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The 3rd International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.27 for 3 days in Jakarta |

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The Island Tourism Entrepreneurship Model Based on BUMDes In Sumenep Regency
Faidal, Mohammad Arief, Muhammad Asim Asy-ari

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Faidal faidal

Universitas Trunojoyo

In the global competitiveness, theres a lot of economic agents who actively participate in the process of growth and development village. One of the program being intensively promoted by the Ministry of Home Affairs is BUMDesa, as the driving force of the village economics. This study aims to strengthen the models of tourist entrepreneur community in developing the potential of maritime tourism based on BUMDes. To analyze a customers views to the tourist attractions, this research used IPA method (Importance Performance Analysis), with an indicator of attraction, tourist attractions, facilities, attraction, culinary also institutional. Meanwhile, to find the level of interests or need (importance) of the community towards maritime tourism, will be analyzed with the descriptive quantitative methods. The results show that there are several factors supporting that can develop the maritime, namely the tourist attraction, infrastructure, community participation, institutions, investment opportunities, quality environment, resources protection, policy, and marketing. Based on that finding, the tourism development strategy could be focuses on the locally resources, including the tourism development planning, institutions, facilities and infrastructures, management cultivation, marketing, the role of the community, also research and development. To description the level of interest from stakeholders that must be fulfilled the tourism based BUMDes, that the traffic Regional Work Unit the role in the development of the tourism based BUMDes.

Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Island, BUMDes, Importance Performance Analisis (IPA)

Human Resource Management


The link between market orientation, service quality and customer satisfaction
Ni Made Wahyuni (a*), Putu Ngurah Suyatna Yasa (b), Ni Wayan Sitiari (c)

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Ni Made Wahyuni

Warmadewa University

As the world population grows, tourism has become the cornerstone of the global economy. This study aims to analyze the relationship between market orientation (MO) on service quality (SQ) and customer satisfaction (CS) as well as its impact on organizational performance (OP) in the context of sustainable tourism destinations in Bali. Furthermore, the study also explores the mediating effect of service quality on the relationship between market orientation and customer satisfaction. A total of 37 managers of tourist destination areas with more than three years of experience participated in this research in the Bali region. The data collection technique was carried out with a self-administered questionnaire survey. PLS-based structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The results showed that MO significantly influenced SQ, MO influenced SC, MO influenced organizational performance, SQ influenced CS. Interestingly, SQ partially mediates the relationship between MO and SQ. This study provides practical implications for senior managers by implementing market orientation and service quality as a competitive strategy of tourist destination areas to influence customer satisfaction and the yields of business operations. This paper empirically provides an understanding of the implementation of market orientation practices to improve service quality levels and strengthen satisfaction models. There are very few similar studies in the context of Bali tourism services and this paper offers managers knowledge to improve customer satisfaction by implementing market-oriented behavior and effective service quality practices.

Customer satisfaction; Market orientation; Service quality



The liquidity contagion in the ASEAN-5
Friska Amelia Pratiwi , Zaafri Ananto Husodo

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Friska Amelia Pratiwi

Universitas Indonesia

This paper aimed to analyze the role of liquidity channel in the spread of external shock in ASEAN-5, that consist of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Philippines. In purpose to see the linkage of market liquidity across countries, the authors used Granger causality. Data were divided into 4 sub-period ( Pre crisis period, Crisis period, Transition period, and Post crisis period), to implement the causality methodology. The crisis had impact on underlying the microstructure foundation and can lead to the flight to quality phenomenon, where investors move their asset from the risky one to the safe and liquid assets. The result showed that there was an increase of cross-market linkage in liquidity channel after the crisis period.

contagion ; liquidity ; flight to quality ; stock markets; financial integration



The Millennilas and The SDGs 2030 at Higher Education Institution in Indonesia: Why Should Graduate Students at Telkom University Care About It?
1) Ratna Lindawaty Lubis; 2) Andi Ahmad Irfa

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Ratna Lindawati Lubis

Faculty of Economics and Business
Telkom University

Millennials, or people born between 1981 and 1996, make up the largest portion of the world population and have different traits than other generational cohorts. In 2015, PEW Research Center findings showed that 34% of millenials do not identify with a religion. Millennials believe in human rights more than religion. In connecting with spirituality, they believe in the concept that all human beings are equal. They feel a deep sense of connection in helping each other regardless of gender, race, religion, or political affiliation. They want to defend their future and the planet, which is leading them to choose firms that embrace sustainability. Natural-product consumerism and anything that connects them with nature appeals them. With increased attention being paid to the role of millennials during a time of critical change in Indonesia, this research emphasizes the importance of student specific action and understanding on the implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030) through their learning activities at Telkom University Indonesia, focusing on ecopreneurship and sociopreneurship courses. The ecopreneurship and sociopreneurship concept provides the millennials with ideas, actions and starting points towards a sustainable world. This research is aimed to illustrate the graduate students- perceptions of how the SDGs 2030 create an initiative to view and assess the potential of resources and opportunities with the target of bringing for-profit ventures into existence through their environmental and social lenses.

ecopreneurship, sociopreneurship, millennials, sustainable development goals 2030, graduate students



The Priority Scale of Corporate Culture of Pt. Krakatau Daya Listrik
Dr. Daenulhay

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Daenulhay -

Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang

In the age of hyper-competition, internal strengthening such as strengthening corporate culture or improving service quality (servqual) must be carried out continuously, otherwise, you may go out from the business. Anticipating those situation, Pt.. krakatau daya listrik which is providing energy supply, services, and distributors of gas, carried out a cultural transformation, which was originally professional, harmony and integrity into execution, newness, efficient, reliable, grateful, and integrity (energi). The board of directors is developing an cultural socialization program, and for this, it is necessary to rank the cultural dimension of energi, then the cultural socialization program is carried out continuously in accordance with the budget, human resources, and company facilities. using the analytic hierarchy process from Thomas L. Saaty, which is start with the decomposition process, comparative judgement, and logic consistency, produces a priority ranking of corporate culture consecutively are integrity, reliability, execution, grateful, efficient, and newness.

Keywords: Hyper-Competition, Corporate Corporation, Service Quality, Combine Cycle, AHP, Decomposition, Comparative Judgement, Logic Consistency.

Strategic Management


Budi Wijaya, Bustanul Arifin Noer

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Budi Wijaya

Departemen Manajemen Teknologi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya

The problem of turnover is experienced by many companies, including PT. WG. Head office of PT. WG has the highest rate of turnover among all locations of PT. WG. This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and the relationship between leaders and the employees (Leader-Member Exchange - LMX) on employee turnover intention at the Head Office of PT. WG. It also aims to provide input to the management of PT. WG regarding things that need to be done to improve job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and LMX. This study uses a correlational method with primary data collected using a survey method in the form of a questionnaire. Collected data will be analyzed the suitability of the model with the hypothesis that has been proposed. Based on research that has been done, it was found that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and LMX have a significant effect on turnover intention. Therefore PT. WG needs to pay attention to factors that influence job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In addition, leaders also need to pay attention to their relationships with subordinates. It is expected to reduce employee turnover intention at the Head Office of PT. WG.

job satisfaction, organizational commitment, leader-member exchange, turnover intention

Human Resource Management


The Role of City Branding And Event Tourism In Affecting The Images of The City And Decision of Tourists To Visiting Sumenep Regency
Lailatus Sadiya (1), Nurita Andriani (2)

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Nurita Andriani

1) Departement Management,
Faculty of Economics And Business Trunojoyo Madura University
2) Departement Management,
Faculty of Economics And Business Trunojoyo Madura University

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of city branding and tourism events on the image of the city and the decision to visit tourists to Sumenep Regency. This study conducts quantitative research design with type of research is explanatory research. The sample used was domestic and foreign tourists who had visited a tourism event in Sumenep Regency. The sampling technique using Purpossive Sampling with a total sample of 100 respondents. Analysis tools used with descriptive statistic analysis and SEM analysis. Location of research in Sumenep Regency. The result of this study shows that city branding variable had a positive and significant influence to tourism visiting decisions. City branding has a significant positive effect on city image and has an impact on improving tourist visiting decisions. In addition, tourism events affect the image of the city and have an impact on increasing tourist visiting decisions. City branding is the biggest variable in influencing the increase of tourist visiting decisions in Sumenep Regency. This is demonstrated by the Government of Sumenep Regency further strengthening the position of city branding, by publishing and promoting "Sumenep The Soul of Madura" and Sumenep Batik Festival by synergizing with tourism businesses to develop tourism in Sumenep Regency so that tourist visits to Sumenep Regency increase . The most important thing for the government is to get tourists to visit again.

City branding, Tourism events, City image, Tourist visit decisions



Visoline Ivaprilda Br Sinisuka S.T. (a*), Dr. Ayi Ahadiat S.E., M.B.A (b), Dr. Nova Mardiana, S.E., M.M (b)

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Visoline Ivaprilda Sinisuka

a) Lampung University,
Jl. S. Brojonegoro No. 1 Bandar Lampung,
b) Master of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business, Lampung University, pascammfeb[at]

The company has a goal to meet market demand, increase competitiveness and improve performance. Achievement of these goals shows the results of the work owned by resources, especially from HR so that many companies implement HR management systems as a way to maximize the ability of employees to improve performance towards organizational optimization. One step in HR management is to make sure they are satisfied with their work. Job satisfaction as a positive or negative attitude towards work so that if an employee feels satisfied, he will contribute optimally. Job satisfaction is also assessed from the suitability of the work with the personality of the person who is doing it, so that in carrying out work rotation, the company needs to pay attention to this further. This research was conducted in the Wilayah Telkom Lampung with the achievement in 2018 of 90.27%. The percentage of employees experiencing job rotation during 2018 is 23% of total employees and the level of job satisfaction is 90% on work rotation. This is a concern even though employees are satisfied with work rotation, but 94% employee performance is only categorized as P3. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of job rotation on performance, determine the effect of job rotation on job satisfaction, determine the effect of job satisfaction on performance and determine the role of job satisfaction as a mediator between job rotation on performance. The design of this study is causal research by seeking explanations in the form of a causal relationship between several variables. The analysis approach uses a quantitative data collection approach that examines the population with the method of collecting data using a questionnaire. Questionnaire measurement uses a Likert scale with 68 respondents. Analysis of data processing in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis to see the distribution of data, and in this study there are mediating variables that theoretically can affect the causal relationship between independent variables and dependent variables so that they are further processed using regression analysis of the Causal Step method and Product Coefficients.

Job Rotation, Job Satisfaction, Performance, Causal Step, Product of Coefficient

Human Resource Management


The SDGs 2030 on Education and Ecopreneurship: Why Does This Matter for Telkom University Indonesia?
1) Ratna Lindawaty Lubis; 2) Yassir Aulia

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Ratna Lindawati Lubis

Faculty of Economics and Business
Telkom University

Education has a decisive impact on changes in the way that societies are coping with national, regional, and global challenges and opportunities brought by sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goal on Education (SDG 4) brings attention to the content of education and tackles issues at the heart of education policy and curricula development in Indonesia. The SDG 4 contains the most comprehensive and ambitious objectives for global education ever attempted, and reflects education challenges of great relevance to Telkom University including lifelong learning, equity and curriculum content to help foster a sustainable future. Meanwhile, the research topic of ecopreneurship in education is growing and new questions emerge, whilst others remain unanswered. In the context of Telkom University, through its Institutional Strategic Plan – so-called RENIP – for the period of 2013 to 2038, the institution provides a framework to work towards the global entrepreneurial university, by searching for new solutions and knowledge related to the entrepreneurship. Parallel to this, a growing number of research papers are recognizing the relevance of the content of education to the ecopreneurial ecosystems agenda. Nonetheless, doubts have also been expressed as to the legitimacy and maturity of ecopreneurial ecosystems in shaping SDGs 2030 agenda at Telkom University. By following the main trends within the academic debate, this paper provides insights into the defining the lifelong learning, equity and curriculum content to help foster a sustainable future. The authors provide an overview of research issues that could be explored in the future.

ecopreneurship, ecopreneurial ecosystems, sustainable development goals 2030, curriculum content



The spatial concept as a brand identity: A research of three coffee shops in Java
Annisa Luthfia Larasati, Adi Zakaria Afiff

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Annisa Luthfia Larasati

Master of Management, University of Indonesia

Brand identity as an intangible existence has a robust perception in the mind of customer, in this case is the F&B industry. The physical evidence of servicescape plays a major role in delivering their brand by creating a concept that lies within. The way of concept has a very close relationship with space in architecture. The way of space is built by concept with its elements; it creates their identity through spatial concept as well as marketing telling stories through experience. This paper-s purpose is to examine experience through experiential marketing in servicescape of three well-design cafes by renowned architects in Java, Indonesia. The components of the research are experiencing process of customer towards experiental value that leads to customer satisfaction. The methodology consists of in-depth interviews with all of the object-s architects and owners to match the brand identity and their spatial concept that will be the basis of twelve hypotheses of customer experience. Furthermore, marketing will not be enough to tell only by customer orientation, but also the sense of space that creates an intertwined story inside.

Brand Identity, Spatial Concept, Servicescape, experiental marketing, customer satisfaction



Understanding Banking Business Ecosystem A Case Studiesy in : A National Bank in Timor-Leste
Siska Noviaristanti and Fernando Belo

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Belo Fernando

Telkom University Bandung Indonesia

This study aims to explore the banking business ecosystem in Timor Leste by idetifing actors, the relationships, the value creation between them, and developing business ecosystem map. Current condition of Timor Leste-s banking system is the banking system consist of 4 foreign banks and one national bank. In addition there are other financial institutions like fintech and financial cooperatives, doing business such as money transfer, currency exchange, insurance, and agency deposit. This is a qualitative descriptive study using primary and secondary data. The data analysis techniques followed qualitative method of Miles and Huberman and also Conversional Strategy Value Analysis Model for the mapping the ecosystem to identifying roles, delivers and transactions. Based on Value Network Analysis can be concluded that there is a good relationship between the parties involved in the banks ecosystem, but there are some parties who do not perform their roles properly. This will impact to high risks, costs and unbenefits relation. Therefore it is necessary to have cooperation between all parties involved in the ecosystem and it is recommended to the government to stipulate a digital law and a credit guarantee law in order to guarantee the business activities of banks. The government needs to cooperate with fiber optic companies in order to facilitate bank operations in serving customers digitally.

Banks, Value Network Analysis and Business Ecosystem

Strategic Management


Use Case Points Integrated to Scrum Framework for Software Development Cost and Effort Estimations
Lia Ninda Safitri (a*), M. Isa Irawan (b)

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Lia Ninda Safitri

a) Departement of Information Technology Management,
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Cokroaminoto 12 A, Surabaya 60264, Indonesia *lianindasafitri[at]
b) Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Data Science, Keputih, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

Effort and cost management are important factors that determine the success of the software development project. Effort-based cost estimation has to be transparent and accountable. Use Case Points provides effort method using Object-Oriented Programming. In Indonesia, Agile-Scrum as development framework and Object-Oriented Programming as programming method have been widely used. Use Case Points integrated with Scrum Framework has been used to calculate effort estimation. Application of Use Case Points integrated with Scrum Framework to calculate cost estimation is something new. This research demonstrates how Use Case Points integrated with Scrum framework can be used to calculate the cost estimation of software development.

Use Case Points, Scrum Framework, Cost Estimation, Effort Estimation, Software Development



Kusuma Ratnawati

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Kusuma Ratnawati

Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

This research is aimed to analyse volatility spillover in stock market, foreign exchange, and bond market in ten developing countries in Asia, consisting of Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, and India within the period of January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2016. The analysis method for the data required in this research employed Trivariate GARCH Model and The Cholesky Decomposition, assisted by software E-views8. The variables in this research comprised stock market (X1), foreign exchange (X2), and bond market (X3). The stock market was set as a proxy for daily closing share price index in each country, the foreign exchange served as a proxy for daily closing exchange rate in each country against USD, and the bond market-s proxy of ten-year daily government bond price in each country was for previous closing price. The result showed that there was volatility spillover in financial markets across the ten countries in Asia for stock market, foreign exchange, and bond market. It indicates that the trends in foreign exchange rate, share and bond prices in each country are influential to the trends in foreign exchange rate, share and bond prices in other countries.

volatility spillover, stock market, foreign exchange, bond market



Warehouse Selection Using Center-of-Gravity Method in Minimizing Transportation Cost
Cecilia Lukardi, Mohammad Hamsal

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Cecilia Lukardi

University of Indonesia, Bina Nusantara University

Warehouse selection is a key part in distribution business as it related directly with the company-s service level and cost of the operations. The failure of choosing good warehouse will impact the company-s inability to meet customers- expectation and its financial condition if the costs expended do not meet the expected return. Consequently, it is important to put proper considerations in place before deciding the selected warehouse. By involving the Indonesia branch of a global chemical distributor company as the research subject, this research aims at minimizing transportation cost in selecting a warehouse. In achieving the objective, Center-of-Gravity which also widely known as Centroid method is particularly used, assisting location decision by exploring the spatial distribution of delivery destinations (customers). Aside from that, the weight to each destination also an integral part of the consideration, with the goal of serving more small-to-medium customers. The goal of minimizing transportation costs is translated as minimizing distance to customers due to the directly proportionate nature between distance and transportation costs. This study will generate a set of coordinate points, showing the exact location where total distance to customers are the least as the answer to the research objective.

Center-of-Gravity, location decision, spatial distribution

Operation Management


Whistleblowing: The Role of Individual and Situational Factors to the Intention to Report Wrongdoings in Public Sectors
Devies Citrasari Budiutami (a), Ayu Aprilianti (b)

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Devies Citrasari Budiutami

Universitas Indonesia

Whistleblowing is believed to have an important role as a social control mechanism to reduce misconduct in the workplace. To prevent violations and abuse of authority in administrative and financial practices in government agencies, a good whistleblowing system needs to be developed. This research was conducted to investigate the relationship between ethical leadership and moral courage to whistleblowing intentions in government agencies. The result from a sample of 239 public sector employees support the premise that ethical leadership and moral courage affect whistleblowing intention. Further, ethical leadership is discovered has an indirect effect on whistleblowing intentions through moral courage. The results of this study are expected to provide input on improving whistleblowing systems in government agencies.

ethical leadership, ethical climate, moral courage, whistleblowing

Human Resource Management


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