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Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.22 for 2 days in Bandung |

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Community Economic Empowerment Based on Zakat Funds
Sri Fadilah, Mey Maemunah, Nopi Hernawati

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Sri Fadilah

Accounting Study Program of Unisba

The background of the study is West Java Province as a province with a large population and has 27 areas of cities with all kinds and cultures and the advantages of the region into the wealth of West Java. West Java still has economic and social problems, namely unemployment and poverty that must be resolved. There is something that should be a major concern, especially in distributing zakat is how zakat in having a high socio-economic value. Indeed, every zakat institution has unique programs, but generally the program fields are almost the same. The purpose of the study is to describe Community Economic Empowerment Based on Zakat Funds. The research method used is a case study with a descriptive analysis approach. The technique of collecting data is observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study were community economic empowerment based on zakat funds, consist of the stages of mental development, group activities, capacity building activities. The conclusion of this study is that the field of study is the social field, the economic field of SME development and the economic field of cooperative development.

Community Empowerment, Zakat and Zakat Funds



Community Movement to Build Awareness on Hiv-Aids.
Nova Yuliati, Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Mochammad Rochim

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Nova Yuliati

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Bandung.

Every woman must understand and play an active role in every effort to prevent the spread of Hiv-Aids. For this reason, efforts are needed to improve the quality of life of women and improve the quality and activity of womens organizations.. Citizens Care for Aids (WPA) is a form of community participation to respond to Hiv-Aids in Indonesia, where the community has spearheaded community-based organizations that approach Hiv-Aids around their settlements. Women are the most active community group in the WPA community movement. This movement forms a community that has the readiness, ability and willingness to participate in preventing and overcoming the problems posed by Hiv-Aids. The study was conducted at 4 (four) Districts in the City of Bandung. Indonesia. The results of this study show the transformation of citizens into community movements, communication competency in the Aids care citizen movement, and communication approach within the WPA Community Movement Keywords—community, communication competency, Hiv-Aids, WPA.

Community, women, hiv_aids, and health communication,



Construction of the Authority of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency in Indonesia
Nuzul Rahmayani (a*), Eman Suparman (b), Jawade Hafidz (c)

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Corresponding Author
Nuzul Rahmayani

(a) Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, Indonesia
email: nuzullaw05[at]
(b) Padjajaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
(c) Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, Indonesia

According to Article 49 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, the Government forms a Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency (BPSK) in each Regency/City for the resolution of disputes between business actors and consumers outside the court. BPSK is a very strategic institution in consumer protection. However, there are a number of weaknesses in regulating the authority of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency that do not reflect the value of justice in society. For example, regarding the concept of consumer dispute resolution by choice; The BPSKs decisions are not final and binding. In addition, there were also a number of obstacles and problems related to the implementation of the authority of the BPSK, such as: there are still BPSK who accept disputes outside their relative authority; Implementation of the concept of arbitration at BPSK that is not in accordance with the concept of arbitration according to Law Number 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution; Cancellation of almost all BPSK arbitration awards by the Supreme Cour. This condition will certainly not make BPSK optimal in carrying out its role and function in the consumer protection system in Indonesia.

Authority, Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency



Dedeh Fardiah, Ferry Darmawan, Rini Rinawati

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Dedeh Fardiah

Universitas Islam Bandung

The negative impact of mass media can lead to deviant behavior from social norms or cultural values, such as many cases have emerged lately. But in the millennium era, people generally consider it not to be in violation of the norms, but rather to be part of the current mass trend. Also, the rapid development of mass media and internet that can be enjoyed easily results in people tending to think practically. Another impact is the tendency to increase the lifestyle of consumerism. People now always overwhelmed with feelings of dissatisfaction and like an instant lifestyle. Change behavior patterns caused by mass media can occur in the family, school, and community life. Socio-psychologically, the flow of information that continues to hit our lives will cause various influences on the development of the soul, especially children, and adolescents. Radio and Television is one of the broadcast mass communication in addition to print and online media. The fact shows that the media that is still loved by the public is television, this condition is clearly understandable because based on research in several countries shows that television viewing activity is the main activity in spending time relaxing each individual. Todays many parents turn over their nurture to television. From an early age, children are exposed to various kinds of television shows. Parents who have a high understanding of media literacy may not cause problems, because, for those with high literacy, they are able to sort and choose television shows that are appropriate for their level of development, but for parents who low understanding of literacy will cause problems. This happens because parents are not selective in choosing shows that are suitable for children. Though television shows that are not appropriate to the age of the child can form negative characters. This study uses the descriptive method and the object research is the contribution of media literacy in creating healthy broadcast care communities. The population this research is the people who are members of broadcast monitoring volunteers fostered by the Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPID) of West Java Province in 2018.

media literacy, broadcast monitoring volunteer, broadcasting



Corporate Social Responsibility in ASEAN: Study on ASEAN CSR Network
M. Hunsi Syam (a), Arinto Nurcahyono (b), Eka An Aqimuddin (c*), Erik Setiawan (d)

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Corresponding Author
M. Husni Syam

a) Head of ASEAN Studies Centre UNISBA,
b) Faculty of Law, UNISBA
c) Faculty of Law, UNISBA
d) Faculty ofCommunication Science, UNISBA

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate obligation to give back society social welfare. Currently, several studies only focus on corporate commitment in doing CSR, only few that focuses on institution that advocate CSR. This research wants to examine ASEAN CSR Network (ACN), as one institution that advocates CSR in regional level. By this research, authors would like to map CSR practices in regional level so that in long term can formulate CSR model that suitable within ASEAN Community. The research use juridical normative and communication method. Legal science used to discover provisions related to CSR in ACN and compare to norm in international law, more over communication science used to study behavior and perceptions of corporation in doing CSR




Rini Irianti S, Deddy Effendy, Nurul Chotijah

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Rini Irianti Sundary

Law Faculty, Bandung Islamic University

The village has a strategic position as a spearhead as well as a benchmark in implementing and evaluating the national development integrally. In organizing the village government there is a village device that is one of which is the village consultative Agency (BPD) as an institution that carries out the function of democratic government. This research aims to find clarity about the position of BPD in the implementation of democracy at the village level, and analyzing the implementation of the BPD function in the establishment of village regulation. The study was conducted using a normative juridical method of approach, which prioritizes secondary data as the primary source coupled with primary data as complementary. Data analysis is done qualitatively, which is based on theory of law, concept, doctrine, and legislation. The BPD position is a democratic embodiment in the village, which has joint duty with the village head to plan and establish policies in implementing government and Village development. BPD is also a community representative in this matter can participate in the supervision of development and village governance. BPD as a consultative body derived from the village community, has the function of one of the functions of establishing a village regulation which serves as a representation institution of society. In connection with the function of establishing village regulations, Colaboration between BPD with the village head set the village rules in accordance with the aspirations that come from society, but not all aspirations of the community can be set in the form of regulations Villages but have to go through various processes,

Country consultative Institution, rule, aspirations, village government

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Ani Yuningsih & Maman Suherman

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Ani Yuningsih

Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung

Health literacy of urban communities in Indonesia is generally still relatively low. Stunting problems, high maternal mortality rates, tuberculosis, non-communicable diseases, and complete basic immunization coverage, are strategic issues that are a priority for health development, because they are considered still dangerous. The five health problems in the community occurred due to the low health literacy. Social awareness, understanding, and prevention of health problems, can be done by promoting health and counseling and empowering public health. Especially for urban communities in developing countries including Indonesia, health promotion and education can be done through creative publicity. The research method for elaborating and assessing problems is a correlational method for discovering the effectiveness of publicity utilization by hospitals on public health literacy. Creative utilization of various types of communication media and creative content packaging is needed in health publicity. Publicity as a part of health promotion, is one of the performance of all hospitals in West Java, and is part of the performance of the Office of Health in Indonesia. The results shows that the publicity has a significant effect in building the health literacy of urban communities, but not for people on the coast and mountains. The media used for publicity is not optimal, and the content is not yet creative. Coverage and publicity collaboration with the media is also still not a priority program of the hospital. The strategic model for the creative use of publicity was found as a result of research and recommendations for communication media users in health sector.

health promotion, publicity, health literacy



Andhita Nurul Khasanah, Temi Damayanti Djamhoer, Stephani Raihana Hamdan, Sulisworo Kusdiyati

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Stephani Raihana Hamdan

Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Islam Bandung,
Jl. Tamansari No 1 Bandung 40116

The existence of children with special needs is still need our attention. The reality that we found that many teachers do not have the knowledge to understand the condition of students, especially those with special needs who have developmental disorders. Its urgent to have early detection of children with special needs at the level of early education so that detection is done early so that proper handling can be done right from the start. In fact, there are still many PAUD teachers who have difficulty in recognizing children with special needs with various characteristics (Adnan, et al, 2012). Difficulties in early detection of children with special needs are only identified after they attend elementary school education and the problems are more complicated (Rosiana, et al, 2014). Based on this urgency, we should designing the training that can help improve the ability of teachers to early detection of children with special needs. The early detection in the context of providing appropriate educational services so as to avoid learning problems in the future (Lerner, 2008; Directorate of PSLB, 2007; Yusuf 2005). This article illustrates the study of designing training intervention that are arranged so that teachers are able to increase understanding of children with special needs, improve the ability to identify various types of child development disorders so that they are able to refer children with special needs to experts. The design of this training is expected to be applied to PAUD teachers so improve the ability to carry out the process of early detection of children with special needs.

Early Detection, Children with special needs, teacher, training



Determinants of Non-Performing Financing in the Short- and Long-Run: Evidence from Indonesian Islamic Banks
Tasya Aspiranti, Ima Amaliah

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Ima Amaliah


The development of Islamic banks in Indonesia is quite rapid, but unfortunately the risk of non-performing financing (NPF) in Islamic banks is also great in number. This study aims at identifying determinant factors of NPF in the short- and long-run. To this end, quarterly financial statements of 13 Islamic Banks in Indonesia published by Indonesian financial services authority (OJK) from June 2014 to January 2018 are analyzed using error correction model (ECM). It is revealed that capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is the most contributing factor to NPF in the long-run. In the short-run, it is net operating margin (NOM) that contributed most to NPF. In order to minimize NPF risks, Islamic banks must diversify their assets into productive assets and not rely on profit sharing, but also from other income generating portfolios. Islamic Bank need to apply the four eyes principles to minimize the risk of NPF. It is necessary for Islamic banks to form special team tasked with financing analysis, proposal screening, proposal verification, and field checking.

Non-Performing Financing, Islamic Banks

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Determination of Village Fund Allocation
Dr Sanidjar Pebrihariati.R, S.H.,M.H

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Sanidjar Pebrihariati R

Faculty of Law, Bung Hatta University, in Padang City

ABSTRACT Specifically regarding the Village, arranged In Law Number 6 Year 2014 regarding Village. From 34 provinces in the Republic of Indonesia, divided into each district / city. Based on these descriptions, the authors are interested in researching "Determination of Village Fund Allocation". The problem of writing: 1) How is the classification of Allocation of village funds according to Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Villages?, 2) Is the allocation of village funds increased in village development? 3) Who is responsible for the Village Fund Allocation if there is no Village Administration in the area? This writing uses a normative legal approach.The types of data are secondary data, and analyzed by using qualitative analysis. Conclusion: 1) Distribution of Village Fund Allocation to Village Government 30% for Village Apparatus Interests and 70% for Community Empowerment in Village Government. 2). The basic thing that should be done by the village apparatus is to make medium / long term planning by focusing on one or two programs/activities that can contribute greatly to the community. 3). A dynamics of the allocation of village funds, the Government should have conducted a juridical review and historical review of the policy of the Village Fund Allocation.

Allocation, Of village funds, the Government



Zusmelia, Ansofino, Yosi Eka Puteri, Nilma Desrirosya

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Ansofino, M.Si Ansofino

Economic and Sociology Department, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat,
Jl. Gunung Pangilun, No. 1 Padang, 25144.

ABSTRACT The focus of the research is to explain the types and diversity of creative industry businesses, the creative economy, interacting with each other in forming their business networks, creating business agglomeration. Analyze the linkages and business networks that shape agglomeration and encourage economic growth. The research method is the panel data method with five destination regions during the 2015-2017 period. The estimation method uses Pooled least square (PLS) and fixed effect method (FEM) through testing the model with a likelihood ratio. The results showed that the most dominant form of creative industry business in West Sumatra was the super creative business group, most of whom were Educator Workers, Librarians, Trainers and researchers, arts, sports and entertainment media workers who accounted for 74% of the total creative industry workforce. there is. Creative professional groups consisting of technical workers, salesman nurses more or less reach 26%. The largest is spread in the city of Padang and Bukittinggi. Changes in the concentration of industrial clusters have a positive impact on regional innovation and economic growth, an increase in the intensity of the use of R&D has a positive impact on regions with concentrations of industrial clusters, a negative impact on regions that do not yet have a creative industry cluster. The more agglomeration of industrial business is created due to the creative industry business cluster, the more positive it is on economic growth. Conversely, if industrial clusters are not yet formed, it will have a negative impact on regional innovation and regional economic growth

Creative Industries, Regional innovation, Economic Growth

Development Studies


Development of media literacy Groups for SMK YPC Cintawana Singaparna Tasikmalaya
Kiki Zakiah (a*), Askurifai (b), Dian Widya Putri (c)

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Corresponding Author
Kiki Zakiah

a) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamasari No. 1 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
* kikizakiahdarmawan[at]
b) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamasari No. 1 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
* askuri.fai[at]
c) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamasari No. 1 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
* dianwidyaputrisy[at]

The Principal of SMK YPC Cintawana realizes that students experience communication barriers such as the ability to interact, present and express themselves either directly or through the media even though the ability to make communication media products is reliable. Problem solving offered by the PKM team is direct and indirect communication literacy education (media).The method of forming communication literacy groups through three stages of selection. The first selection tested communication knowledge on 50 students. 20 people have the value required to attend training. For two days students were given communicative communication skills, media literacy, and vlogs. The material was delivered with lecture, discussion and role playing methods. Where as communicative vlog material also uses practice methods. The results of the training are retested with a test of knowledge and product results. Selected 7 students with good grades. They were included in radio announcer training organized by Community Radio Unisba and TV journalism training held by CNN Bandung in Trans Studio.The results of this PKM have formed a media literacy group at SMK YPC that functions to develop communication skills, create media products, spread them to other students through social media. The YPC Vocational School also, with this group, activated the school TV and began reactivating the school radio. The output of PKM is an International Seminar article (SoRES), documentation of activities on You tube and news of activities in PR Daily.

Group, Communication, Literacy, Media



Agus Halimi (a)*, Arif Hakim (b), Ayi Sobarna (b)

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Agus Halimi

Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Ranggagading No. 8 Bandung Indonesia

Social economics observer Alvin Toffler said when the economy was supported by the industrial and factory sectors, the order of family life began to feel the pressures of change. The impact felt by the people of Indonesia, most parents become workers, so the practice of the value of character education, politeness and respect for both parents has begun to be submitted to educational institutions. This transition has a real impact on the education of moral values in the family environment. Universitas Islam Bandung as one of the universities concerned with this issue through the Institute for Islamic Studies and Personality Development (LSIPK), responded through the student boarding program. The purpose of this research is to develop a model for developing religious awareness of students on the theme of respect to parents. The Research and Development Method is used as an approach in this research. The results of the study concluded that the level of knowledge and attitudes of students in the pesantren towards religious awareness in respecting parents was quite high. Learning is given comprehensively through a variety of products from our research including audio-visual media, textbooks on developing religious awareness and reinforced with in-depth discussions from tutors

Education, Religious Consciousness, awarness, Character, Respect for Parents

Islamic Education


Wulan Tri Gartanti (a*), Ike Junita Triwardhani (a), Raditya Pratama Putra (a)

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Wulan Tri Gartanti

a) Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA)
Jl. Tamansari No. 1 Bandung

Abstract- Entrepreneurship has become a promising field. Entrepreneurship will run well with an understanding of the importance of communication. The development of communication that is now so rapidly, provides a positive impact for the society in conducting communication process, one of which in terms of marketing an entrepreneurial product that can be done by utilizing marketing communication through digital media. The purpose of this research is to improve communication skills and improve the skills of using social media in marketing the products undertaken by the PKK group of the Nagrog village. The methodology applied in this study is mix methode by combining qualitative approaches and quantitative approaches. The subject of this study was the PKK group of Nagrog Village, and the object of this research is entrepreneurship development through digital marketing communication. The result of this research is that entrepreneur can improve their communication skills when they have confidence and positive attitude. To market products more broadly by utilizing digital technology requires skills in using technology and ability to design communication messages or communication content that can attract the customers attention and Other party related to the business being executed.

Entrepreneurship; Marketing Communication; Digital Media; Digital Marketing



Development of Waste Management Through Increasing the Capacity of Human Resources and the Added Value of Inorganic Waste in the Pasanggrahan Village of Tegal Waru Subdistrict at Purwakarta District
Suwanda.1), Wachidah,L. 1), Fitrianingsih,S.P2)

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Corresponding Author
Suwanda Suwanda

1) Department of Statistics, 2) Department of Pharmacy– Unisba
email: suwanda[at]

Pasanggrahan Village at Tegal Waru Subdistrict, Purwakarta district, based on the 2016 results economic census, has the potential to become a tourist village with a mountain of rocks around it. Therefore this village is known as a million stone village. Another tourist attraction is the Juanda Lake which is connected to the Jatiluhur reservoir. However, this potential has not developed as expected. The main factor is that the road is not conducive. Therefore the local government budgeted for road repairs by concrete and was only realized this year and road concreting was completed in November 2017. Currently most of the family heads work outside areas (big cities) such as Bandung and Jakarta or go to foreign as construction workers and laborers. Their wives live at home as housewives. Efforts to enhance the role of mothers have been carried out by the Nurani Dunia Foundation. Namely with the creation of waste management groups. This waste management effort is the first step in building a clean village, so that promotional efforts as a tourist village have been prepared with clean village conditions in order to welcome tourists. The Community Service (PKM) was carried out was carried out on April 15, 2018 and participated by 36 participating mothers, before the training was given a pre-test on inorganic waste knowledge and its utilization with an average score of 59.9, at the end of the training the training was given a post test with the same questions and obtained a score an average of 83.2. The results of monitoring on 14 May 2018 showed that there was a change in the treatment of inorganic waste, which is the use of the waste to make handicrafts, so that it has added value and can support tourism activities in the village. The constraints faced are capital, and the fulfillment of basic raw materials such as newspaper and plastic that have been sorted and supporting raw materials such as quality sirlak and colorful yarns.

Potential, tourism village, inorganic waste, added value, crafts.

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Leonita Putri, Sulaeman Rahman Nidar, Josep Ginting, Rachmat Sudarsono

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Leonita Putri

Doctoral Science Management, Faculty of Economics and Business. Padjadjaran University

DEVIDEN PAYOUT MODEL ON SOEs (GO PUBLIC) IN INDONESIA Abstract Indonesias GDP growth from 2008 to 2009 was 4.7%, from 2009 to 2010 it was 6.4% and from 2015 to 2016 it was 5.03%. This shows that the global financial crisis in the late 2000s that occurred had a relatively small impact on the Indonesian economy compared to the impact experienced by other countries. Volatility of the size of the SOE dividend was certainly not good and researchers felt the need to research a good dividend distribution model. by a state-owned company. In the end, this research led to the discovery of a comprehensive and accurate dividend payment model by SOEs. This study uses data from 12 SOE companies with a period of time from 2008 to 2017. The analytical tool used is panel data with the Random Effect Model analysis model and solved through computer statistics,namely Eviews 9.0. The results of this study indicate if the first model namely EPS and Capex variables have an influence on dividend payout model while the Opex variable has no effect on dividend payout model at SOEs.

Dividend Payout Model, CAPEX, OPEX, EPS, SOE




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Rizka M.H

Fakultas Hukum
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jl. A.Yani Surakarta

Digitalization of the economic field to welcome the era of industrial revolution 4.0 needs to be addressed intelligently so it is not harm the consumers and business actors through the transformation of consumer protection instruments into a more contemporary way. Currently, Indonesia has about 93.4 million Internet users and approximately 71 million users of smart phones which makes the internet and of course online transactions, as part of a lifestyle that is reflected through shopping behavior. The task of the State is to bring legal protection to consumers. Based on the consideration of actuality and urgency, to create the necessary level of certainty in business transactions and protect the consumer rights of e-commerce transactions the Government finally issued Presidential Regulation No. 74 of 2017. This regulation regulates the Electronic Road Based Electronic System Road Map (road map e- commerce). The Policy Package is intended to make Indonesia the largest digital economy in Southeast Asia by 2020. Legal protection is required in the form of law so that the state can provide a simultaneous and comprehensive legal protection of consumer rights in e-commerce transactions in the era of digital economy.

Economic digitalization, legal protection, e commerce roadmap



Economics Feasibility Analysis Of Fragrant Lemon grass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation And Distillation System (Case Study In Ganunghalu And Rongga District West Bandung Regency)
nugraha (a*), Dewi Shofi (a), Aviasti(a), Reni Amaranti (a),Indra Topik Maulana(b), Chicha Nursagita (a)

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Corresponding Author
Nugraha Nugraha

a) Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering UNISBA, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b)Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Science,Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Gununghalu and Rongga District, West Bandung Regency is one of the district producing Fragrant Lemongrass plants. The problem identified was the poor quality of Fragrant Lemongrass. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic feasibility of a Fragrant Lemongrass cultivation (cover raw material levying, handling pasca harvest, production process) and distillation (the equipments of technological of distillation and processing) so that the results obtained were optimal and had a good impact on Gununghalu and Rongga. In this study, the economic feasibility of a Fragrant Lemongrass cultivation and distillation will be seen from the feasibility of the availability of raw materials ; Fragrant Lemongrass leaves, the feasibility of the distillation process ; the capacity of the distillation facilities, and the economic feasibility. The method used in this study is the Net Present Value. The results obtained show that to maximize the operations of Fragrant Lemongrass distillation, then for one production, the amount of raw material that must be available is as much as 1800 Kg with a distillation capacity of 600 kg, with three times the distillation process. Based on the calculation of Net Present Value shows that the investme

Fragrant Lemongrass ; Economic Feasibility; Net Present Value ; Gununghalu ;Rongga

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Sri Suwarsi, Rusman Frendika, Dudung Abdurrahman

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Rusman Frendika

srisuwarsi[at], rusman[at], dudung[at],
Universitas Islam Bandung

The aim of this research in the long term is to develop training patterns that are suitable for migrant workers needs in order to have cultural competencies and fit with base country. The unit of analysis of this study was conducted on the number of fisheries sector PMI with E9 and E10 visas as many as 11,000 who are members of the Indonesian fisheries workers union or SPPI representatives of South Korea as many as 3,173 people. The observation unit or respondents in this study were 10% of SPPI members representing South Korea, namely 3,173, so the number of samples in this study were 317 people. Primary data were obtained from the field results through a questionnaire to measure the effectiveness of the training and development model of cultural competence. Meanwhile, to determine the effect of these two variables, namely the training and development models on cultural competence were analyzed using MANOVA. The training variables are measured with 5 dimensions including: (i) instructor, (ii) participant, (iii) method, (iv) material, (v) and training objectives. Meanwhile for development variables measured through 4 dimensions including: (i) financial perspective, (ii) internal business process perspective, (iii) customer & stakeholder perspective, and (iv) learning & growth perspective. And cultural competency variables measured in 3 dimensions include: Cultural Awareness, Cultural Sensitivity, Cultural Adroitness (cultural intelligence).

Effectiveness, Training and Training Development, Cultural competence



Empowerment of Cassava Farmers through Processing of Local Potential Based on Home Industry in Kampung Dangdeur Cikalong Village, Cikalong Wetan District, West Bandung Regency
Alhamuddin, Rabiathul Adwiyah, Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani, Shindu Irwansyah

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Alhamuddin Alhamuddin

1, 2, 3, 4, Universitas Islam Bandung, Tamansari Bandung,
West Java, Indoensia

Womens involvement in the productive business sector will cause social change. The inclusion of women in the labor market or productive work affects household economic activity, resulting in changes in family economic structure. Empowering mothers can be done through processing food that can be used as a souvenir for tourists. West Bandung Regency is one area that has a lot of cassava potential, one area producing a lot of cassava is Cikalong Village. This program was going to focus on food manufacturing training from home industry-based cassava. In addition to food manufacturing training, the proposing team also taught cassava farmers to process food from cassava using interesting variations of taste and color, as well as brand selection for their products. The purpose was to invite tourists to buy and enjoy the culinary processing of the cassava farmers. The empowerment of Cassava Farmers was carried out using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The expectation of this program was the existence of products prototype processed from local agricultural products, namely cassava, to support the economic condition of the participants and to use processed products as culinary tourism centers.

Farmer, Cassava, Home Industry, Innovation

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Puti Renosori (1), Endang Prasetyaningsih (1), Selamat (1), Ahmad Arief Nurahman (1)

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Puti Renosori

(1) Universitas Islam Bandung

This paper discusses an empowerment of the communitys potential, especially the housewives and teenagers in Albinaa madrasa, by creating productive and economical activities. The empowerment is done by improving skills for the culinary business to process the crops in Arjasari, i.e. sweet potato, cassava and corn. So far, most of the crops are sold as raw products to the collectors with cheap prices, or processed into traditional food. The empowerment activities include improving the skills of processing products made of local crops, training about simple financial administration, and introducing online marketing. The improving skill is done by practice making cakes/food, so that the food have a good taste, more interesting, creative, “halal” and “thayyib” (good for body health). This empowerment program has succeeded in increasing the ability of housewives and teenagers in Albinaa madrasa to provide their own food for activities in the madrasa at lower prices, or the food can be sold for thanksgiving, celebrations, or to meet order. Furthermore, assistance and monitoring are carried out through discussions to overcome the obstacles, evaluation of business activities, and assistance in food diversification. It is expected that the empowerment will affect the family and madrasa economy.

Empowerment; creative; food diversification

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English Writing Anxiety and the Writing Problems of Indonesia EFL Learners
Hartono Hartono, Mega Mulianing Maharani

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Hartono Hartono

College of Languages and Communication Science
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA)

This descriptive research investigated the level of English writing anxiety experienced by Indonesian EFL students. The respondents were 38 undergraduate students of English Literature program of a university in Semarang Central Java, Indonesia taking Essay Writing course which adopted portfolios as the assessment method. Data were collected by two closed questionnaires, the one was for collecting data of English writing anxiety and the second was for collecting data of writing problems faced by students which may trigger the anxiety arousal. The results show that the students experienced a high level of English writing anxiety and cognitive anxiety was the students suffered most. Gender doesn-t affect the level of anxiety experienced by the students; neither does the perception of writing difficulties. Grammar problem becomes the most mentioned-cause of anxiety followed by vocabulary problem and insufficient writing practice. To reduce the anxiety, therefore, it is recommended that writing teachers sufficiently address the issue of grammar and vocabulary as well as provides students with a lot of more writing practices.

anxiety, writing anxiety, writing problems, EFL

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Evaluation of Psychoeducation Programs to Increase Knowledge of Family Caregivers of People With Psychotic Disorders
Farida Coralia, Milda Yanuvianti, Siti Qodariah, Lilim Halimah

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Farida Coralia

Fakultas Psikologi
Universitas Islam Bandung

Abstract— Knowledge about psychotic disorders, having a positive attitude towards psychotic disorders and having knowledge about the care required is an important aspect for families caring for and handling psychotic disorders (family caregiver) to provide ongoing care. Psychoeducation can facilitate effective treatment and care through understanding family knowledge and attitudes related to caring for people with psychotics. This PKM was carried out in Sadangmekar village, Cisarua sub-district, West Bandung, for 7 family caregivers who treated family members who were experiencing psychotic disorders using alternative medicine or were left without treatment. Psychoeducation lasts for one day and uses methods of providing information (lectures), discussions, and watching videos. The results showed that after attending caregiver psychoeducation gained knowledge about the symptoms of the disorder (100%), the importance of medical and psychological treatment in managing the disorder (100%), the importance of adherence to treatment (100%) as well as the insight that the family has an important role in sustaining care (100%). Keywords: family caregiver, psychoeducation, psychotic disorders

family caregiver, psychoeducation, psychotic disorders



Nugraha Pranadita, Imas Rosidawati Wr, Tansah Rahmatullah

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Nugraha Pranadita

Master of Law Study Program, Postgraduate School, Islamic University, Nusantara
Jalan Soekarno Hatta Number 530 Bandung 40286, West Java, Indonesia

A potential area of space is an area that is above a country that is still free of power. Areas of potential space can be used limitedly by other countries that are geographically not below it based on the principle of spatial justice. Claims of power over a potential space area can be made by the state underneath it by law enforcement in the area in question. Law enforcement and mastery of space need to be done because space has economic value and is part of natures wealth that is limited in nature. The claim must be philosophically justified in order to have a scientific basis of legality. That is the purpose of this research. This research is a normative juridical research with a concept approach. The results of the study are the concept of mastery of a potential space region based on the perspective of Ibn Sinas ontology. The conclusion of the study that the claim of power over the existence of a potential space region can be justified based on the perspective of Ibn Sinas ontology.

potential areas, space, concepts, and philosophy



Factors influence the Quality of Management Accounting Information System and its implication on Good Corporate Governance Implementation.
Rini Lestari

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Rini Lestari

Universitas Islam Bandung

This study aims to prove empirically that managerial competencies and organizational culture influence the Quality of Management Accounting Information Systems (KSIAM). The results of this study have a specific target, namely the development of a KSIAM model design formed by factors of manager competence and organizational culture. The results of this study can be a contribution of thought for sharia banking institutions in building KSIAM to facilitate the achievement of organizational goals. The research method used is survey and verification with data collection techniques: 1) distributing questionnaires, 2) in-depth interviews, and 3) documentation. The study population was all Islamic Banking Institutions in Bandung City, with a population target of all Islamic Banks in Bandung in the period 2017-2018 with totaling 42 banks. All population targets will be used as research samples. The sampling technique uses non-probability sampling with a type of convenience sampling. Furthermore, hypothesis testing will be carried out using SEM-PLS statistical techniques. The results showed that manager competency and organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on KSIAM. The better manager competence and organizational culture, the better KSIAM and otherwise. The results of the descriptive analysis of this study indicate that managerial competencies and good organizational culture can improve KSIAM.

manager competence, organizational culture, and quality of management accounting information systems.

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Siti Suriani Othman, PhD Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia / Fauziah Hassan, PhD Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Safiyyah Ahmad Sabri, PhD Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Liana Mat Nayan Universiti Tuanku Abdul Rahman

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Siti Suriani Othman

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia,
Universiti Tuanku Abdul Rahman

This paper discusses about fake news from the Islamic perspective. Derived from previous scholarly discussions and Islamic manuscripts on fake news, this paper attempts to provide what Islam has to say about fake news. The discussion starts with scholarly literature about fake news to understand the concept of fake news, followed by the issue of fake news in news sourcing. More emphasis is given to online news due to the fact that fake news emerges abundantly and easily on online platforms than before. Besides that, the role of technology in reducing or/and increasing the threat of fake news in modern communication is also discussed. The final part of the paper discusses specifically on fake news from the Islamic perspective. Some suggestions of best practice are also provided, based on Islamic perspective argument, for journalists or citizen journalists to ponder. We argue that best practice in journalism pertaining to fake news is best derived both from religious manuscripts and journalism ethical practice.

Fake news, Islamic perspective, online journalism, best practice in journalism



Fast method training read the Qur-an Bilhikmah for the tutor candidate of the Mosque al-Furqan of UPI and the mosque around it
M. Wildan Yahya (a); Asep Ahmad Siddiq(a); Parihat (a); Munawar Rahmat (b)

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(a) Faculty of Dakwah, Unisba, Bandung, Indonesia; (b) Departement of General Education, UPI, Bandung, Indonesia

The long-term goal of this dedication activity is the wider dissemination of the fast reading method of the Bilhikmah Al-Quran. Why Bilhikmah? This method takes the advantages of the Baghdadi method in introducing the structure of hijaiyah letters and the superiority of the Shautiyah method in teaching hijaiyah that are pronounced without spelling it. We equip the Bilhikmah Method with four textbooks that are thinner than the other method textbooks. Theoretically, the superiority of a teaching method is measured by two main criteria, namely effective and efficient. In terms of effectiveness, a teaching method must deliver as many students as possible can read the Quran; In terms of efficiency, the teaching method must deliver them to read the Quran in a shorter time. Quasi-experimental results, the Bilhikmah method proved effective and efficient. Effective because by applying this method thousands of students have been able to read the Qur-an; and in terms of efficiency, by using this method they could read the Qur-an in a shorter time compared to other Qur-an reading methods. This service/training activity aims to provide the Bilhikmah method to prospective Islamic religious tutors at the UPI Al-Furqan Mosque and mosques around the campus. Specific targets to be achieved with this training, at least 70% of 80 prospective tutors, can teach reading the Qur-an with the fast method of Bilhikmah. The training uses a variety of methods, namely presentations, questions and answers, demonstrations, practices, a small group guidance, and individual guidance. The results of the training almost all the participants mastered the fast method of reading Al-Quran Bilhikmah. During the activity, participants took seriously to pay attention to the advantages of this method. They also seriously practiced in small groups on how to teach the Bilhikmah method. They then recruited almost all the training participants to become religious tutors at UPI Al-Furqan Mosque, one task of which was to teach reading the Qur-an to the tutorial participants

Fast_read_the_Quran; method_Bilhikmah; the_Islamic_tutor_candidate

Communication of Islamic Broadcasting


M. Wildan Yahya; Asep Ahmad Siddiq: Parihat, Muanwar Rahmat

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Universitas Islam Bandung

The long-term goal of this dedication activity is the wider dissemination of the fast reading method of the Bilhikmah Al-Quran. Why Bilhikmah? This method takes the advantages of the Baghdadi method in introducing the structure of hijaiyah letters and the superiority of the Shautiyah method in teaching hijaiyah that are pronounced without spelling it. We equip the Bilhikmah Method with four textbooks that are thinner than the other method textbooks. Theoretically, the superiority of a teaching method is measured by two main criteria, namely effective and efficient. In terms of effectiveness, a teaching method must deliver as many students as possible can read the Quran; In terms of efficiency, the teaching method must deliver them to read the Quran in a shorter time. Quasi-experimental results, the Bilhikmah method proved effective and efficient. Effective because by applying this method thousands of students have been able to read the Koran; and in terms of efficiency, by using this method they could read the Koran in a shorter time compared to other Koran reading methods. This service/training activity aims to provide the Bilhikmah method to prospective Islamic religious tutors at the UPI Al-Furqan Mosque and mosques around the campus. Specific targets to be achieved with this training, at least 70% of 80 prospective tutors, can teach reading the Koran with the fast method of Bilhikmah. The training uses a variety of methods, namely presentations, questions and answers, demonstrations, practices, a small group guidance, and individual guidance. The results of the training almost all the participants mastered the fast method of reading Al-Quran Bilhikmah. During the activity, participants took seriously to pay attention to the advantages of this method. They also seriously practiced in small groups on how to teach the Bilhikmah method. They then recruited almost all the training participants to become religious tutors at UPI Al-Furqan Mosque, one task of which was to teach reading the Koran to the tutorial participants.

Fast_read_the_Quran; method_Bilhikmah; the_religion_tutor_candidate

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Folklore Biblioteraphy Method for Early Childhood
(1) Evi Chamalah, (2) Agus Nuryatin, (3) Suminto A. Sayuti, (4) Ida Zulaeha

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Evi Chamalah

(1) Sultan Agung Islamic University
Semarang State University
Semarang, Indonesia
(2) Semarang State University
Semarang, Indonesia
(3) Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(4) Semarang State University
Semarang, Indonesia

Folklore is a kind of literatures that is beneficial for readers. One of benefits of reading folklore is to improve the development of children including holistic, moral, language and social aspects. Besides, folklore could be used as a biblioteraphy method. The biblioteraphy method or the so-called reading teraphy method was conducted in many stages. The first stage was providing motivation about the benefits of folklore; the second stage was the activity of reading folklore; the third stage was incubation as providing some time to the children to think about the folklore they read; the fourth stage was the follow-up by sharing opinions so a new idea could arise; finally the fifth stage was evaluation that could be in forms of drawing conclusions.

metode biblioterapy, cerita rakyat, anak usia dini

Early Childhood Education


Green Behaviors Factors on Green Human Resources Management Practice on the Employees of “The first movers on sustainable banking” in Indonesia
Allya Roosallyn Assyofa, Asni Mustika Rani, Tia Yuliawati

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Allya Roosallyn Assyofa

Universitas Islam Bandung

Based on the 2018 Environmental Performance Index (EPI), Indonesias environmental quality is ranked 133 out of 180 countries. The low quality of the environment is caused by human resources who do not comprehend the concept of environmentally friendly industries. The low comprehension of environmentally friendly industries is also indicated by the low implementation of Green HRM in companies in Indonesia. Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) is an environmentally friendly initiative towards better work efficiency, lower costs, and higher levels of employee involvement. Green HRM plays an important role in organizations to support the resolution of environment-related problems, awareness of the use of more economical natural resources and support environmentally friendly products. The realization of this will help organizations to create energy-efficient work areas. This study uses an exploratory approach which explores the dominant factors that construct green behavior in green HRM practices on the employees of “The first movers on sustainable banking” in Indonesia. Based on the analysis and narrative literature review, factors that form environmentally friendly behavior in HR management practices, includes: (1) regulation; (2) environmental awareness; (3) leader commitment; (4) vision and mission; (5) organizational policies; (6) technology provision; (7) facilities; (8) organizational programs; (9) employee recruitment; (10) employee training; (11) performance appraisal; and (12) compensation program.

green banking, green behavior, green human resource management, human resource management



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