4 g/sample. Bulb diameter ranged 20.40-21.60 mm and bulb height ranged 15.31–16.18 mm with 4-5 cloves per bulb. This article also noted a bulbil-to-bulbils cycle since a little number of bulbils found within the stem of sample plants. This result indicated that more agronomy studies need to be done for improving the quality of bubils as a promising alternative in garlic production.

bulbils, agronomic character, garlic seed, garlic production

Crop and Crop Management


Roisu Eny Mudawaroch (a), Zulfanita (a), Dyah Panuntun Utami(a) and Dimas Wicaksono (b)

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Corresponding Author
Roisu Eny Mudawaroch

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo.
Jalan K. H. Dahlan 3a Purworejo, Central Java
(b) chairman of the laying hens breeders association
Berkah Telor Makmur

The purpose of this study is to determine the motivation of farmers in developing laying hens, analyze the relationship between internal factors of farmers with farmer motivation, and analyze the relationship of external factors with farmers motivation. This research was conducted at the laying hens association in "Berkah Telor Makmur" which includes Purworejo Regency, Magelang Regency, Kebumen Regency, and Wonosobo Regency. Sampling was carried out randomly from a group of 25 farmers. This research was designed as a correlational descriptive study. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistical analysis and correlational analysis using the Spearman rank test (rs) and contingency coefficients from the chi-square test (χ2) The results showed the motivation of farmers in laying hens in "Blessing Eggs Makmur" is relatively high. The motivation of these breeders arises because farmers feel the laying hens business can support their social relationships and can be developed as a family business. Spearman rank correlation test (rs) and contingency coefficients from the chi-square test (χ2) show that the internal factors of farmers have a strong enough relationship with the motivation of laying hens. Laying hens raising the economic level of the members of "Berkah Telor Makmur".

laying hens, internal factors, external factors, and motivation.

Any Other Topics Related to Agro-Industry


Arta Kusumaningrum and Fitri Rahmawati

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Arta Kusumaningrum

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

This research was conducted in Purworejo Regency. The title of research is farmers adoption of watermelon cultivation in coastal areas, Purworejo Regency. Total respondents are 60 people in the Grabag Subdistrict, Ngombol Subdistrict, and Purwodadi Subdistrict. The technique sampling are using purposive sampling. The purpose of this research are 1. To determine the characteristics of farmers on watermelon cultivation in coastal areas, Purworejo Regency. 2. To determine the farmer adoption on watermelon cultivation in coastal areas, Purworejo Regency. The results of the research are the farmer characteristics on watermelon cultivation in the coastal areas, Purworejo Regency that are the age of a farmer in the sandy areas, Purworejo Regency is a productive age, farmer education level in the coastal area, Purworejo Regency is a junior high school, farmer experience level about 3-16 yrs, the land cultivation of watermelon farmer in coastal areas about 5000 m2, the status of the ownership of the land is rented, the technique cultivation of watermelon is easy, and the infrastructure facilities for watermelon cultivation in the coastal areas, Purworejo District is easy. 2. The farmers adoption on watermelon cultivation in the coastal area Purworejo District is low.

Adoption, Watermelon, Sandy Areas, Purworejo District, Central Java

Economics, Social and Business


Feasibility Analysis of Organic Mangos Business (Case Study at Castro Thomas Farm Camiling, Tarlac, Philippines)
Alfonsus Bima Yogaradityo (a), Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum (b), Heni Handri Utami (c)

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Alfonsus Bima Yogaradityo

Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Jl. SWK 104, Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman, D.I Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Castro Thomas Farm is a farm located in Camiling, Tarlac, Philippines. Castro Thomas Farm has a unique organic mango commodity and can be sold to various groups. When running a business there must be an obstacles encounter, researchers conducted a Business Feasibility Analysis on Castro Thomas Farms estate. This study aims to determine the feasibility of the business in terms of revenue and income, followed with B/C Ratio analysis. The method of data collection is done by observation, interviews, documentation studies, and questionnaires. Data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data analysis techniques through qualitative and quantitative approaches, qualitative data needed for non-financial aspects, and quantitative for financial. The results of this research is the B/C Ratio of Castro Thomas Farm is below 1, which means the business is not feasible enough yet.

Business Feasibility, Mangos, Organic, Philippines.

Economics, Social and Business


Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi*, Ali Hasyim Al Rosyid

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Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi

Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta

The price of chili has characteristics that are unstable and fluctuating, this causes stakeholders difficulty in making decisions about the price of chili. The scarcity of chili production causes demand to increase so that the price of chili also rises. Information is needed regarding the predicted fluctuations in chili price trends so that market demand for chili can be known. The purpose of this research is to create a model and predicted the price of large red chili and curly red chili. This research was conducted using time series data price of large red chili and curly red chili during 40 periods starting from July 2016 up to October 2019 to predict of large price red chili and curly red chili for 12 the next periods began November 2019 and ended on October 2020. The data was obtained from Harga Pangan PIHPS (Pusat Informasi Harga Pangan Strategis) National Bank Indonesia application using the price of chili in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The results of the forecasting model using ARIMA shows that the price of large red chili and curly red chili for 12 periods has increased gradually and forecasting results close to the actual data.

ARIMA, Chili prices, forecasting, Yogyakarta

Economics, Social and Business


Good and Proper Plant Management Determines Optimal Results
Danar Wicaksono and Bargumono

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Danar Wicaksono

Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNVY)

Crop yields depend on good and proper crop management. In crop management, several things need attention. It can be divided into two major groups: Management of Natural Resource and Human Resources. The management of natural resources includes the supply of planting material; production facilities: seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides; environmental factors: soil, water, air, germplasm preservation of plants that have superior, rare and specific character; policies on crop protection; and the joint commitment of all countries in the world to work together, maintain, care for and preserve plants that aim to fulfil the needs of human life. Striving to make human resources who can work professionally and have confidence that what is done will produce satisfying results. This requires technology, agricultural tools, effective and efficient pest control models, good cultivation techniques, and government policies and regulations that can protect agricultural growth, development, and yield.

Crop, Natural Resource, Human Resource

Crop and Crop Management


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