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2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.18 for 1 days in Bandung |

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Using gauss - Jordan elimination method with The Application of Android for Solving Linear Equations
Muhaimin Hasanudin, Suwarto,Mohamad Lutfi Nugraha, Haryati, Dedy Prasetya Kristiadi

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Muhaimin Hasanudin

STMIK Raharja, Universitas Indraprasta, MTsN 6 in East Jakarta

Problems involving mathematical models appear in many scientific disciplines. Complex mathematical models sometimes cannot be solved by analytic methods using standard algebraic formulas. Computers play a major role in the development of the field of numerical methods because the calculation uses numerical methods in the form of arithmetic operations, the number of arithmetic operations is very large and repetitive, so manual calculations are often tedious and errors occur. This study aims to develop software solutions for linear equations by implementing the Gauss-Jordan elimination(GJ-elimination) method, building software for linear equations carried out through five stages, namely: (1) System Modeling (2) Simplification of Models, (3) Numerical Methods and algorithms, (4) programming languages using Android Studio and (5) Simulation programs. Overall, in terms of content, proper software that can be used by students and lecturers in implementing numerical methods because there are ways to use the application and steps to solve linear equation problems using the GJ-elimination method.

Linear equation, the Gauss-Jordan Elimination, Android Studio



Using Social Media Aplication Instant Messaging in Business Activities
S Juliano*, , and R A Badar2

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Raden Achmad Badar Natapraja

1Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia,

The purpose of this research is to identify the benefits of using instant messaging social media applications in business activities. The method used in this research was the descriptive method by conducting literacy studies and searching on the internet as reference material. The results of this research was by using of instant messaging applications can increase effectiveness in business activities This is because instant messaging social media applications was easy to use for anyone. free of charge and make time efficient. In conclusion, instant messaging applications can help business activities.


Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


S Supriyati(1), Lievia Angelin(2)*

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Corresponding Author
Lievia Angelin

1 Departemen Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2 Departemen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Purpose of this research is to benefit from the development of e-commerce technology in the business. The author uses a comparative method by analysis e-commerce applications in the field of titling services. The results show that the existence of a titling service can facilitate the purchase of goods both within and outside the country. This matter facilitate by the existence of e-commerce can make it easier for sellers and buyers to make transactions, of course, it can be concluded that the existence of e-commerce in the field of titling services can be a potential in the business field, and can also provide convenience for titling service users to purchase goods inside and outside the country.

E-commerce, online business, titling services

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Utilization of E-commerce in the Agricultural Sector
F F Abdurrahman (a*) , Inggar Prayoga (b)

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Muhammad Farhan Fadhilah

a) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi , Universitas komputer indonesia, Indonesia

This study was made aiming to see the influence of technological developments in the world of business in the agricultural sector, and the use of e-commerce technology in the agricultural sector. The research method used is descriptive method where this method presents an overview of the object studied in detail. The results of this study indicate that with e-commerce, farmers income increases compared to before using this system. In this study discusses the payment system, sales and purchases made in E-agribusiness activities. The real role of the agricultural sector in this case as a provider of employment and also as an economic driver for the community and the main source of income for farmers.But in the utilization of information technology in agriculture, in Indonesia is still lacking.. This e-agribusiness system is expected to help the community, especially farmers, in marketing their products or agricultural products so that they can be easier and can increase the income of farmers.

E-Commerce, E-agribusiness , information system

Informatic and Information System


E.S Soegoto (a*) , I F Rahadian (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Tia Setiani

a. Departement Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Department Sastra Inggris, Universitas komouter Indonesia, indonesia

This study aims to determine the importance of social media utilization to support success of an entrepreneur and to figure out another supporting success factor of an entrepreneur to improve the business performance. The method used in this research was the statistic descriptive method, to present a complete overview of the situation related to some variable situations examined. The results of this study have shown that it is very crucial for an entrepreneur to use social media for their business in order for them to maximize their business performance. The reason is because nowadays, people socialize and interact with others in modern way which they use social media as one of the tools. People who use social media to do business is called entrepreneur. In this case, many of entrepreneurs get more benefits of getting tremendous traction numbers and increase their customer volume in social media and this is not only in the region areas but also across countries. Now, that it has reached the world customer based, they need supporting tool to fill in the gap and that is the proficiency in using foreign languages


Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Utilization of Point of Sales Based Applications on Purchase Transactions for Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs)
Dinna Shaffitri (a*), Eko Budi Setiawan (b)

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Corresponding Author
Kevin Chandra M

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik Informatika, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to explain the convenience to business people in the service of buying and selling transactions. The method used by the author is descriptive to obtain facts by searching, recording and collecting information based on the basis of research science so that the facts obtained from the information are obtained. The results of this study are to optimize sales in sanded transactions. Based on the method applied by the authors see the problems in cashier management, then from this study the authors expect to provide solutions for business people. The conclusion of this study is that what is needed by small and medium-sized micro-enterprises (MSMEs) is the ease of service of buying and selling transactions to be more optimal. The maximum service will provide feedback to business people so that their business can survive and compete with other advanced businesses.

Business, MSMEs, Purchase Transaction

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Utilization of Social Media as Online Business Marketing Media
Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto (a*), Muhammad Nur Huda (b)

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Corresponding Author
Siti Maryamah

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer indonesia

b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer , Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This research has the aim to identify the influence and benefits of social media in the world of online business. To support the research, the writer uses descriptive analysis research method, which presents the complete data. The results of this study are to find out how social media apply in the marketing online business. indicate that social media is very useful for online business activities, doing business online on social media is one of the most reliable. In addition to small capital, this business can also be done as a side business. Based on the research, it is expected to increase product marketing, increase product popularity and touch targeted marketing targets. The results were obtained based on the case study that the writer did on one product brand. This research was conducted by discussing effective marketing ways to increase sales made using social media. It can be concluded that social media can make it easier to do product marketing and make product sales increase.

Social Media, Marketing

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Utilization of Social Media for the Development of Marketing of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Qualitative Descriptive Study on Distro in Bandung City)
Ario Adjie Penangsang, Yayah

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Corresponding Author
Ario Adjie Panangsang

Management Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of social media in the marketing of SMEs in the City of Bandung. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to present a complete picture of the situation related to some of the variable situations examined. For this purpose, a survey was carried out on 6 SME Distribution Officers. The results showed that there was still a lack of knowledge of the benefits of information technology, a lack of support from government agencies. This research was conducted by discussing the sales system, and product marketing via social media.

SME, Sales system, Social media, marketing

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Utilization of Social Networks as an Online Business Media
Eddy Soeryanto Soegotto (a*), Yosep Mohammad Firdaus (b)

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Corresponding Author
Abdul Mutholib

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Depertemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The development of communication technology further facilitates the flow of information exchange. The number of users who make this social network grow becomes a medium for doing business. Researchers want to know social media as an online business media when used as an online business communication medium. Data analysis techniques in this study are descriptive methods, namely data that contains words and images. In the results of the study showed that social media is not only a medium of learning in online business, but also as a medium for communicating with potential customers. Besides that it also provides extensive information for online business people. As a result of this research, social media is a social network that allows it to be maximized as a medium for doing business online. This role as a promotional media is considered effective.

Business; Technology; Social Media

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Utilization of Technology in Online Businesses College Students
Bobi Kurniawan (a*) , Nadya Minerva Gunawan (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Dhea Nadia

a) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This study aims at providing an easy way for beginners in the business world to innovate in creating unique and interesting goods creation that can foster attractiveness for consumers and also create competitiveness in the business world. To support this research, descriptive method was used by doing the interview. The results of the study found that the use of technology in online business is very helpful for students at Indonesian Computer University who run their online business. They use existing technology with a simple example of mobile phones using their social media as promotional media, and websites. The use of technology in the field of business can make it easier for students to run an online business and be more able to utilize technology in the business world.

online business, technology

Informatic and Information System


Utilization of the Internet As Media Promotion Marketing E
S Wiganepdo (a*) , T Setiani (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Tia Setiani

a. Departemen Keuangan dan Perbankan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to apply internet media as a media for product marketing promotion. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. The results of this study are to market products by utilizing internet media by advertising their products on the internet because they can do marketing quickly. This research was conducted by knowing various ways to promote or market products through social media. The conclusion of this study is the existence of internet media so that it feels very large benefits by using internet media compared to conventional because it can reduce the amount of costs and time spent in the product sales process.

Internet, Utilization, Marketing

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Utilize Video Games For Learning Method
D S Soegotto (a*) , I H Firmansyah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Tia Setiani

a. Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

b. Departemen Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to identify how games can become media for learning method. the method used is descriptive method, namely the method carried out by survey and using questionnaires for correspondents as many as 45 students to give their opinions about games that contain many elements of education. The results of this research is to provide suggestions that the game can be a media in the learning system for students. The conclusion of this study is how the role of the game as a learning method for students. besides that this research was conducted by discussing several games that could be a good method of learning in the future

Learning Method, Video Games

Informatic and Information System


Utilizing Marketplaces as a Business Opportunity in the Field of Services in the Industry 4.0 era
J Rohmawan 1*, A Ekawardani 2

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Corresponding Author
Rizky Oktadya Nugraha

1 Department Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
2 Departement Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to analyze how far of the general public knows the marketplace and how the general public uses the marketplace as an opportunity in the field of cost-effective services in industry 4.0 era. The method used is a qualitative analysis method in knowing many communities and markets as business opportunities in the service sector. The results of this study are to use the market effectively and efficiently so that various business opportunities in the service sector are profitable. The contribution of this research is that people can use these opportunities as business opportunities and become competitive and productive businesses in the industrial era 4.0.

business opportunities, industrial era

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Vending Machine and The Influence on Life in Indonesia
S Mulyani (a*), R Hartono (b)

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Corresponding Author
Gerial Giovanni Esertha

a) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out about the vending machine business opportunities and the influence on life in Indonesia. Along with the times, practical things began to be needed. Japan is one of the countries that always make new innovations in any field, including in sales. One of the examples is a vending machine. The thing that influences this research is because Indonesia is one of the most consumptive countries in the world. This study uses qualitative research methods, namely by focusing the analysis on a theoretical basis. This research method is also used because research focuses on socio-cultural conditions. The results of this study indicate that Indonesia is a consumptive country as well as a country that wants high practicality. Therefore, with the existence of this vending machine, how to buy something will be easier, practical and efficient.

Vending Machine, Business, Sales

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Vending Machine Business as a Solution to Feminine Hygiene Products Necessary
A S Yunita (a*), I Pangaribuan (b)

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Corresponding Author
Aryani Sapta Yunita

a)Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b)Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to see benefits vending machine in supply necessary of society, especially in an emergency. The method used in this research submitted a questionnaire to 42 female respondents. The result of this research was besides being able to be used as an effort to make a big profit; vending machine business can be a solution to necessary of society with a high level of urgency. Because, a business that is supported by technology can accelerate the distribution of a product to consumers, so the necessary can be fulfilled quickly, easily and practically. Impact of this research is to show that the vending machine helps the customer to get a product easier. The businessman can see the vending machine as an alternative way to get profit. Conclusion of this research is good businessman not only has to be good at finding business opportunities with nice prospects but must be able to be a solution to the necessity of society, including urgent necessary.

Machine business, feminine, necessary

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Video Streaming Application Design for Color Blind Users
Syahrul Mauluddin (a*), Muhamad Alfi Fadhlurrahman (b)

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Muhammad Alfi

a) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
b) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to provide the same experience for users when using online video streaming web. The research method used to describe the context is used to record current problems. The results of the research obtained are the basis for building web-friendly video streaming for plain color users. The cause of these results is because of the lack of a web that provides colorful user friendly video streaming applications. The conclusion are users who can experience the same experience when using web video streaming online.

Video streaming, color blind, online

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Virtual Classroom: Marketing Strategies for Learning
Sutono (a*) Muzikran (b)

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Muzikran Muzikran

a) Department of Communication Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Knowledge is a variety of symptoms obtained by humans through mind observation. Knowledge arises when someone uses his mind to recognize certain objects or events that have never been seen or felt before. Knowledge is information that has been combined with understanding and potential inherent in someone. In general, knowledge has a predictive ability towards something as a result of the recognition of a pattern. Information and data are capable of informing or even causing confusion, at this time all things can be easily overcome, especially with the existence of this virtual classroom can later add and enhance new knowledge. Virtual cannot be separated from an internet media that uses it as a communication tool. With the transition of human style or habits in communicating convey information with each other. For this reason, people no longer need to communicate at the same time or place. Through virtual communication, at present, obstacles such as distance, time, cost, and other difficulties can be overcome. Because with the internet can be a powerful channel to inform messages to people who need it. As a virtual communication medium, there is no limited space so that the wider community can convey information anywhere, and to anyone. In virtual communication, it allows someone to interact but actually they are not directly in that place.

Virtual Classroom; Marketing Strategist; Learning

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Way Trade of Japan with Japanese Candlestick
Sony Setiawan (a*), Abdul Mutholib (b)

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Corresponding Author
Abdul Mutholib

a) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to analyze the asset using candlestick found by Munehisa Homma. The method used in this research was the qualitative method and descriptive analysis method, to examine in depth a complete overview of the situation related to some variable situations examined. The publics attention to the trading of assets is utilized as a business opportunity, one of which can be seen from many people in many countries around the world who become traders in 2017 who want to get extra income from asset trading. The result of this research was to identify the candlestick charting techniques in the world of asset trading, as well as to provide an understanding of candlestick as a graph in analyzing assets in the world of asset trading. The research was done by discussing the concept of candlestick charting techniques and the concept of ichimoku. The research was focused on Japanese candlestick chart.

Munehisa Homma; Japanese; Candlestick; Business



Web Based Academic Information System
Fenny,Syafariani R. , A Devi

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R.Fenny Syafariani


An institution engaged in formal education has a desire to create a quality future generation. In order to create a quality generation, educational institutions must improve themselves in improving information systems especially academic. In this case, if viewed in the current system in several educational institutions, it is still considered not working optimally in the process of searching and presenting data. This research is conducted to find out the system that is running, designing the system, analyzing and testing the system and implementing an academic information system. The research method used is descriptive with structured approach methods and development methods using prototypes. While for the programming language using PHP and MySQL as the database. The results of this study are, a web-based academic information system is created which can be used in managing student, teacher, and value data., scheduling, and other data. So there are many benefits that can be obtained and the achievement of the goals of the school.

Academic Information System, educational institutions, Web-based

Informatic and Information System


Web Based Information System on Travel Ticket Booking
Muhammad Rizki Fauji (a)*, Dina Fatimah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Shina Hasnah Mayawati

a. Departement of Information System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Departement of Interior Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to design a web-based information system for booking travel tickets and increasing the effectiveness of purchasing travel tickets. To support this research the author uses descriptive methods for several travel services providers. The results show that there are still some things that become less efficient when consumers are still using conventional methods. From these results the author still gets many travel service providers who still have difficulty processing ticket booking data. This is because many travel service providers do not trust the internet or information systems that can process order data more effectively and efficiently. Therefore, with a travel ticket ordering information system, it is easier for consumers to order tickets and make it easier for travel service providers to process consumer data

travel tickets, consumers, information systems

Informatic and Information System


N Hasti, S Lesari, I Gustiana

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Novrini Hasti

Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Internship is a form of activity combining the knowledge that students have gained in school with the knowledge which is gained from working directly in the field. The information system of industrial internship web based is the purpose of this study. This study uses descriptive research methods, the system approach method is object-oriented approach and system development method is the method of Prototype Method. The data collections are interviews, observation and literature. With the designed information system internship web based, it is expected that there will not be more errors in the process of managing the overall internship data and providing information to students, and they can more quickly obtain information about internship.

information system, industrial field practice, object-oriented approach, prototype method

Informatic and Information System


Web-Based Ordering Information System on Food Store
P S Kurniati1, R Herikson2*

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Corresponding Author
Rifaldi Herikson

1 Departemen Teknik Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2 Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


The aim of this research is to develop a system that may help owner and customers of food store to perform transaction on website without having to come to the store. The method used in this research is descriptive method where to present complete illustration of the current situation, collecting primary and secondary data by interview and observation about ordering system in food store, for system approach method using object-oriented and system development using prototype. The result of this research is to increase the effectiveness and easier for customers to order food and admin can maximal service to customers via the web. The research was done by discussing about ordering food by customers, payment system, and order report.

Web; Order; Information System; Food Store

Informatic and Information System


Website – Based Vehicle Traffic Monitoring System
Poni Sukaesih Kurniati (a*), Ayu Puspitasari (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ayu Puspitasari

a) Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This research was conducted to provide suggestions on a way to monitor road traffic conditions by using data sent from cameras installed at each intersection. The research method used is literature study, observation, system design and system testing. With this method the writer can make an accurate information system regarding traffic monitoring. From the results of the study obtained data such as general conditions of the road, the number of vehicles passing, the average speed of the vehicle, the travel time of the vehicle, the position of congestion and the time of congestion.The creation of a monitoring system is very important because it can provide information about the road conditions clearly. From the current problems, the authors want to make a "Website-Based Vehicle Traffic Monitoring System" which later the system becomes information for road users and the police to monitor traffic.

Road Traffict; Information System; Vehicle

Informatic and Information System


Website Development of Indonesian Art Higher Education Institutions Historical Archive
Trihanondo, Donny; Endriawan, Didit

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Donny Trihanondo

Department of Creative Arts, Telkom University

Art Higher Education Institution in Indonesia has been established since 1947, and ever since has developed in different parts of Indonesia. Indonesia as a country with rich culture and arts, has its own history and characteristics regarding its visual arts development. Prominent names in The History of Art Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia includes names, such as Simon Admiraal, Ries Mulder and RJ Katamsi. They had historical account of establishing Universitaire Leergang voor Tekenleraren (FSRD ITB) and ASRI located in Bandung and Yogyakarta respectively. For the purpose of information propagation regarding these historical data and information of art higher education institutions in Indonesia, came the idea of developing a website that will give information about the history of Indonesian art institutions. The project was initiated by Creative Art Department of Telkom University, which also acts as an art higher education institution. The website development gone through several phases, which includes data collections of art higher education institutions in Indonesia, and using RITE (Rapid Iteration Test and Evaluation) methodology in its development. The state of this research project is currently still ongoing, and it is hoped to become a reference database regarding the historical account of art higher education in Indonesia. Similar projects in Indonesia include online art database like IVAA (Indonesian Visual Art Archive) which initiated in Yogyakarta. The preliminary conclusions of currently ongoing research are that it is necessary to build such online database to hold historical data about the subject, and that the visual aspects of the website have the most consideration for the success of this project.

Website Development, Art Higher Education, Online Database

Informatic and Information System


What is Benefit of Electronic Commerce Product Marketing for Doll Craft Products
A Nursikuwagus (a*), D Cahyadi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Yosi Narulita

a)Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b)Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


The purpose of this research was to determine the positive impact of the internet or e-commerce web for marketing doll craft products. Which previously marketed only in a limited scope, the point is because it does marketing only from someones talk, or those who already know there will be a doll company, or only those who make purchases then make purchases talking about doll products to friends, or family. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, which explains the overall picture of developing problems and creative ideas that will be innovative solutions. From the research results obtained that it is better to use the renewable technology resources, because as time goes on technology becomes more renewable, as for some people say if “technology keeps away that is close and bring the distance closer,” so for the problem in this company. Technology makes us better communicate with each other than not used, the possibility, the feasibility, and other advantageous help people in the world bring their product into the world. The impact using of e-commerce, it can increase the revenue of the company and can reduce the cost. The other impact is everything product that we can sell and service all of the time without any restriction and boundary of the area.

E-commerce, Marketting, Technology

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


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