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The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.11 for 1 days in Makassar |

Page 2 (data 31 to 60 of 167) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Components of Steel Slag in Acid-Contaminated Porous Concrete
Suryanti Rapang Tonapa(a); Lisa Febriani(a); Desi Sandy(a)

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Desi Sandy

(a) Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus, Makassar

The presence of slag as a result of waste from steel production annually increases. Researchers and environmentalists are very concerned to overcome this problem. Currently steel slag has been studied as a substitute for concrete compilers. The focus of this research is to utilize steel slag as a constituent of porous concrete in direct contact with acidic regions, in this case sulfuric acid and chloride. This test was carried out using 243 samples in testing the compressive strength, tensile strength and pore volume of concrete. Content of steel slag used is 0%, 50% and 80%. In the compressive strength test results for normal curing, sulfate curing and chloride curing showed an increase of 6.49%, 5.71%, 8.28% in the 50% slag content and 10.81%, 10.29%, 17.20% in the 80% slag content . Then in the tensile strength test showed an increase of 7% to 11% in the 50% slag content and 16% to 17% in the 80% slag content. As for the pore volume, the value is in range from 17% to 19%. These results indicate that slag can be used as a substitute for aggregate on porous concrete with compressive strength ranging from 10 MPa to 19 MPa.

Porous concrete, slag, acid, contaminate

Renewable Energy


Anshariah (a*,d), A.M.Imran (b), Ulva Ria Irvan (b), Sri Widodo (c)

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(a)Graduate Student of Earth and Environmental Technology, Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University 90245, Indonesia.
(b)Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University 90245, Indonesia
(c)Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University 90245, Indonesia
(d)Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

This study aims to correlate fixed carbon using proximate analysis and calorific value analysis in the South Sulawesi coal of the Mallawa Formation. The study was conducted at two locations, namely in the Massenrengpulu Region of Bone Regency and Pujananting Region in Barru Regency. The research method used is the collection of field data each using the channel sampling method (ply by ply), which represents the lower layer, middle layer and upper layer of coal. Then a proximate analysis is performed to obtain the fixed carbon and an analysis of the calorific value. The results of the analysis show that, coal in the Pujananting area shows a correlation between the percentage of fixed carbon and the calorific value has a very good correlation with the linear regression value of 0.9994. Likewise in the Mallawa Formation coal in the Massenrengpulu area, the correlation of fixed carbon and calorific value showed a very good correlation with a linear regression value of 0.9998. An increase in the percentage of fixed carbon in coal will be followed by an increase in the calorific value. This increasingly shows a very strong correlation between fixed carbon and the calorific value of coal.

Calorific value; Correlation; Fixed carbon; Linier regression; Massenrengpulu; Pujananting

History of Energy


Design and Development of Cross-Flow Turbine for Low Head Application
Abdul Muis, Muhammad Sadat Hamzah

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Abdul Muis

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tadulako University

Cross-flow turbine is one of the quite popular hydraulic turbines, it is offering the simplicity in design and manufacturing process and also suitable for application at the low head water flow. Indonesia, as the tropical country has a lot of potential low head water flow and available all around the country, application of the cross-flow turbine will accelerate penetration of the environmentally friendly of the energy resources. Therefore, the availability of the low head cross-flow hydraulic turbine with high performance will be one of the effective and valuable solutions in providing electricity for the community, especially for the regions that still have no access to the national electricity provider. The research focus on developing the design of the cross-flow turbine that has a high performance and can be applied on the three meters of water head. The design of turbine considers the ease of obtaining construction materials, the simplicity of manufacturing or fabrication and the lowest level of the maintenance and repairs technology required. The developed design turbine has 90 % of efficiency at the design speed of 250 rpm. Turbine runner will be fabricated from four inch of steel pipe to minimize obstacles in fabrications and repairs including the materials resources.

Hydraulic Turbine, Cross-Flow Turbine, Low Head and High Performance

Renewable Energy


Determination of Salinity and Temperature at the Estuary of the Tallo River Estuary
Nurul Pratiwi

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Nurul Pratiwi

Hasanuddin University

NURUL PRATIWI. Determination of Salinity and Temperature at the base of the Tallo River Estuary (guided by Mukhsan Putra Hatta and Akhmad Sumakin). In the waters of the Tallo River there is an interaction between fresh water and sea water. This interaction is one of the influences on the spread of salinity. Also there are driving factors such as tides that greatly affect the value of salinity. The purpose of this study is to describe the distribution of salinity at the bottom and how the relationship between temperature affects salinity, especially during high tide conditions. Data was collected at the base of the Tallo River Estuary with a distance between 400m. By using ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) and CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) tools. The pattern of salinity distribution is illustrated by the ArcGis 10.3 The results showed an increase in salinity found in the Muara Tallo area during high tide and low tide conditions up to a distance of 3.6 km, as well as the close relationship between temperature and salinity which showed directly proportional and related results. And based on water clarification, the area of the Tallo river estuary can be categorized as mostly brackish water.

Tallo River, Salinity, Spread Pattern

Climate Change


Determination of the Lowest Unit Price Policy Through the Value Added Approach to Arabica Coffee Commodities in North Toraja Regency
Rico (a*), Rahim Darma (b), Laode Asrul (c)

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(a) Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
(b) Departement of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
(c) Agribusiness Study Program at Postgraduate, Hasanuddin University
Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Makassar 90245

Smallholder plantations in South Sulawesi Province produce an average of 12.50% of Indonesias Arabica coffee, equivalent to 20.10 thousand tons per year. In 2015 Arabica coffee produced by community plantations in the province reached 20.35 thousand. One of the largest Arabica coffee production centers in South Sulawesi Province is in North Toraja Regency, in 2017 it gave a production share of 10.37% or a total production of 2.11 thousand tons. However, the current problem in North Toraja Regency is the low purchase value of collectors who come directly to farmers gardens and appreciate Arabica coffee of Rp. 18,000 / liter which still has epidermis, if converted to kilograms requires around 2.1 liters, which if the total is only Rp. 36,000 / kg. This study aims to formulate the lowest unit price policy for Arabica coffee in North Toraja Regency which is used as a reference for the average selling price of Arabica coffee (actual price). This research was conducted in North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province using purposive informants, which were analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results showed that the lowest unit price of coffee commodity can be formulated in the amount of Rp. 28,000 / liter still has epidermis by increasing the price received by farmers by Rp. 10,000, by considering prices at the level of traders and companies so that they continue to provide benefits for each marketing institution. With this policy will have an impact on increasing the productivity and welfare of coffee farmers so that the sustainability of coffee commodity farming in Indonesia is increasing.

Arabica Coffee, Fixed Unit Price Fixing, Farmer Income Increase

Agriculture system


Aulia Adisti Indah Sari (a*) , Muh Hatta Jamil (b), Musran Munizu (c)

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Aulia Adisti Indah Sari

Aulia Adisti Indah Sari (a*) , Muh Hatta Jamil (b), Musran Munizu (c)
a. Department of Agribusiness, Graduate School of Hasanuddin University
b. Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
c. Departmen of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10 Makassar.

Marketing and communication are two inseparable things. Marketing activities can not work well without good communication within them. The development of agribusiness activities, in addition to the synergy between the actors of the company, also requires a marketing system. For example, collaborate on digital technologies via an e-commerce approach. E-commerce is a buying and selling mechanism using the Internet as a means of meeting buyers and sellers in cyberspace to analyze the determinants and inhibiting factors that can influence the development of online marketing strategies. in PanenMart companies, as well as to formulate and explain alternative strategies that can be applied in developing online marketing strategies at PanenMart Company. The determination of the sample is done intentionally. This research was conducted at PanenMart Makassar company using teleological informants. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that the results show that the determinants of online marketing existing in PanenMart companies are (1) broader in scope, (2) online activities have tend to be more convenient, (3) Payment systems in Indonesia has evolved a lot, while the inhibiting factors are (1) the operation of the website often poses problem (2) the lack of understanding of the function of the site by the customer (3) the level of public trust in e-commerce remains low. The strategy used by crop harvesting companies is to use the business model business model for B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), C2C (Consumer to Consumer), C2B (Consumer to Business) and B2G (Business to Government).

E-Commerce, Communication, Marketing

Agriculture system


Development Strategy of Apparatuses Performance in the Management of Conservation Area of South Sulawesi Natural Resource Conservation Center
Faiz Mujahid (a*), Yusran Yusuf (b*), Muhammad Yunus (c*)

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Fadhilah Trya Wulandari

a) Mahasiswa PPW Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Hassanudin
b) Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin *yusranforest[at]
c) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Hasanuddin

This study aims to (1) analyze the implementation of performance management of conservation area of South Sulawesi Natural Resource Conservation Center, and (2) formulate the development strategies of apparatuses performance in the management of conservation areas of South Sulawesi Natural Resource Conservation Center. This research used descriptive qualitative approach implemented in South Sulawesi Natural Resource Conservation Center. The data were analysed using descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The results indicate that the implementation of performance management implemented in South Sulawesi Natural Resource Conservation Center has not been effective yet. This is due to the limited number of state civil apparatus of the South Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Center, training and education which has little frequency for State Civil Apparatuses, and the problems faced in the management of conservation area (regional encroachment, illegal logging and forest fires). However, the process of performance management in South Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Center involving performance planning, performance implementation and performance evaluation have been implemented. Based on the SWOT analysis, the priority strategies to the development of apparatuses performance of South Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Center are (1) to Improve apparatuses performance by implementing Management merit system of state civil apparatuses, (2) to improve effective performance management of by increasing apparatuses quality and quantity, (3) to provide education and training for the managers of conservation area, and (4) to manage the apparatuses in accordance with education and competence.

performance management, conservation area, SWOT, strategy

Urban & Transportation Sustainability


Distribution of Manganese Heavy Metal (Mn) in Soil Around Antang Makassar Indonesia Landfill
Andi. Artiningsih, Hazairin Zubair, A.M. Imran, Sri Widodo

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Andi Artiningsih manggappa

University of Muslim Indonesia
Hasanuddin University

The Study has been conducted on the distribution of heavy metal content of manganese (Mn) on landfill in Antang Makassar. The study aims to determine the presence of heavy manganese metal (Mn) in the landfill of Antang Makassar waste landfill. There are 4 lines namely line A sampling points (A0, A5 and A10), line B sampling points (B0, B5 and B10), line C sampling points (C0, C5 and C10) and line D sampling points (D0, D5 and D10) with a depth of (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30) cm. Total samples analyzed by heavy metal elements using ICP-OES method were 36 samples. The concentration of heavy metal manganese (Mn) in Antang landfill soil has spread horizontally. The results of the analysis showed the presence of heavy metal content of manganese (Mn) in the soil in the Makassar Antang waste landfill, where the samples with the highest heavy metal content were, line A sampling points (A0, A5 and A10) each depth (0-10, 10-20 , 20-30) cm. Line C sampling point C10 at depths (0-10 and 10-20) cm, i.e. sequentially (1660 and 1710) ppm. Line D sampling points (A0, A5 and A 0), except, at the sampling point D0 at a depth of 20-30 cm which is 1460 ppm is still below the normal limit, which is allowed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the General of Drug and Food Control as a pollutant inside soil. Soil pH varies from 4.82-6 and is acidic. Soil pH significantly affects the solubility and mobility of metals, because most metals dissolve in acidic soils. The level of pollution of heavy metal manganese (Mn) for line A, line C and line D at the sampling points (A0, A5 and A10) at depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30) cm are included in the category of heavily polluted because the concentration of heavy metals manganese (Mn) contained in the soil far exceeds a predetermined threshold. So that necessary remediation of appropriate prevention to prevent risks to humans and the environment.

TPA, Soil, ICP-OES, Manganese, Indonesia

Health and Risk


Diversified Developer of Local Food Products Based on Sago in the Sub-District of Wara, Palopo City
Enceng Humaerah (a*), Rahim Darma (a**), Rahmadanih (a***)

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Fadhilah Trya Wulandari

a) Program Studi Agribisnis, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar *humaerahannisa[at]

Diversification of food products in the global era such as today requires the right strategy so that products can be accepted by consumers.This study aims to (1) analyze the potential of the development of diversification of bagea, kapurung and dange products in home industries in Wara District of Palopo City, and (2) Analyze the strategy used to develop the diversification of bagea, kapurung and dange product in home industries in Wara District of Palopo City.The research was conducted in Wara District of Palopo City, South Sulawesi Province using purposive informants. The data were analysed using descriptive qualitative analysis.The results of the research indicate that the potential of the development of diversification of bagea, kapurung and dange products in home industries in Wara District of Palopo City as a local food products made from sago are very dependent on the condition of availability of raw materials, equipment resources, human resources, and production processes. The strategies used to develop the diversification of bagea, kapurung, and dange products in home industries in Wara District of Palopo City are (1) to increase the product quality, to innovate the product, to maintain the product characteristics, and to design interesting product for bagea industry (2) to increase the technology of product manufacture, to promote the product as training for kapurung and dange industries.

development, product diversification, sago

Agriculture system


Effect of ocean acidification and temperature on growth, survival, and shell performance of fluted giant clams (Tridacna squamosa)
Aras Syazili (a,b), Syafiuddin(c), Andi Niartiningsih(c), and Jamaluddin Jompa(3)

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aras syazili

a.Doctoral Program of Agricultural Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia;
b. Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia;
c, Marine Science and Fisheries Faculty of Hasanudin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

This study aims to determine the effect of ocean acidification and temperature on growth, survival, and shell performance of fluted giant clam (Tridacna squamosa). Juvenile fluted giant clam put into an aquarium which is given a combination of CO2 pressure treatment (415, 1000 and 1800 ppm) and temperature (30, 32, and 34oC). Measuring the length, width and height of the shell perform in every two weeks for five times. CaCO3 content and shell strength was test at the end of the study. The best growth of shell length, shell width, and shell height in the treatment of CO2 concentrations of 415 ppm and temperatures of 30oC were 23.28 mm, 11.51 mm and 0.69 mm respectively. Survival live also obtained in the treatment of CO2 concentrations of 415 ppm and temperatures of 30oC and CO2 concentrations of 415 ppm and temperatures of 32oC each of 100%. The strength of the shell and CaCO3 content decreased in the treatment of CO2 concentration and high temperatures. Higher concentration of CO2 and increased temperature negatively affected the growth of length, width, survival of scales, reduced strength and the CaCO3 content of shell.

Clams, acidification, temperature, growth, survival, shell

Climate Change


Reiner Tampi, Herman Parung, Rudy Djamaluddin and Arwin Amiruddin

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Reiner Tampi

Doctoral Program of Civil Engineering Department of Hasanuddin University

This research study discusses the modulus of elasticity of concrete using abaca fibers. The addition of abaca fiber to concrete mix is ​​done with the composition of abaca fiber 0% (normal concrete), 0.15%, 0.20%, 0.25% with a fiber length of 50 mm. Concrete cylindrical specimens (100 mm x 200 mm) with each variation of 3 cylinders with a total of 12 specimens tested after the specimens reached 28 days in a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and evaluated through the ASTM standard in testing concrete compressive strength. Concrete compressive strength test results with variations in length of 50 mm with a fiber volume of 0.15% produces an elastic modulus of 23057.14 MPa. For a volume of 0.20% the modulus of elasticity is 19575.44 MPa. Then for the fiber volume of 0.25% the modulus of elasticity is 17104.90. Normal concrete modulus value 20058 Mpa. From these results it can be concluded that the more fiber volume, the smaller the modulus of elasticity. The modulus of elasticity of abaca fiber concrete with a fiber length of 50 mm and a fiber volume of 0.15% is the best and gives an increase of 14.96% to normal concrete.

abaca fiber concrete, modulus of elasticity



Yusran (a*), Azizah Fauziah Misbahuddin (a), Yusri Syam Akil (b)

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Yusran Yusran

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin
Jalan Poros Malino km 6, Bontomarannu, Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
*yusran[at], yusranibnu[at]

The Tamangapa landfill Makassar has electrical power generation potential based on methane gas. In 2027, it can be generate 27.35 MW of electrical power. The engineering economic analysis has been done to search some enegineering economic parameters of waste power plant planned construction.The project had a net present value (NPV) parameter of IDR 745,870,422. The internal rate of return (IRR) was 10%. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) was 4.32. The payback period (PP) was 8.9 years. Based on these parameters, the waste power plant at Tamangapa landfill was declared feasible.

engineering economic, waste power plant, methane gas, Tamangapa landfill

Social and Economy Framework of Energy


Environmental Carrying Capacity of Land Aspect in the Use of Space in Kotamobagu City of North Sulawesi Province
Dian Indriana Bagaya (a*), Roland Alexander Barkey (b), Muchtar Salam Solle (c)

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Fadhilah Trya Wulandari

a) Jurusan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar
b) Bagian Kehutanan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar
c) Bagian Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar

Land is an important resource for human survival. It-s utilization must be in accordance with the capacity of the environment, the resources owned and the ability of the land, or the other words according to the carrying capacity of the environment. This study aims to determine the condition of actual land use and investigate the class of land capacity in Kotamobagu City of North Sulawesi Province, so the suitability between the class of land capacity and the plan of actual land use and the plan of land use of RTRW can be known, determine whether environmental carrying capacity is already overcapacity or not, and arrange land use directive based on the carrying capacity of the land resources environment in Kotamobagu City of North Sulawesi Province. The research method use the combination of qualitative method and quantitative method. The results of the research indicate that the actual use in Kotamobagu City of North Sulawesi Province in general 20,38% of the total area is built up and the rest has not been built. The class of land capacity in Kotamobagu City consist of Class II (75,93%), Class III (11,57%), Class IV (5,33%), Class VI (5,7%), Class VII (0,59%), dan Class VIII (0,91%). The suitability between the class of land capacity and the actual land use is 90,13%. The suitability between the class of land capacity and the plan of land development of RTRW is 95,85%. The status of environmental carrying capacity of land resources in Kotamobagu City at presents is not exceeded since the amount of land availability is still greater than the land needs. Thus, it recommended that the land use direction be divided into three functions namely, protected area, cultivated area, and limited cultivated area.

environmental carrying capacity, land resources, the class of land capacity, urban area

Urban & Transportation Sustainability


Estimating the catchable size of orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) in Kwandang Bay, Gorontalo Utara District, Indonesia
Dewi Shinta Achmad (a*), Sudirman (b), Jamaluddin Jompa (b), Muh. Saleh Nurdin (c)

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Amanda Pricella Putri

a. Faculty of Agriculture and Fisheries, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Gorontalo, Indonesia
Jalan Prof. Dr. H. Mansoer Pateda No.Desa, Pentadio Tim., Telaga Biru, Kota Gorontalo, Gorontalo
*email: dewishintaachmad[at]
b. Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi
c. Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
Jl. Soekarno-Hatta KM.9, Tondo, Mantikulore, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah

Abstract. The orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) is a valuable food fish. To support the sustainable management of orange-spotted grouper fisheries, it is important to determine the optimum catchable size. The purpose of this study was to determine an optimal catchable size for the orange-spotted grouper stock in Kwandang Bay, North Gorontalo District, Indonesia. Catchable size was determined based on the size at first sexual maturity, fecundity and reproductive potential. The study was conducted from December 2016 to November 2017. The size at first sexual maturity was estimated based on the examination of gonads from 141 specimens, while fecundity was estimated based on a sample of 40 female fish with ripe gonads. The mean total length (TL) at first maturity was 40 cm. Fecundity ranged from 30,526 - 1,395,846 eggs with a mean of 687,025 eggs. Reproductive potential was highest in the size range of 55-64 cm TL. The recommended size for orange-spotted grouper is above 64 cm, in order to enable females to attain their maximum level of egg production before capture and thus contribute to maintaining the stock.

orange-spotted grouper, size at first maturity, fecundity

Agriculture system


Evaluating stiffnes parameters of asphalt layers using field and laboratory light weight deflectometer
Lucky Caroles1, A. R. Djamaluddin2, A. Arwin Amiruddin2, Ardy Arsyad2

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Lucky Caroles

University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia

The Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) is a portable device that measures the onsite dynamic or resilient modulus (Evd) of subgrade soils and pavements. However, this method is time-consuming. A light-weight deflectometer (LWD) developed for evaluation of surface stiffness may be employed to estimate the degree of compaction. The application of LWD technology to compacted asphalt layers have been combined with nondestructive testing (NDT) devices to better characterize the stiffness parameters. The areas identified as less-compacted are common candidates for performing the NDT spot tests. In this study, the following tests were performed on a asphalt layer by field and laboratory LWD test. Correlation of stiffnes parameters of asphalt layer (deflection (D0), surface modulus (E) and stress (τ)) field and laboratory LWD was investigated. It was found that there are relevant correlations between the stiffnes parameters of field and laboratory LWD. When these correlations are known, laboratory LWD test can be an alternative for indirectly evaluating of stiffnes parametrs for asphalt layers. The proposed correlation was validated with independent data from other studies reported in the literature.

stiffnes parameters, LWD, NDT

Urban & Transportation Sustainability


Examining Construct of Smart City and Public Service Quality Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Case in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Musran Munizu, Syamsu Alam, Armayah, Muhammad Asdar, Nurdin Brasit

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Musran Munizu

Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, KM.10, Tamalanrea, Makassar - Indonesia 90245

Information technology is one of important organizational resources that affected service performance either in private sector or public sectors. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze important factors that influenced variable of smart city implementation as well as public service quality. This study was conducted both in South Sulawesi Province, especially Makassar City and Parepare City. Target population are residents or users of public services in education, health, and population administration in the past one month. The number of samples were 284 people. Method of analyses used includes descriptive statistical analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. Data is processed by using software of AMOS 24. The results showed that factors of smart governance and smart society were important factors that influenced variable of smart city implementation. Then, procedure and service time were important factors that influenced variable of public services quality in South Sulawesi.

Smart city, Public service quality, Information technology, Indonesia



Rita Irmawaty(a*), Herman Parung(a), Nurazuwa Md. Noor(b)

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Rita Irmawaty

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universiti
Jl. Poros Malino KM 06 Bontomarannu, Gowa 92171, Indonesia
Rita_irmaway[at]; parungherman[at]
b) Faculty of Civil and Environmental engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Malaysia

Waste tire is one of the largest waste contributors. Due to the abundant amount of waste tires that would require the proper way to utilize waste tires as an aggregate replacement in concrete. Crumb rubber is a fiber-shaped material, which is produced from shred or scrap of post-used tires from trucks. Tire Chips is a material which consists of small pieces of waste rubber tires. This study explores the ameliorative effects of rubber particles on some properties of concrete. The objectives of this work is to present the mechanical properties of concrete (compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and split tensile strength) with variations of crumb rubber + tire chips 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% on fine and coarse aggregate volumes. Two types of rubber particles (crumb rubber and tire chips) have been used in the rubberized concrete mixtures replacing partially natural aggregates. Cylinder-shaped test object with 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm in length. Compressive strength testing was conducted at 3, 14 and 28 days. While the modulus of elasticity and split tensile strength were tested at 28 days. The results showed that the weight of the concrete volume decreased by 3.5% in each addition of 10% crumb rubber + tire chips. Compressive strength and split tensile strength decreased with increasing the number of crumb rubber + tire chips in concrete. The decrease in compressive strength was 24% on the addition of up to 10% crumb rubber + tire chips, while the split tensile strength decreased by 16%. Adding more than 10% of crumb rubber + tire chips to fine and coarse aggregate volumes is not recommended.

crumb rubber, tire chips, mechanical properties



Omer. M. T. A,M.W. Tjaronge, Mubassirang.P, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University, Jalan Poros Malinokm. KM6 Makassar , Indonesia, E-mail:

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Using of asbuton modification asphalt is another alternative to increase mixing quality. Usually, asphalt the aim of asbuton modification to decrease asphalt penetration. For that, it is needed to see the benefit of using asbuton modification as the natural asphalt. In this research mix using 5 asphalt content variation that was 4.5%, 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5%. 15 specimens made using asphalt penetration 60/80 with each asphalt content three specimen. Using asbuton modification (Retona) asphalt mix which was Marshall characteristic to determine the optimum asphalt content, VMA, VFA, VIM, stability, flow and Marshall Quotient. The experiment for optimum asphalt content result of asbuton modification (Retona) asphalts it was 5.5% the test result value in accordance with specifications of the effective asphalt content determination by the Department of Public Works 2006. According to optimum asphalt content for asbuton modification (Retona) asphalt obtained stability 2251.01kg, for the result above it can be stated that asbuton modification asphalt retona mix it can use to develop the quality of pavement course and increasing the stability of the asphalt that used in road pavement.

Marshall,Asbuton mdificatione ( retona),Stabiliy,flow.

Urban & Transportation Sustainability


Factor Analysis of Supply Chain Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Business Performance: Case of Small Medium Industry in West Sulawesi
Maat Pono, Syamsu Alam, Armayah, Musran Munizu

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Maat Pono

Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University
Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, KM.10, Tamalanrea, Makassar - Indonesia 90245

Abstract - Small and medium industries have a strategic role in the national economy, especially in the absorption of labor, distribution of development outcomes, and poverty reduction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the important factors that shaping concepts of supply chain strategy, competitive advantage, and company performance. The population of this study includes all Small and Medium Industries in Mamuju Regency, Majene Regency, and Polman Regency. While, the number of samples was 210 business units. Respondents of this study were managers or business owners of Small and Medium Industries. This study used both descriptive analysis and confirmatory factor analysis as method of analyses. Furthermore, data were analyzed by using IBM AMOS 22 software. The results showed that external and internal integration were important factors that affected supply chain strategies variable. Then, quality, and speed of delivery were important factors that affected competitive advantage variable. In addition, the results of this study found that growth of profit and sales were important factors that influenced business performance variable.

Supply chain strategy, Competitive advantage, Business performance, Small and medium industries

Agriculture system


Fight For The Green Earth: The Existence of Local Knowledge in Agriculture
Harifuddin Halim1, Syamsul Bahri2, Rasyidah Zainuddin3, Syamsu A. Kamaruddin4, Haslinda B. Anriani5

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1,2Universitas Bosowa, Makassar, Indonesia
3STKP Cokroaminoto, Pinrang, Indonesia
4Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
5Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia

Traditional agriculture has always been taking place in rural areas. This agricultural model tends to utilize simple technology and is in accordance with local socio-cultural conditions. The traditional agricultural model is also the opposition of modern agriculture in the concept of a green environment or a green earth. If modern agriculture has many negative impacts on the environment, then traditional agriculture has many positive impacts on the lives of all earth creatures. This paper aims to reveal the actions of farmers in managing their agricultural land based on local knowledge. This research took place in three locations, namely: (1) Labuku Village, Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency, (2) Ilan Batu Village, Walenrang Barat District, Luwu Regency, (3) Segeri Village Segeri District, Pangkep Regency. The informants of this study were farmers in the three regions. Each region has 2 informants so that the total were 6 informants. The key informants are each of the traditional leaders, and village officials. Data collection using interview techniques, observation, and study of literature. Data analysis uses Three-Flow techniques namely reduction, categorization, and conclusion. The results showed that traditional farming techniques in Labuku, Ilan Batu, and Segeri Village were characterized by rain-fed rice fields, not using chemical fertilizers as plant fertilizers, rice disease repellent, and rat repellent but instead using betel leaves, betel nuts and lime. Even so, high-quality rice is harvested once a year. The conclusion of this research is that traditional knowledge-based agriculture in the research location always uses the surrounding environment resources. Such methods directly impact on the creation of a green environment and indirectly counteract the negative impacts of modern agriculture

green earth, modern agriculture, traditional agriculture, environmental degradation

Agriculture system


Flexural behavior of double straight notch joint beam column exterior due to lateral cyclic load
Memed Timang Palembangan1, Herman Parung2, A. Arwin. Amiruddin3, Ruminsar Simbolon4

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Civil Engineer, Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi , Indonesia

This study aims to determine and analyze the flexural behavior of the double straight notch joint beam column exterior due to lateral cyclic load. There are 3(three) scale test of specimens, BK monolith, SBK type1 and SBK type2. The joint model used the method of mechanical connection and grouting. A load with alternating lateral assumed as cyclic loads. Tested and analysis used by the displacement control method with the standard of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) 1986. The results showed that the stability of SBK type1 and type2 specimens in terms of the characteristics of the hysteresis loop curve had a similar curve with BK monolith. The greatest displacement in compressive condition occurs in SBK type 2 while for drag condition occurs on monolithic BK. From the results of the study, It is also known that lateral loads are directly proportional to displacement, where the higher borne of the lateral load that will be more bigger of displacement and vice versa. The displacement ductility that occurs are the partial ductility. Based on the results of studies behaviors type 2 SBK has more advantage than type 1 SBK, So the analysis results of SBK type 2 more validation for monolith BK.

Pre-cast, exterior join, ductility, notch model.

Social and Economy Framework of Energy


Fragmented biogas programs affect barriers to biodigester dissemination
Ibnu Budiman

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Ibnu Budiman

Wageningen University

The use of firewood for energy sources for cooking contributes to socio-ecological issues. Alternatively, biogas is considered an environmental-friendly energy source generated from waste, forest plants and other organic sources. However, until 2015, only 1.24 percent of households utilized biogas for cooking fuel. This research aims to explore the landscape of biogas governance in Indonesia, its fragmentation, and its consequences for biodigester dissemination. This qualitative study found that there is fragmentation within small-medium scale national biogas programs in Indonesia. Seven national government biogas programs have similar governance arrangement and characteristics; scattered in different departments within the ministry, using the grant approach and vendor, coordinating with local government, and do not have proper training and M&E. Meanwhile, the NGO program-BIRU utilizes semi-commercial approach; collaborating with multiple stakeholders (governments, construction partner organizations, cooperatives, and private sectors-companies and banks); and has standardized training and after sale services. Within those biogas programs, there are multiple barriers along the supply chain process of biodigester dissemination (production and consumption-related to socio-cultural issues) and governance aspects. Barriers to production and consumption relate to the governance aspect of biogas programs. Fragmented governance affected the capability of each program to tackle barriers in biogas digester dissemination and triggered innovation in different biogas programs.

bioenergy, biogas, governance, program, fragmentation

Renewable Energy


Frequency Stability and Under Frequency Load Shedding of the Southern Sulawesi Power System with Integration of Wind Power Plants
Ardiaty Arief, Muhammad Bachtiar Nappu and Anggriani Sultan

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Ardiaty Arief

Hasanuddin University

The Government of Indonesia are encouraging investments in renewable energy based power plants in Indonesia, including wind power plants (WPPs). Two large WPPs in the Southern Sulawesi interconnected power system are Sidrap WPPs and Jeneponto WPPs. Both Sidrap WPP and Jeneponto WPP are the largest WPPs in Indonesia and they account for significant contribution for the Southern Sulawesi power generation mix. Considering the intermittency characteristics of WPPs and system-s failure probability, therefore it is essential to assess the system-s stability after their integration. This work evaluates the frequency stability of the Southern Sulawesi interconnected power system with the integration of both Sidrap WPPs and Jeneponto WPPs.

frequency stability; wind power plants; under frequency load shedding

Renewable Energy


Fundamental Analysis of Profit Changes in Agricultural Sector Companies
Irine Herdjiono, Dea Alfira Gunita, Untari

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Irine Herdjiono

Musamus University

This study aims to analyze the effect fundamental factor of finance to changes in profit at agricultural sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2017. Population in this study is all agricultural sector companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2017, which are 21 companies. After selection using purposive sampling obtained a sample of 6 companies from 2010 to 2017 so that the total observation of this study was 48. The analytical technique used is multiple linear regression. The research results show that the current ratio, debt to asset ratio and total asset turnover do not affect changes in earnings, price earning ratio has a significant negative effect on earnings changes, and return on equity has a significant positive effect on changes in earnings.

Current Ratio, Debt To Asset Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Return On Equity, Price Earning Ratio, Profit Change.

Agriculture system


Geological characteristic of geothermal manifestation in Lejja Hotspring, Soppeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Adi Maulana

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Adi Maulana

Departement of Geological Engineering

Characteristic of geothermal manifestation in Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi has been reported. The geothermal manifestation occurs as a hotspring found in five stations within volcanic Formation in Lejja area. It was generated by magmatic activity and released to the surface by the mean of geological structure activity. The hotspring water is mainly classified as bicarbonate water, particularly in station I, II and III whereas station IV and V are classified as the no dominant type. The occurrence of bicarbonate water in the research area was resulted by a reaction of mixing between water vapor from heat sources (magmatic water) with surface water (meteoric water) which increasing the bicarbonate ion in hot water. The no dominant type water in station IV and V are caused by the reaction between magmatic water and meteoric water as a heat source and the water source has experienced a large or a lot of mixing / reaction. Estimated subsurface temperature in Lejja Hotspring ranges from 368°C to 429°C and further classified as immature waters. It is shown from the study that the subsurface temperature of the research area is very high and could be the potential source to be used as a geothermal power plant in the future.

geothermal; manifestation; Lejja; hotspring; Soppeng; South Sulawesi

Renewable Energy


Greenways Model as a support of Makassar Smart City
Cahyani (a*), Baharuddin Hamzah (b), Edward Syarif (b)

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Cahyani Suhardi

a) Master Program Student, Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University.
b) Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University.

The problems that occur in Makassar City explain that the existing open green space does not meet the standards of the Ministry of PUPR, where for the urban scale the proportion of green open space is 30% while Makassar City only has green open area of 13%. One of which is part of the green space is the greenways. This study aims to determine how to model the greenways in the city of Makassar with the concept of smart city. This study uses a quantitative method that focuses on the role of the greenways model supported by statistical structural analysis techniques Equational Modeling. To get the greenways model to support Makassar Smart City, the theory was tested using questionnaire data with SEM statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that the greenways model as a support for the Makassar Smart City depicted in the form of a path diagram is declared to be appropriate and meets the criteria based on established Goodnes of Fit standards, so the hypothesis stating the greenways indicators is a reference to constructs that can be said to be appropriate, where the model is a relationship of elongated, ecological, functional and recreational greenways criteria. An important role in this research is the concept of data-based greenways in supporting the concept of Makassar City as a smart city and environmentally sustainable.

Model Greenways; Smart City; Makassar

Urban & Transportation Sustainability


Healthy Archypelagos Program and Youth in Rongkong Sub-District of North Luwu District
Muh Tasbih Ahdal (a*), Ahmad Munir (b*), Muslim Salam (c*)

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Fadhilah Trya Wulandari

a) Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah/Manajemen Kepemimpinan Pemuda
b) Departemen Teknologi Pertanian,Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin
c) Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian,Fakultas *Muslimsal[at]

The direction of health development goals is to increase the reach and equal distribution of quality health services for people in remote border and archipelago areas, especially in public health centers with remote and border areas. Therefore the government makes regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2017 concerning Special Staff assignments health in supporting the Healthy Nusantara Program. This study used research with the Grounded theory approach. A qualitative approach was used as an effort by researchers to be able to understand the social phenomena that occur in Rongkong Subdistrict. The results show that the health service activities in Rongkong Subdistrict carried out by Nusantara Sehat youth health workers are strengthening basic health care programs, it is divided into the first two types of programs namely the Individual Health Efforts and Public Health Efforts. In the program there are several innovation programs that have not previously been carried out in Rongkong sub-district such as USILA Posyandu, BATRA program and Adolescent health counseling for prevention of MIRAS and drugs in schools. The focus of the Nusantara Sehat staff is on the Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Program. There has not been any special participation of local youth in the Nusantara Sehat program in Rongkong District. local youth participation is limited to energy assistance, without the participation of thoughts or ideas on how health services themselves can be carried out according to achievements.

Health Services, Innovation Programs, remote areas, Youth, Maternal and Child Health

Health and Risk


Hydropower Potential Assessment in Langkemme River, Soppeng Regency: an Alternative Source of Renewable Energy in South Sulawesi
Adi Maulana

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Adi Maulana

Department of Geology Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

As demand on energy is growing while the resources is limited, alternative sources of renewable energy is becoming popular. Small-scale hydropower systems or known as hydropower plant are one of prominent source of renewable energy due to the economic competitiveness and availability. The plant utilizes the power generated by the river flow to generate the electricity. The Langkemme River is one of the major rivers in Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province. We evaluated situation and condition of Langkemme River in order to determine the potential for hydropower assessment as a hydropower plant. Based on the evaluation, the topographical aspect and the existence of permanent waters show the possibility to install the mini hydropower power (MHP) plant on the river. From the mainstay discharge analysis using probability of 40%, the plant is designed to have a total head as 64 m and discharge is about 5.58 meters cubic per second (m3/sec). The production of energy is estimated as 3 MW annually. Based on the discharge and head of the MHP point plan the type of turbine ideal for MHP plans is the Francis turbine type.

Hydropower, Langkemme River, Soppeng, Renewable Energy, South Sulawesi

Renewable Energy


Impact of Contract Farming on Price : A Case Study of Red Chili Farmers in Magelang Regency
Diah Angreheni (a*), Rahim Darma (a**), Laode Asrul (a***)

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diah angreheni

Agribusiness Study Program, Graduate School Hasanuddin University, Makassar,
90245, Indonesia

Contract farming is a price control through the agreement of sale arrangement between farmer and firm taken before the starting of production process. Red chili price has a great fluctuation due seasonal production. The objective of the study is to analyze the influence factors red chili price on contract farming. The study compares the constraints, participation, and the impact to the price of red chili between contract and non-contract of farmers. The study carried out in Magelang District, Central Java Province on June to August 2019. Survey method was used with purposive sampling method to 45 respondent of non-contract farmers and 40 respondent for contract farmer. The data analysis used were statistical t-test and coefficient of variation. The results of the study indicated that farmer with contract farming has the minimum price of IDR 9000 per kg and increasing following market price, while the selling price of non-contract farming based on the market price which always fluctuated. Factors affect contract farmers are offering fixed price, and market guarantee while the non-contract farmers are least of information about contract farming. Contract farming should be promoted to sustain chili production and farmer income.

Contract farming, Red Chili, Price

Agriculture system


M. Yahya Siradjuddin (1*), Ananto Yudono (2), Arifuddin Akil (2), Farouk Maricar (3), Hidefumi IMURA (4), Akio ONISHI (5), Pei-I Tsai (4), Katsuhiko Yonezaki (4)

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M Yahya Siradjuddin

(1) Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University
(2) Urban Planning and Design Laboratory, Urban & Regional Development Department
Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University
(3) Hydraulic Laboratory, Civil Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University
(4) Global Cooperation Institute for Sustainable Cities, Yokohama City University
(5) Faculty of Environmental Studies, Tokyo City University

Makassar, the capital city of the South Sulawesi Province. The uncontrolled of urban built up area growth, as well as the lack implementation of Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) led to an increase of runoff coefficient, so the abundant volume of rainfall in the rainy season directly flows to the river and thrown into the sea. This is supported by the growth of population which triggered the urban built up area expansion as the effect of high migration to Makassar city. Due to this phenomena , the green open space is reduced and as coastal city which intrusion of seawater into land make city lack of ground plain water. Although rainfall range in Makassar City area is high, but the huge volume of rainfall not be utilized maximally yet. Some of Makassar area suffers from flood during rainy season but citizen lacks of plain water during dry season. Implementation of the concept of RWH in Makassar city, will be alternative solution to reduce flood areas and can be utilized by the community for landscaping / agriculture, cleaning activities and water amenities (fire).

Rainwater Harvesting, Implementation, flood

Climate Change


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