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Corresponding Author
Rudi Abdullah
Department Of Management, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton. Jl. Betoambari No 36 Kota Baubau, 93712, Indonesia
Department Of Accounting, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton. Jl. Betoambari No 36 Kota Baubau, 93712, Indonesia
Department of Development Economic, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Halu Oleo. Kampus Baru Andonohu No 36 Kota Kendari, 93561, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the relationship of business ethics to the transformation of consumer behavior in facing competition in Industrial Era 4.O. This study uses primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires. Respondents who were examined as samples were Customers of Pasebba Restaurant. The method used is accidental sampling as many as 75 respondents. Besides that secondary data is used to support research, which is obtained from library studies and journal literature, articles that support research. The analytical tool used in this study is the Multiple Regression test. The results of the study indicate that, the Correlation Coefficient (R) is obtained at 0.875 which means that the relationship between variable X to Y is very close. On the basis of the F-test analysis, the research hypothesis which reads there is a simultaneous significant effect of Justice (X1), Honesty (X2), and Trust (X3) on Transforming Consumer Behavior in facing competition in Industrial Era 4.O. (Y) acceptable or proven. Where the application of business ethics is proxied by (1) Justice has a negative and not significant effect on the Transformation of Consumer Behavior in the Attack of the Industrial Era 4.O. (2) Honesty has a positive and not significant effect on the Transformation of Consumer Behavior in Constructing Relationships in the Industrial Era 4.O. (3) Trust has a positive and significant effect on the Transformation of Consumer Behavior in Constructing Relationships in the Industrial Era 4.O. Together, the application of business ethics has a positive and significant effect on the Transformation of Consumer Behavior in Constructing Relationships in the Industrial Era 4.O. Trust is the most dominant variable of the business ethics variable that influences the Transformation of Consumer Behavior in Constructing Relationships in the Industrial Era 4.O. (Study at Pasebba Restaurant City Baubau)
Business Ethics, Transformation, Consumer Behavior, and Industry 4.0
Corresponding Author
Yuyun Puji Rahayu
a),b),c) Universitas Papua, Jalan Gunung Salju Amban, Manokwari, Papua Barat, 98314
Abstract Regional expansion could be a strength to improve the performance of local governments and subsequently should have a positive impact, such as improving the welfare of the local community. In addition, regional expansion also aims to make governments at regional level to be more focused on escalating potential sectors in their regions. Secondary data used came from the Central Bureau of Regional Statistics on GRDP in 2010-2017. This study analyzes the repositioning of the GRDP contributing sector before and after expansion between two regency regions, one parental Regency and one area that is separated from its parental. Repositioned sectors show the influence of an area in terms of its wealth of the resources as basis sector. The research method uses Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share analysis to identify the position of GRDP contributing sectors in each regions. Results of this study show that before and after expansion agricultural sector has declined in the contribution of GRDP. But after the expansion, the sectors with the best economic performance are the construction, administration and trade & repair sectors.
Keywords: GRDP sectors, location quotient, shift share, regional development
Corresponding Author
Shofwan Shofwan
Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya Malang
Tourism is considered an effective way of increase welfare some traditional communities because it provides various jobs than traditional livelihoods as well as opportunities to sell uniquely local products. Community based tourism (CBT) has been identified for its ability to improve local economies which endorses traditional communities such as rural communities, fishing and small island communities, could improve their economic status. Scholars have examined the attitude of residents at different level, however, monitoring changes in residents- perception are ignored. This paper reveals the research gap to be filled by examining the residents- perception of sustainability in term of economy, socio cultural factors, environment and well being at different CBT. The research method employed survey questionnaire as an instrument to collect data before the data is analyzed. The 500 usable questionnaires of three southern coastal regencies (Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung) in East Java were collected. The result shows us that four dimensions of sustainability have significantly different results. The study concludes that the respondents- perception differed across development steps, thus, the management boards or local governments should consider the development opportunities and adopt appropriate strategies of CBTs implementations.
Community Based Tourism (CBT); Sustainability; Residents- Perception; Coastal Destination
Sustainable development
Corresponding Author
Desti Ranihusna
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Humans in the development of the times become assets for the organization. The important role of human resources for organizations is a decisive element in the activities of a company. Nurses are one of the important resources owned by hospital organizations. Nursing services are an integral part of health services in hospitals. To develop nurses to be more advanced and developing in order to achieve company goals, then one that is needed is satisfaction in work. Role conflict can affect satisfaction in the workplace. Stress can mediate these factors on job satisfaction. The formulation of this study is how job satisfaction is influenced by the determinants and stressors of hospital nurses. The purpose of this study was to analyze and assess the determinants of job satisfaction for nurses in hospitals and analyze how stressors had an impact on increasing job satisfaction for nurses in hospitals. The sample of this study was 170 respondents. The questionnaire returned as many as 160 respondents. This research method with quantitative design uses path analys. Role conflict has a negative influence on job satisfaction. Role conflict has a positive impact on work stress. Job stress has a negative impact on job satisfaction. Role conflict has a negative impact on job satisfaction mediated by work stress.
Role Conflict, Work Stress, Job Satisfaction
Corresponding Author
Madis Saralita
a) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Nowadays, the success of an organization depends heavily on employees- productivity which can be influenced by employees- health conditions. Generally, either an organization or individual need hospital for health services. This has an impact on the growth of hospitals which continues to increase, so that competition in the health industry will be even higher. Therefore health industry stakeholders require to continue improving their services, either through improved facilities or improvements from the employees- side. Based on research, turnover intention is one of many problems which must be solved by health industry stakeholders. Many factors can influence turnover intention, i.e. workplace spirituality, perceived organizational support, and organizational commitment. The purpose of this study was to know the effects of these factors on turnover intention mediated by organizational commitment. A total of 235 employees from private hospital in Jakarta participated as respondents. Data obtained through questionnaires and then analyzed using SEM. The results showed that organizational commitment was positively influenced by perceived organizational support and workplace spirituality. Furthermore, workplace spirituality and organizational commitment negatively affected turnover intention. Organizational commitment can mediate the relationship between workplace spirituality and turnover intention.
Workplace spirituality; Perceived organizational support; Organizational commitment; Turnover intention; Hospital
Corresponding Author
Shafinar Ismail
(a)Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka,
110 Off Jalan Hang Tuah, 75300 Melaka, Malaysia
(b)School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy; Universiti Utara Malaysia,
Sintok, 06010 Kedah, Malaysia
This study investigates the determinants of saving behavior among government servants. The study focused on financial knowledge, financial self-efficacy, financial attitude and financial management practice in relation of saving behavior. The respondents were government servants in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Convenience sampling was used for this study. 150 questionnaires were distributed to 150 respondents to answer the questionnaires. The questionnaire was designed in two sections, one consisting of demographic information and the second relating to the selection determinants of saving behavior. Result indicates that financial self-efficacy becomes the important factor that influences the saving behavior. Financial self-efficacy is the best predictor as most of government servants are managed to make progress towards financial goals. These findings could be useful references for related organizations as well as body of knowledge and practical implication that are interested in developing personal saving in a context of avoiding from bankruptcy.
Saving Behavior, Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude, Financial Self-Efficacy, Financial Management Practice
Corresponding Author
Muhammet Erbay
Selcuk University
Faculty Tourism and Faculty of Communication
Social media, whose individual and social usage is increasing day by day, is also inreasing its presence in our lives as the most important communication medium. Social media is a communication network in which the user publishes and circulates the content he / she produces. Today, many individuals and institutions are actively using social media. This makes immediate access easier to any website; contents, articles, news, thoughts, daily events, photos can be seen through social media, and anyone can reflect their views within a social network. The word that best describes social media, which is frequently spoken by todays people, is “sharing”. The main issue that will be discussed in this study is whether social media is the new public space or not. The public sphere is also a common area where ideas and opinions are shared on an individual and social scale. In this sense, the study includes a theoretical analysis and discussion while focusing on the concepts of social media and public sphere.
Social media, Public sphere, Communication, social network
Corresponding Author
Caroline Caroline
a) Universitas Sultan Fatah Demak
b) Universitas Terbuka
c) Universitas Stikubank
d) Universitas Sultan Fatah Demak
e) Universitas Sultan Fatah Demak
The Province of Central Java has a large population, making it a potential labor market for other areas that lack labor. spillover labor in a district / city in Central Java Province is the driving force for labor migrants from one area to another in the Central Java Province. Workers migrating to other regions aim to seek high wages from their home regions, and live a decent life to prosper. This study aims to analyze the patterns of spatial interaction of labor in Central Java Province. This study uses data from 2010 to 2017 or 8 years with research locations of 29 districts and 6 cities in Central Java Province. This research method uses a spatial weighting matrix approach with euclidean distance to calculate the Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA). Novelty this research is adopting a growth model from Mankiw, Romer at.al (1992) then by developing a model using the Euclidean Distance approach to calculate the spatial weight matrix of LISA or Local Morans I. The conclusions of this study are: the spatial interaction pattern of Sukoharjo Regency has changed, initially the Sukoharjo City workforce in 2010 with the characteristics of low labor interacts spatially with other regencies / cities whose workforce is high, but in 2017 the Sukoharjo City workforce with karasteristics low labor interacts spatially with other districts / cities where labor is low. This was allegedly because the Regional Government of Sukoharjo Regency did the direction of the development policy and development of the Sukoharjo Urban area in the form of a modern trade corridor and a space for social interaction.
Spatial Interaction Pattern, Spillover Local Workers, Local Morans I
Corresponding Author
Siti Ridloah
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Green industry is an industry that has the characteristics of using environmentally friendly chemicals, applying reduction, recycle, reuse and recovery in the production process, using low energy and water intensity, using competent human resources, minimizing waste and using low carbon technology. Currently the green industry is being promoted by various countries, including in Indonesia. To encourage the industry to apply the principle of green industry, since 2010 the Ministry of Industry has held green industry awarding activities. Green Industry not only encourages industrial companies to continue to make continuous improvements in all lines in order to improve production efficiency and effectiveness, but also provides evidence that even a low cost or no cost approach can have a major impact on industrial companies. Not only financial benefits through savings and increased productivity, but also provide a new image for the company as a Green Industry. Based on the description of the conditions and challenges mentioned above, it is necessary to conduct research to find out what strategic priorities green companies need in Indonesia. This type of research is exploratory research. The research method used in this study is qualitative clustering through idea networking to obtain the strategic priorities of the company predicated on the green industry in Indonesia.
Green Industry, Concept Mapping, Strategic Priorities
Corresponding Author
Moch Faizal Rachmadi
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang 50229, Indonesia
The Indonesian government has determined tourism as the leading sector and top priority in the economy. Therefore, the government continues to develop local tourism, one of which is in Bakaran Kulon Village, Pati Regency, Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to develop the tourism potential of Bakaran Kulon Village, Pati Regency, Indonesia an integrated of edutourism package through the creation of platforms with optimal management of economic, tourism and environmental. In this region there are some superior tourism and become an icon of Pati Regency, such as batik bakaran, bandeng presto and many more. This local potential can be used as a vehicle for edutourism in improving the local economy. However, the obstacle is the absence of integrated technology optimization to developing the tourism potential. Therefore, DOKAR.COM as an innovative solution in overcoming these problems. The method used in this study is the RnD (Research and Development) method. Based on studies conducted it can be concluded that DOKAR.COM is feasible because it can participate in developing the local potential of Bakaran Kulon Village, Pati Regency, Indonesia in improving the economy of the local community.
edutourism; local potential Bakaran Kulon Village; regional economics; technology utilization; tourism development
Corresponding Author
Prof. Dr. Wahjoedi, M.E Wahjoedi
Universitas Negeri Malang
Innovation that has inspired sustainable economic activities in Industrial Age 4.0 was marked by the digitalization of economic activities of the community in production, consumption, and distribution, at national as well as global scale. Global economic activities facilitate the fulfillment of the needs of society at large; however, they also have the potentials to cause environmental problems. Sustainable economic activities might result in numerous problems of life of the community at large, covering socio-cultural, economic, and environmental dimensions. The dynamics of sustainable economic life are essentially driven by human behaviors, especially by the younger generation. The strategic step in preparing the nations young generation appears to be most effectively done through education. Real economic education should be designed to play a strategic role in preparing the millennial youth as economic actors who have attitudes and behaviors based on environmental insights. Therefore, an adaptation step is needed towards environmental economic learning innovation in the digital age of the economy. Learning innovations that must be the focus of attention concern philosophical problems, vision and mission, learning objectives, curriculum, methods, and learning media, as well as learning facilities and infrastructure. Besides that, it is also necessary to prepare educators who have a modern, adaptive and innovative mindset.
Sustainable Economic Education; Young Generation; Economic Environmental Perspectives
Economics Education (Accounting, Cooperative and Office Administration Education)
Corresponding Author
Arinal Muna
Accounting Departmen, Economic Faculty, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
Jalan Pemuda 32, Cirebon 45132, Indonesia
Village Financial System (Siskeudes) is a information system that assists village governments in report-ing financial reports transparently and accountably. On the other hand, Siskeudes cannot be optimal, moreo-ver various problems found in this system such as the delay of financial reporting and error recording. One of the factors of the problems is the incompatibility of tasks in operating the application. This study aims to analyze the causes and consequences of task mismatches by using task technology-fit model. The respon-dents in this research are thirty village officers who used Siskeudes from eleven villages in Cirebon. This study was analyzed using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The method of this study used Partial Least Square (PLS) using SmartPls 3.0. Moreover, the results of this study indicated that task of technology-fit model had a significance influence on Performance Impact. Villages that had tasks that are in accordance to Siskeudes operations, in this case the finance department who had a knowledge in the financial sector) had better levels of performance. However, the task characteristics do not have a significant effect on task tech-nology-fit because task characteristic of the government are based on the regulations and the law
Performance impact; Task characteristic; Task technology fit; Village financial system
Corresponding Author
Ayatulloh Michael Musyaffi
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
Village Financial System (Siskeudes) is a information system that assists village governments in report-ing financial reports transparently and accountably. On the other hand, Siskeudes cannot be optimal, moreo-ver various problems found in this system such as the delay of financial reporting and error recording. One of the factors of the problems is the incompatibility of tasks in operating the application. This study aims to ana-lyze the causes and consequences of task mismatches by using task technology-fit model. The respondents in this research are thirty village officers who used Siskeudes from eleven villages in Cirebon. This study was analyzed using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The method of this study used Partial Least Square (PLS) using SmartPls 3.0. Moreover, the results of this study indicated that task of technology-fit model had a significance influence on Performance Impact. Villages that had tasks that are in accordance to Siskeudes operations, in this case the finance department who had a knowledge in the financial sector) had better levels of performance. However, the task characteristics do not have a significant effect on task technology-fit be-cause task characteristic of the government are based on the regulations and the law
Performance Impact, Task Characteristic, Task Technology-Fit, Village Financial System
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Feriady
Universitas negeri Semarang
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors of teacherpreneurship teachers determination and their relation to innovation and teachers competitive advantage in the Disruption era. This study will adopt the Strategic Entrepreneur Model which is used to analyze the excellence of entrepreneurship in a company. The concept of teacherpreneurship is used to replace entrepreneurship in the world of education, in this case school as a company. The proposed model was also adapted from the theory of Strategic Entrepreneurship and Resource Base View (RBV) which emphasized the importance of the human resource component in organizational progress. The research method used refers to quantitative research with path analysis with a total sample of 187 respondents. The results of this study are that teacherpreneruship is able to contribute to improving the internal factors of the teacher in the form of teacher efficacy and Need for Achievement towards the power of innovation and teacher creativity in the era of disruption.
Teacherpreneruship, teacher, disruption, teacher efficacy
Economics Education (Accounting, Cooperative and Office Administration Education)
Corresponding Author
Kris Brantas Abiprayu
(a) (b) (c) Management Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang
As the investment activity in companies go, they surely will need a certain amount of fund to make sure they able to grab the investment opportunity they faced. There are many ways for company to acquire the fund they needed, using retained earnings as the way to exploit their internal finance is one way of it, and the other way is by issuing bond or stock. Within field of finance, there are two most contradicting theories which are pecking order theory and trade-off theory. Using the sample of public companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange, we examine the funding decision of all companies (exclude finance industry) in Indonesia. We find that, while large firms exhibit some aspect of pecking order behavior, the evidence is not robust to the inclusion of conventional leverage factors. Financing deficit is less important in explaining net debt issues over time for firms of all sizes.
Financing Decisions, Pecking Order Theory, Trade-off Theory
Corresponding Author
Rara Dzikrina Istighfaroh
School of Business and Management, Entrepreneurship, Bandung Institute of Technology – Indonesia
Most of business in the world, including Indonesia, consists of SMEs (around 99% of the total enterprises). With this large number of SMEs must be balanced with good performance in order to sustain and beneficial for the nation, considering their contribution that almost two-third of the national GDP. In this modern era, where everything is connected, we cannot assess SMEs performance solely on conventional products but also need to add other abilities from a founder to be able to bring the company to continue and growth. This, marketing, innovation, learning, and digital capabilities are the key capabilities for the firms in their efforts to achieve superior performance especially in Indonesia. Thus, this research aimed to investigate to what extend founder capabilities are effective on SME performance. To answer the research objective, this research used quantitative method. To assess SMEs performance through founder capabilities in doing marketing, innovation, learning, and digital, a survey was conducted. The samples for the surveys was drawn from difference group of SMEs (micro, small and medium) and across industrial sector, approximately 100 samples were gained for the study. The questionnaire from the survey then analyzed using multiple linear regression to investigate the effect of independent variables (marketing, innovation, learning, and digital capabilities) toward dependent variable (SMEs performance). The author also uses Somers- D for knowing about the effect of control variables (SME industry).
Small Medium Enterprise, SME performance, Innovation Capability, Learning Capability, Marketing Capability, Digital Capability
Corresponding Author
Elia Kalontong
Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Palangka Raya
The obstacles faced by the Regional Government both the Village Government and the District Government are the lack of control over the management of funds originating from Village Fund Allocation. So, the purpose of this study is to analyze the management funds and the use of village funds on regional development in Katingan Kuala District, Katingan Regency. The type of research used was qualitative descriptive research and used casual research methods with characteristics of causal relationship problems. The results of the research showed that the management of village funds in Katingan Kuala district was only shown for infrastructure development and repairment. Where the condition of the villages infrastructure was previously very alarming, but after the Village fund assistance in Katingan Kuala district, there appeared Village fund management activities in the form of physical development and infrastructure in Katingan Kuala district and experiencing changes. It was concluded that the management and the use of Village funds had a very large impact on regional development in Katingan Kuala District, Katingan Regency.
Impact, Management and the Use of Village Funds, Regional development.
Corresponding Author
Dandy Aldilax
abc) School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
The global trend of apparel industry is having positive correlation with Indonesia fashion retail trend. Since 2012 apparel industry has 3,50% market growth. Then it is steadily increasing until 2018 with 5.69% market growth, but in the next 2 years, apparel industry will reach its highest market growth with 6,16%. The current trend in fashion, some expert define two difference of fashion made. There are fast fashion and slow fashion. Recently, there has been growing in awareness among Indonesia consumer about environment make slow fashion product become more popular. However, there are lack of empirical evidence about Indonesian consumers- slow fashion purchase decision and environment-friendly attitudes. This research aim to investigate the influencing factor of slow fashion product purchase decision among Indonesian youth. Based on the result, researcher can determine influencing factor of slow fashion product purchase decision. This research used quantitative approach through questionnaire with total 250 respondents ranging age 18-24 in 3 major cities in Indonesia which is Bandung, Jakarta, and Surabaya. The data were analyzed by multi linear regression method to identify correlation. In investigating the influencing factors, researcher gain four hypothesis from literature review. The factor tested in this research are personal environmental norms, past environmental friendly behavior, green marketing, and peer influence in green context. The result of the study shown only peer influence in green context has significant correlation to slow fashion product purchase decision. This study is important to understand customer behaviour in slow fashion product and help marketer to find right marketing strategy. Moreover, result of the study could also improve and strengthen slow fashion brand business based on selected variable to be more competitive.
Purchase Decision;Slow Fashion;Indonesian Youth;Green Behaviour;Environmental Friendly Attitudes
Corresponding Author
Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Tourists are continuously searching for new trends, exciting ways of travelling and a variety of adrenaline rush experiences. Dark tourism is one of many examples of tourism products that able to fulfil these objectives. Although Malaysia has many dark tourism sites, they are not globally recognized yet and able to attract the international tourists. Many focused on the negative impacts of the sites rather than the potential benefits of the industry. Thus, this study is prepared to investigate the benefits of dark tourism among visitors. The study adapted a model from Kang, Scott, Lee, and Ballantyne (2012). Three factors including social benefits, learning benefits and psychological benefits were discussed. The findings have shown that dark tourism contributes sufficient benefits which may aid to the raid development of this tourism sector in the future.
dark tourism, paranormal, tourism trends, Malaysia
Corresponding Author
Vayolla naurah Shyfa
University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi Economy Faculty
Increasing the quantity of cooperatives in Indonesia is not in line with the quality of the cooperatives, especially the profitability level of cooperatives in Indonesia which is relatively low compared to MSMEs. The financial literacy that is now being promoted by the government has a fairly good contribution to the development of Indonesias economic business. This study aims to determine the correlation between financial literacy level of savings and loan cooperative members to the profitability of sukabumi city savings and loan cooperatives. Lending for the realization of sustainable development and cooperative reform. This research use a quantitative method, using data obtained from questionnaire and the data analysis of financial statements of the savings and loan cooperatives sukabumi city wich measured by Return on Equity and Return of Assets and then processed using SPSS 21 with a correlation test on the data. The independent variable of research is the level of financial literacy of cooperative members and the dependent variable, namely the profitability of savings and loan cooperatives. The sampling technique uses probability sampling, namely proportionate stratified random sampling to savings and loan cooperatives in Sukabumi. The lack of knowledge of financial literacy of cooperative members causes the cooperative profitability to be relatively low wich this problem cause many cooperative are disbanned.
Financial literacy, Profitability, Savings and Loan cooperatives,Return of Asset, Return of Equity
Economics Education (Accounting, Cooperative and Office Administration Education)
Corresponding Author
Adi Firman Ramadhan
Universitas Diponegoro
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of double job member of audit committee at remuneration committee on audit fees. This study refers to the Kalerkar (2012), by modifying the use of control variables and research samples. The dependent variables of this study is audit fees, the independent variable is double job in membership of audit committee at remuneration committee, this study also uses control variables to determine audit fees, there are audit risk, audit complexity, auditor characteristics, and audit committee characteristics. This study uses secondary data from annual reports and financial reports of all banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2014-2017. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling method. The total sample in this study is 41 companies. The analysis method used in this study is the multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that double job in membership of audit committee at the remuneration committee negatively affects the price of audit fees
Audit Fees, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Double job membership of audit committee at remuneration committee
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Hasyim Ibnu Abbas
a) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia, * muhammad.hasyim.fe[at]um.ac.id
b) Pusat Pelaporan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK), Jakarta, Indonesia
Internet technology as the basis of the 4.0 industrial revolution has made major changes for people in communicating and seeking information. Internet has made people easier to find information they need, even the smallest thing in their lives. Those easiness are often abused by irresponsible people by spreading false news, defamation, and hate speeches. Fake news, as known as Hoax, is a biggest problem that most often occurs in this digital era. With the increasing number of hoaxes spread, it raises the question of how someone actually considers making or spreading the news that false and tends to be slanderous. To answer the question, I, in this paper, use the economic approach. One of economic approaches which used to analyze criminal behavior is Game Theory. Using a game theoretic, this paper analyze the hoax from the economics perspective. The Inspection Game refined by Pradiptyo is the role model for the analysis. The game shows that any attempts to increase the severity of punishment will not certainly reduce the likelihood of the (potential) hoax creator to create hoax contents.
Hoax; Game Theory; Inspection Game
Corresponding Author
Azeria Ra Bionda
a) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia
This study aimed to describe the analysis effect of financial performance to cumulative returns of companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange before and after merger and acquisitions for the period of 2014-2018. The purpose of this study is providing the result of merger and acquisitions which is synergy and value added for the cumulative returns of the companies based on the calculation of financial ratio and cumulative returns of the companies before and after merger and acquisitions using event study approach. To calculate the financial performance of the companies, this study using the parameters of financial ratios such as; Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Current Ratio, Debt Ratio, Total Assets Turnover (TATO), and Tobin-s Q Ratio. Beside those financial ratios, this study also calculates the Cumulative Return of the companies with the period 30 days before and after merger and acquisitions.
Merger; Acquisitions; Return on Asset (ROA); Return on Equity (ROE); Current Ratio; Debt Ratio; Total Asset Turnover (TATO); Tobin-s Q Ratio; Cumulative Returns; Event Study
Corresponding Author
Oktavian Yodha Utama
STIE Bank BPD Jawa Tengah
Jalan Pemuda No.4A, Kauman, Kec. Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50139
This study aims to determine the effect of BI rate, USD to IDR exchange rates, and gold price on stock returns listed in the SRI KEHATI Index for the period January to December 2018. Based on the type of data, this research is quantitative research. The population in this research is all companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample is determined by using purposive sampling method with criteria such as companies that had entered to the SRI KEHATI index from January to December 2018, companies that entered to the SRI KEHATI index respectively from January to December 2018, companies that reported the 2018 monthly financial report, companies that were not suspended by the IDX during the study period so that obtained a sample of 23 companies with total data is 268. The data sources used in this study were obtained from the monthly statistics of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018. The analysis tool in this study is the classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing by using the SPSS program (Statistical Package for Social Science) 21. The results show that the BI rate has a significant positive effect on stock returns, the USD to IDR exchange rate has a significant negative effect on stock returns, and gold price does not have a significant effect on stock returns.
Stock Returns, BI Rate, USD to IDR Exchange Rate, Gold Price, SRI KEHATI Index.
Corresponding Author
Linda Agustina
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of company size, leverage, gross domestic product, and inflation rate on sharia stock return. Firm value was used as moderating variable to analyze the influence of firm size and leverage on sharia stock returns. These research populations are property and real estate companies listed in the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) in 2014-2017 as many as 53 companies. The samples were obtained by 38 companies with purposive sampling technique. The collection of data using documentation technique. The analysis of data used descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modeling with smart PLS. The results showed that firm size and leverage did not affect sharia stock return. Gross domestic product and inflation rate have a significant positive effect on sharia stock return. The firm value moderated the influence of leverage on sharia stock return but did not moderate the influence of firm size on sharia stock return. The conclusions of this study are gross domestic product, inflation rate, and firm value are factors that can be considered in making investment decisions. Further research is recommended to add independent variables.
Sharia Stock Return, Firm Size, Leverage
Corresponding Author
Lucky Adhitiya
a) University of Indonesia
b) University of Indonesia
At the moment the world market continues to change, sustainability pillars such as environment, economy and social justice have become part of marketing decision-making. Developing a marketing strategy in the midst of current environmental and economic issues has led to a focus on the importance of green marketing. Using the theory of consumption values and value-attitude-behavior model, this research proposes to explore the green consumer behavior for green products in Indonesia. Attitude toward green product and consumer values such as functional value (price and quality), social value, conditional value, epistemic value, emotional value, and environmental value were used to study the green consumer behavior for green products. This study developed a research model and empirically tested by collecting data from questionnaires that were distributed in Indonesia. Based on a sample of 200 respondents, the results indicate that only social value has a positive impact on green consumer behavior, functional value (price), functional value (quality), environmental value, conditional value, epistemic value, and emotional value do not influence green consumer behavior. As a mediator, attitude toward green product has a significant effect on epistemic value, environmental value, and emotional value. This confirms and significantly adds to the literature of green consumer behavior in a developing market.
Green products, Green consumer behavior, Value-attitude-behavior model, Theory of consumption values.
Corresponding Author
Dini Ika Septiani
School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology
Despite the higher contribution of Micro Small Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Indonesia economic growth most of MSME-s In Indonesia has a problem to scale up their business. An Intense competition become one of the reasons. In order to capture the current market a company should concern to determine the consumer purchase intention. However, customers purchase intention is a complex process. It is known that customers- price perception, perceived quality, and brand Image are factors that influence the purchasing intention of the product. The absence of owner knowledge in knowing customer perception toward the brand indicate to cause the low of customer intention to buy the product. This study discusses about the effects of Customers- Price Perception, Perceived Quality, and Brand Image on purchase intentions toward local shoe brand in Bandung, Indonesia with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Scale. The research using non-probability sampling data collection technique using slovin formula with error 10% with female respondents domiciled in Bandung and Jakarta. Results of this study show that Customers- Price Perception, Perceived Quality, and Brand Image has a significant result on purchase intentions in local shoe brand in Bandung.
purchasing intention, perceived quality, price perception, brand image, perception
Corresponding Author
Lizzy Dominica
Parahyangan Catholic University
The financial sector plays an important role in increasing a countrys economic growth, but the income gap is one of the main problems in economic growth in various countries. The financial sector has a strong influence on economic development, poverty alleviation and economic stability. This study aims to determine the effect of financial sector deepening on income inequality by using panel data from six countries, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, China and Korea which are divided into two groups, namely lower middle income countries namely Indonesia and the Philippines and upper middle / high income, namely Malaysia, Singapore, China and Korea in 2012-2016. By using the Panel Least Square analysis technique, this study found results that were upper middle / high income; bank assets, broad money, stock traded have a positive effect; lending to the private sector; domestic money bank assets, private sector debt securities and stock market capitalization have a negative effect. Whereas in upper middle / high income countries; bank assets, JUB, stock market capitalization have a negative effect; stock traded has a positive effect; however, lending to the private sector, domestic money bank assets, government debt and private sector debt does not affect the income gap.
Financial Deepening, Income Gap, Asia
Corresponding Author
Dani Satria Nuraman
Parahyangan Catholic University
Income inequality is one of the problems faced by developing countries including Indonesia. An effort that is believed to be able to overcome this problem is financial inclusion. Financial inclusion is all efforts aimed to eliminate all forms of price and non-price barriers towards people access to utilize financial services. Higher financial inclusion is expected to encourage an easier access to financial services for the communities, especially for the low income people who have limited access to financial services. This study use the panel least square method with secondary data of 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2015 to 2017. The Gini ratio is used as a proxy for the income inequality, while financial inclusion is illustrated by the ratio of outstanding loans of small and medium enterprises to the total outstanding loan at commercial banks. This study aims to see the impact of financial inclusion on income inequality in 33 provinces in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that inclusion affects negatively and significantly on the gini ratio, which means that the increase in financial inclusion can reduce the income inequality.
Income Inequality, Financial Inclusion, Indonesia
Corresponding Author
Mulyo Agung
Pandu Madania, Economics High School
Accountability is an important issue in Indonesian government. The present study aims to further analyze performance accountability issue in regional governments in Indonesia, which is affected by the quality of financial reports. The fact shows that regional governments in Indonesia have low performance accountability. This study attempts to attest for or against the statement through testing whether or not financial reporting quality has an effect on regional governments- performance accountability. Subjects of the study are 40 Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD/Regional Government-s Work Units) of Regencies/Cities in Indonesia. Survey is the research methodology implemented. Hypothesis is analyzed and tested using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The findings show that good Financial Reporting Quality will improve Performance Accountability of regional governments in Indonesia, with positive path coefficient.
Financial Reporting Quality, Regional Government-s Performance Accountability
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