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The 1st International Conference on Democratisation in Southeast Asia (ICDeSA 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.04 for 2 days in Serang |

Page 4 (data 91 to 119 of 119) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Diffable Womens Movement in the 2019 Legislative Election in Indonesia
Ika Arinia Indriyany, M. Dian Hikmawan, Yeby Maasan Mayrudin

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Ika Arinia Indriyany

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

The absence of representatives of the DPR RI (Representative Council Republic of Indonesia) from diffable people and the discourse of their political struggle to obtain previlage rights as citizens became an interesting study. This research focuses on the issue of the emergence of a movement that was built for the struggle for DPR RI seats in the 2019 legislative elections by woman legislative candidates from the diffable. She does not only carry out womens struggles in carrying out his rights as citizens, furthermore his movement tries to bring the issue of diffable women to gain seats in parliament. The movement that is trying to be constructed is an issue of fulfilling the right to the diffable people through legislating in parliament. This research uses qualitative methods and phenomenology approaches to unravel the movements that try to be constructed by diffable candidates in managing issues that will be fought for in parliament as the substance of the political struggle. The findings in this research also emphasize the presence of political struggle movements of diffable candidates through the issue of representation of disabled people, especially diffable women through transformative politics, at least the issue of representation of disabled people to sit in parliamentary seats becomes a political agenda in the 2019 legislative elections.

Woman, Diffable, Representation, Election, Social Movement

Local Politics and Decentralization


the impact of government transfers and expenditure assignments as part of fiscal decentralization on the level of corruption: Evidence from Indonesia
Riya Dwi Handaka (a), Ibrahim Harriadi (b)

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riya dwi handaka

a. Polytechnic Of State Finance STAN, Jalan Bintaro Utama V, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
b. Ministry Of Finance of RI, Jalan Wahidin Raya No.1, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Since 1999 Indonesia has provided as much autonomy as possible. Regional autonomy is provided together with funding through fund transfers and also flexibility in the budget. Fund transfers from the central government are used by local governments to fund expenditures in accordance with the desired needs. But on the other hand, the provision of authority makes the amount of corruption in Indonesia increase. In this study, it aims to examine the effect of central government fund transfers and expenditure assignments as part of fiscal decentralization on the level of corruption in Indonesia. This study is a quantitative study with analysis using the most unusual multiple linear regression with a fixed effect model. The object of this research is all provinces in Indonesia by taking data from 4 years 2013-2016. The results of this study prove that balancing funds or transferring funds and expenditure assignment which are the measurement of fiscal decentralization in this study have a positive and significant influence on the level of corruption in Indonesia.

Transfer Fund; expenditure assignment; fiscal decentralization; level of corruption

Corruption and Clientelism


The Improvement of E-administration in Indonesia : An Analysis Based on U Theory and Quintuple Helix
ayuning budiati

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Ayuning Budiati


E-administration in Indonesia has an important role in public service deliveries. It is more efficient, effective, transparent and accountable by using e-administration. However, lack of infrastructure, leaders commitment in an integrated way in all areas in Indonesia, human resource e-literacy and bureaucratic and working culture are still occurred in Indonesia. This research uses qualitative method and descriptive analysis approach. Data and information are from literature review and interview some informans. By using theory u that consists of sensing, presencing, and co creating moreover by using Quintuple Helix then e-administration implementation in Indonesia can be improved.

Key words: e-administration, Indonesia, theory u, Quintuple Helix

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Mahyuni, Muhammad Fauzan, Siti Maulina Harini

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Mahyuni Yuni

Goverment Science Study Program, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Lambung Mangkurat University

This study aims to determine the causes of incumbents in the contestation of 2015 regional head elections in the Central Hulu Sungai Regency of South Kalimantan Province. This research uses a qualitative method approach with an explorative descriptive type. In this study, informants were determined by purposive sampling technique. Data sources and data collection techniques carried out by interviews and documentations. Processing and analysis of data in this study through three activity lines, namely data reduction, data display and conclusions drawing and verification. The result of the research on the causes of incumbent are divided into two factors. The first factor is internal factors such as the lack of a solid team in collects support both at the campaign stage voting and counting, lack of relations or networks that are built up to increase public trust, inadequate fund campaign of incumbent candidate with the opposite candidates, the influence of the character or nature of the wife of the incumbent such as following the birth of policies in the government and the excessive position of herself as the wife of the head of the region resulting in a decrease in the electability of incumbent in the community. The second factor is external factors, factors that become a threat to incumbent candidates such as opposite candidates get support from religious leaders in the area. Most Hulu Sungai Tengah people in making political choices still adhere to the choice of the ulama and habaib. There was a negative issue made by the opposition about the incumbents leadership during his tenure. Based on this, the suggestion for incumbents who want to try again in the contestation of regional head elections not to allow the role of others in determining policies in the government and still maintain popularity and electability in the community while leading the region.

Election, Incumbent, Modality

Local Politics and Decentralization


The Indigenous Peoples Rights Movement in Indonesia : Are They Part of Democratic Process
Herry Yogaswara

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Herry Yogaswara

Research Center for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Indigenous Peoples (Masyarakat Adat) movement in Indonesia has been linking with dynamic of state regime and its government. While Soehartos felt down on 1998, Civil Society of Masyarakat Adat was responding by created the first congress of indigenous peoples of archipelagic on 1999. Then the Alliance of Indigenous Peoples (Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara or AMAN) was formed. In the first phase of their movement, AMAN was representing voice of indigenous peoples and tension relationship between AMAN and bureaucracy system occurred due to different interest on natural resources issues. Nowadays, after 20 years of movement, relationship between AMAN and the state, through Indonesia government has been dynamic, AMAN and other CSO more collaborative with government officer and their programe, especially related with customary forest (hutan adat) issues. In this situation there is question related to position of CSO with the state, are CSO still critical to government policy or part of government. Example from formation of The District Regulation (Peraturan Daerah) of Lebak, Banten related to recognize, protection and empowerment of masyarakat adat kasepuhan and recognition of hutan adat, I argue CSO see opportunity to realize their goals to have access on tenure system in the forest area and not captured by government ideas.

indigenous peoples, social movement, customary forest, Banten

Local Politics and Decentralization


Delly Maulana1, Endang Larasati2, Sri Suwitri2, Kismartini2

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Delly Maulana

1Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Serang Raya,
Banten, Indonesia
2 Public Administration Doctoral Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Transparency and accountability in the process of budget policy-making are two of the necessary principles which are conducted through the transparent presentation of information which is accessible to the public. The reason is that every use of funds must be accountable for its utilization of the resources managed to obtain a predetermined result. This condition also enables all the actors to criticize, discuss, and give suggestions so that in the future the regional budgeting policy could have improved quality and be aligned to the people-s wishes. Currently, the budgeting policy-making process in the Regional Government of Banten Province already employs the Planning, Budgeting, and Reporting Management Information System Application (SIMRAL). SIMRAL is an application recommended by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in collaboration with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) as the application provider. This information technology is believed to be able to guarantee the transparency and accountability of regional financial management. Therefore, this article attempts to describe the information technology-based planning and budgeting process in the Regional Government of Banten Province and to assess whether it had a positive contribution to in creating transparency and accountability and in minimizing corrupt practices in Banten Province. The research method employed in the current study was a qualitative method with data analysis using the NVivo 12 plus software.

Planning, Budgeting, Information Technology, and Budgeting Policy

Digital Governance and Citizenship


The Pattern of Village Democratic Institutionalization in Managing Village Funds
Ali Maksum (a*) and Ahmad Zaki Fadlur Rohman (b)

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Ahmad Zaki Fadlur Rohman

a) Departement of Government, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
b) Departement of Government, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia

This study intends to find out the pattern of institutionalizing village democracy in managing village funds. The aim is to find out why a village is prosperous, and some are not successful in managing funds so that it has an impact on the size of the villages original income. This study conducted in three villages, namely Pujon Kidul Village, Krebet Village, and Sanankerto Village in Malang Regency, East Java. Through the case study method, the research concluded that the pattern of democratic institutionalization based on the rational choice institutionalism approach in managing village funds proved to be successful in managing village funds whereas the design of institutionalizing democracy that uses a normative institutional approach has proven to be a failure in managing village funds

democracy, institutionalization, village, and village funds

Local Politics and Decentralization


The Political Model of Islamic Development: A Comparative Study in Indonesia and Malaysia
Heri Kusmanto (a), Warjio (b)

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Warjio -

(a) Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Dokter A. Sofian 1A, Medan, 20222, North Sumatera, Indonesia

(b) Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Dokter A. Sofian 1A, Medan, 20222, North Sumatera, Indonesia

This article presents a comparative political model of Islamic societies in Indonesia and Malaysia. The political model of Islamic development was primarily determined by the ideology and the leader-s thought and strategies, although the strategy is often meant as the preaching efforts. In Indonesia, the preaching of Muhammadiyah is different with Al-Washliyah. Muhammadiyah is the Islamic society that struggling the religion purification and modern thoughts without depending to the Maddhab, while the Al-Washliyah keeps using the Maddhab as the ideological thoughts. The both Islamic societies use a holistic preaching strategy and keep their political distance against the government. This is on contrary with the Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Perkim), an Islamic society that has significant role in Islamic development and preaching activity in Malaysia. There is no political distance between the Perkim and government. In fact, most of the Perlim leaders are part of the government. Those difference in phenomena are interesting to analyze especially the difference in ideology and developmental politics through Forum Group Discussion (FGD) approach. The findings showed that the difference of political orientation and leader-s thought were the main factors of the difference of developmental politics in regard with the political distance against the government which was a part of strategic development. Differently, the absence of political distance between Perkim and the government indicates their poor political involvement, because it is merely focused on the Islamization efforts.

Developmental Politics, Islamic Society, Muhammadiyah, Al-Washliyah, Perkim, Comparison

Local Politics and Decentralization


The problems of political development of Islamic political parties in Indonesia and Malaysia: A history review on democration proceses
Warjio (a), Heri Kusmanto (b)

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Warjio -

(a) Department of political Science, faculty of social sciences, Universitas sumatera utara (USU), Medan-Indonesia, 20155

(b) Department of political Science, faculty of social sciences, Universitas sumatera utara (USU), Medan-Indonesia, 20155

Abstract There is a very interesting relationship between political development and political parties, namely that both emerge as a response to the independence of the country. Malaysia and Indonesia are two countries that provide examples of how political development relations and political parties have a strong influence. Political development hopes to grow in a democratic space. But in reality, the political development in Malaysia and Indonesia at the beginning of these newly independent countries was in fact not like that especially because it was related to the existence of Islamic parties. The focus of this paper is how the development of Islamic party politics in Malaysia and Indonesia grows and develops? What is the response of the Malaysian and Indonesian governments to the emergence of the Islamic party? Is the democratic space given to the authorities by the Islamic parties? In answering the issue, the research method used is through the historical approach of archival and publishing documents. The results of the research conducted found that the political development of Islamic parties in Malaysia and Indonesia at the beginning of the establishment of the country received a negative response from the government. For reasons of development the government considers the party a barrier to development. The implication is that there is an attempt to break the Islamic party and make them enemies. So that the democratic process that should have grown in political development in Malaysia and Indonesia at the beginning of the two countries did not run fair.

Democracy, Indonesia, Islamic Political parties, Malaysia, Political Development,

Political Party and Election


The Problems of the Implementation of Authority on Affairs of Population and Civil Registration in Regional Governance in Banten Province
Oki Oktaviana, Devi Triady Bachruddin dan Bani Adi Dharma

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Oki Oktaviana

Regional Development Planning Agency for Banten Province

This study aims to see at the problems of the implementation of authority on population affairs and civil registration in regional governance in Banten Province. The study was conducted in March to April 2019. The method used in this study is descriptive research with a qualitative approach based on primary data obtained by interviews and secondary data in the form of documents that have relevance to the research objectives. The results of the study show that based on Law 23/2014, the implementation of the affairs of Population Administration and Civil Registration in large part is still the authority of the central government. The authority of the district / city government is limited to population registration services, civil registration services, population data collection, utilization and presentation of district / city population databases. Meanwhile, the provincial government has only the authority to make a population profile in level province. The lack of authority and responsibility for carrying out the affairs of Population Administration and Civil Registration at the provincial government level made the reason for the Banten provincial government to unite the affairs of Population Administration and Civil Registration with two other affairs namely government affairs in the field of women and child protection and the field of population control and family planning (DP3AKKB). This condition has implications for the not yet optimal implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the provincial government in handling population administration as contained in Law 24/2013 concerning Population Administration and Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 100-1077 Dukcapil in 2017. DP3AKKB Institutional Strengthening is needed through fulfilling the need for human resources who have competence in the area of population administration, especially expert in Population Administrator Database (ADB), Banten Provincial Budgeting alignments and optimizing budget submissions sourced from the APBN

Population Administration, Civil Registration, Banten

Local Politics and Decentralization


Muh. Turizal Husein dan SABIK KHUMAINI

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Muh. Turizal Husein

Prodi Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

This study aimed to determine and analyze the influenced of perceptions and interests of the society towards the Islamic insurance. The unit of the analysis that used in this study was the Islamic insurance society in the city of Tangerang. The type of research was field research with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique was used purposive sampling method. The data used were primary data obtained based on respondents answers to the questionnaires that had given. This study used multiple linear regression analysis with classical assumption test, descriptive analysis, t test (partially), F test (simultaneously), and coefficient test. The results showed that partially the perception and interest variables of the society had a significant positive effect on Islamic insurance. Furthermore, simultaneous perception variables, and publics- interest had a significant positive effect on Islamic insurance in the city of Tangerang. Perceptual variables, and interests together influenced purchasing decisions by 45.7%, and the remaining 54.3% were influenced by other variables that did not explained in this research.

Insurance, Islamic, Perception, Interest

Education and Social Change


The Role of Jambi Malay Customary Institutions in Preservation of Local Wisdom (Regional Culture) in JAMBI Province
Iswandi (a), Ahmad Baidawi (b)

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Ahmad Baidawi

a) Faculty of Law, Universitas Jambi, Jl. Raya Jambi-Muara Bulian KM.15 Mendalo Indah Muaro Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia, iswandi_79[at]
b) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,Universitas Jambi. Jl. Raya Jambi-Muara Bulian KM.15 Mendalo Indah Muaro Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia, baidawi_684[at]

Jambi Malay Customary Institution (LAM) is an organization engaged in the socio-cultural field in Jambi Province. Jambi Malay Customary Institution is not an organization under the government but is a partner of the government in the field of cultural preservation. The purpose of this research is to describe the role of Jambi Malay Customary Institutions in preserving local wisdom (regional culture) in Jambi Province, more specifically this study wants to explain the Role of Jambi Malay Customary Institutions in carrying out their duties and functions in Jambi Regional Cultural Preservation. The research method is qualitative descriptive. The subjects in this study were Malay traditional leaders, Jambi government, religious leaders, community leaders and youth leaders of Jambi Province. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that the role of Jambi Malay Customary Institutions in the Preservation of Jambi Local Wisdom (Regional Culture) has an important role, such as providing an understanding of the importance of preserving Jambi culture through socialization activities. As for the obstacles faced by the Jambi Malay Customary Institution in preserving the culture of the Jambi is the lack of understanding and awareness of the Jambi people towards the local wisdom (regional culture) of Jambi and also the many foreign cultures that enter Jambi.

Jambi Malay Customary Institution; Preservation; Local wisdom; Jambi Province.

Local Politics and Decentralization


Muhamad Takiyuddin, Amalin Sabiha

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Political Science Programme
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
43000 Bangi

The influence of Japanese non-state actors including private foundations on internationalisation agendas has breathed a new life in Japanese democracy promotion which was previously dominated by the state actor. This exploratory article seeks to examine the form of democracy promotion channelled by Japanese non-state actors to Malaysia through a case study of two key Japanese non-state actors in Malaysia namely the Nippon Foundation and Sasakawa Peace Foundation. In the context of state actor, Japan is right behind the US as the second largest contributor of democracy assistance to Malaysia. However, it is rather difficult to pinpoint Japans contribution due to its ambiguous nature and great emphasis on governance assistance. Such approach had invited criticisms from democrat figures like Anwar Ibrahim who called for a more grounded approach and for Japanese government to emulate its non-state actors in democracy promotion agenda. Data however indicates that Japanese non-state actor approach of democracy promotion to Malaysia is rather “docile” and serves a complementary function to the Japanese government on the basis of track two diplomacy. This is contrary to role played by high profile non-state actors such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) (United States) and Stiftungen (Germany) that took a more aggressive approach in their democracy promotion strategies especially in Malaysia. Japanese non-state actors are also bound by the diplomatic code set by its government as well as restricted by the Japan-Malaysia good bilateral relations factor, despite its close engagement with civil society. However, the decrease of activities by Japanese non-state actors to Malaysia had raised questions

Japanese democracy promotion, non-state actors, civil society organizations, Nippon Foundation, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Anwar Ibrahim

Political Party and Election


The Role of Journalism in Disaster Issues: Study on Tsunami in The Sunda Strait 2018
Puspita Asri Praceka

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Puspita Asri Praceka

Communication science department, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University


Journalism can play an important role in the topic of disasters. With the broad and massive characteristics of the mass media and their ability to create agenda settings, mass media has become an important tool in disaster issues. Last December 2018, Banten Province was hit by tsunami, which destroyed the north coast of the Sunda Strait. This made headlines in various mass media in Indonesia and international media. They competed with each other to make the topic of the Sunda Strait Tsunami the main news. According to the journalistic point of view, the task of journalists is not only telling the reader what happened (heres what happened) but also must give meaning (heres what it means) and what the reader can do (heres what you can do about). In Disaster Management Cycle there is five step, disaster, response, rehabilitation, mitigation and preparedness. This study looks at how the media in Indonesia reports on The Sunda Strait Tsunami disaster. This study uses quantitative content analysis methods by taking news that appear in national media (Kumparan, Tirto ID, Beritagar and Kompas) as well as on Banten local media (Radar Banten, Newsmedia and Banten Pos) one month after the tsunami occurred (December 2018-January 2019). The results of this study indicate that (1) The role of mass media in Indonesia both locally and nationally is still in the first stage, Response (Rescue and Evacuation & Relief and External Support); (2) The news value raised by the majority is impact and popularity. The conclusion of this study, the mass media in Indonesia still raises the issue of suffering and sadness, has not arrived at the issue of disaster mitigation and disaster literacy.

Mass media, journalism, Tsunami in Sunda Strait

Education and Social Change


The Role of Ngo-s in the Pattern of Modern International Relations: A Case Study of the Role of the Indonesian Humanitarian Alliance for Myanmar (AKIM) in Handling the Rohingya Ethnic Humanitarian Crisis in Myanmar
Ardli Johan Kusuma (a*), Fernando Ersento Maraden Sitorus (b)

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Ardli Johan Kusuma

a) Department of International Relations, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Jl. Sunter Permai Raya, Sunter Agung, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14350, Indonesia.
b) Department of Political science, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Jl. Sunter Permai Raya, Sunter Agung, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14350, Indonesia.

This study discusses the role of NGOS in the case of Indonesian Humanitarian Alliance for Myanmar (AKIM: Aliansi Kemanusian Indonesia Untuk Myanmar) in handling humanitarian crises experienced by Rohingya ethnic groups in Myanmar. This phenomenon in Myanmar is interesting when NGO S (AKIM) is able to contribute when state actors and IGO S get a blockade from the Myanmar government. In this case NGOS in the pattern of modern international relations is able to show a role that cannot be carried out by the state or international organizations between state governments (IGO-S). The phenomenon shows that NGO S has more access to enter in the settlement of cases of humanitarian crises experienced by Rohingya ethnic groups in Myanmar, after the Myanmar government gave a blockade against other countries and IGO S included denial of the assistance offered by the United Nations. The method used in this study is to use a qualitative paradigm by using a case study strategy to observe the symptoms that occur. While in data collection researchers use study documents or known as librarian research as well as by conducting in-depth interviews with pre-determined sources, who are considered to have the capacity theoretically, as well as practically. After that the data is processed with interpretive analytical techniques to draw conclusions and to formulate the model to be made in this study.

NGO-S; Rohingya ethnic; Humanitarian crisis; Pattern of Modern International Relations

Conflict and Reconciliation


The Role of Stakeholders in Sustained Governance of Public Transportation Sidenreng Rappang District
Ani Ardian (a), Jamaluddin Ahmad (b), Andi Nilwana (c)

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Ani Ardian

University of Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang

Public transportation in the district Sidenreng Rappang is a priority for the immediate formulated its policies especially public transport passengers. The problem arises because of the lack of supervision, public transport fares, route system settings/route that has not been done in, hierarchy transports carrying passengers in terminal. Therefore, it takes the role of stakeholders in an integrated management, strategic, and sustainable system to support the design in the form of governance on the public transport passengers, planning within the scope of the problem management and operation. The study aims to identify the role of stakeholders based on the level the influence and their interests on public transport in Sidrap Regency. The collection of data is collected through observation field and in-depth interviews to stakeholders. The method of analysis data using analysis stakeholders. The research results show that stakeholders who engage in governance in the management of public transport in Sidenreng Rappang Regency were divided into two groups and bestowed his key players group is ( high and the influence of high ) and as actors and bestowed his group low and the influence of high. Stakeholders including key player is the head of the the DPRD of Sidrap Regency, sidrap regent, the head of BAPPEDA Sidrap Regency, head of financial management agency Sidrap Regency, head of department of transportation Sidrap Regency, and heads of agencies Sidrap Regency environment. Stakeholders including as actors were community figures, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academics. Stakeholders group this key players must be more active engage very full of included in evaluate a new strategy. Stakeholders risk this could bring in policies and thus their existence need to monitored and well-managed. To optimize stakeholders and the role of the actors have to do exchange or inform stakeholders the key players.

Governance, Transportation, Stakeholders

Sustainable Development Goals


Nina Yuliana

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nina yuliana

Communication Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

The idea of democracy is interpreted by many perspectives and ways for individuals and society. Indonesia is no exception, which is part of the world community. Various regions and communities in Indonesia have their own challenges in practicing democracy in the influence of globalization and the popularity of social media as citizen participation in various sectors, including social and economic sectors as an effort to overcome the digital divide and widening agreement between the rich and the poor. For the Baduy indigenous people in Banten with adat, the foundation of democracy is defined as justice, in the sense of opening opportunities to everyone, and also means autonomy or independence of the person concerned to regulate his life, according to what he wants. Even the role of women in the food security of the Baduy community has been expressed in a strong and very synergistic manner in welcoming and realizing Sustainable development goals, including in the era of globalization and media convergence.

Women, Baduy indigenous people, globalization

Sustainable Development Goals


The Roles of Women in Empowerment and Literacy Through Waste Management (Case Study in Limbah Pustaka Purbalingga and Rumah Dunia Serang)
Wahyu Kartiko Utami, M. Rizky Godjali

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Sultan Ageng Tirtyasa University

This study aims to explore the role of women in efforts to empower and increase community literacy through waste management. Furthermore, this study will try to compare the roles of women in Purbalingga District (Limbah Pustaka) and in Serang City (Rumah Dunia). This research is important because the problem of waste is an endless problem, where every day almost everyone produces waste, including in Purbalingga Regency and Serang City. On the other hand, the role of women in the movement or community is still small, so that efforts made by the Limbah Pustaka (Purbalingga Regency) and Rumah Dunia (Serang City) are one example where there is a role of women not only in reducing waste, but how become an empowerment activity and increase the literacy of the surrounding community. The methodology of this research is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection is done by observation, in-depth interviews and documents or archives. The purpose of this comparison itself is to see how the role of women in each community or region (province) in the effort to empower and increase literacy through waste management. This research is expected to produce good models or designs in waste management efforts, and later can be an example or model for other communities in Indonesia

Women, Empowerment, Literacy, Limbah Pustaka, Rumah Dunia, Wsate Management

Sustainable Development Goals


The social politics of LGBTQ: a critical systemic review
Riswanda, Rahmawati

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Rahmawati Rahmawati

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

This paper aims at providing insights into the complex issue of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) in Indonesia. Whilst the issue is likely seen as -health alert, moral panic or political correction- (Riswanda 2019) in the country, the paper is making the case that the -family resilience- concept (BKKBN 2016) could readdress the issue by a greater understanding of its four pillars namely -spirituality-, -welfare-, -secure- and -justice-. The policy research favours an in-depth exploratory study where researchers put themselves in the shoes of people having real-life experiences in the issue of LGBTQ in as many aspects as possible and in varied policy-making roles. Blending in approach is taken to get interconnected insights of the narrative of people with different backgrounds and thus differing understandings of the issue. The paper argues for multi-variant perspective in responding to the human development policy goals, taking into accounts all stakeholders related to the policy from both government and non-government sectors. The research contributes to an intellectual discourse on LGBTQ so as to have proper insights that could draw out social and political themes from considering the receiving ends of the Indonesian policy options of the issue namely LGBTQ communities and potentially members of families exposed to the issue. This study suggest that law-making on LGBT should start with proper research-based data grounded on participatory action research including those who are often socially excluded from policy-making cycles. The option needs to engage and not to exclude those at social exclusion mentioned formerly, with which is the opponent of and or basically a critique to policy decision based on merely following popular decision. The social politics of LGBTQ is systemic calling for -family resilience- developed by community engagements.

social, Politics, Policy, LGBTQ, Resilience, Family

Education and Social Change


Traditional Ceremony as a Development Communication Medium
Abdul Malik

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Abdul Malik

Communication Studies Program Universitas Serang Raya
email: kangdoel2002[at]

The Seren taun ceremony in Kasepuhan Banten Kidul is a form of reflection of gratitude towards the Almighty over abundant crops. In addition, these traditional rituals are also a place of friendship between indigenous members and stakeholders from the village to the central level. During the ceremony, there was a dialogue session between the parties and the stakeholders regarding various social issues faced. The indigenous people represented by the customary leader convey their aspirations in the form of complaints, hopes, and demands from the community to the government, while the stakeholders respond to issues that arise, as well as convey various development agendas and programs, both for the interests of the indigenous people and for society in general. In the context of social change and development, the use of seren taun as a means of dialogue between indigenous peopleada and stakeholders can be understood as a form of social action that has a specific purpose, namely the hope of emerging government attention so that they can feel the positive impact of development. Therefore, this study intends to focus on questions; how seren taun is used as a medium of customary communication with the government, and how the implications for social change and development along with the use of traditional activities as a medium of communication with the government. To answer this question, this research with a qualitative approach and ethnometodology method uses the theory of social action as an analys

Traditional Ceremony, Seren Taun, Kasepuhan Banten Kidul, Social Change and Development

Sustainable Development Goals


Traditional Ceremony as a Medium of Development Communication (Study of The Seren Taun Traditional Ceremony in Kasepuhan Banten Kidul)
Abdul Malik

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Corresponding Author
Abdul Malik

Communication Studies Departement, Universitas Serang Raya
Email: kangdoel2002[at]

The Seren taun ceremony in Kasepuhan Banten Kidul is a form of reflection of gratitude towards the almighty over abundant crops. In addition, these traditional rituals are also a place of friendship between indigenous members and stakeholders from the village to the central level. During the ceremony, there was a dialogue session between the parties and the stakeholders regarding various social issues faced. The indigenous people represented by the customary leader convey their aspirations in the form of complaints, hopes, and demands from the community to the government, while the stakeholders respond to issues that arise, as well as convey various development agendas and programs, both for the interests of the indigenous people and for society in general. In the context of social change and development, the use of seren taun as a means of dialogue between indigenous people and stakeholders can be understood as a form of social action that has a specific purpose, namely the hope of emerging government attention so that they can feel the positive impact of development. Therefore, this study intends to focus on questions; how seren taun is used as a medium of customary communication with the government, and also the implications for social change as a result of development. To answer this question, the research with a qualitative approach and this case study method uses the theory of social action as an analysis knife.

Traditional Ceremony, Seren Taun, Kasepuhan Banten Kidul, Social Change and Development

Sustainable Development Goals


Dr. Naniek Afrilla Framanik, Dr. Rahmi Winangsih, Dr. Idi Dimyati, Darwis, M.Ikom.

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Naniek Afrilla Framanik

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University,

This study focuses on the traditional communication model of traditional leaders in the indigenous tribe Kasepuhan Cisungsang, namely an indigenous tribal community, in Banten Province, the westernmost part of the island of Java in Indonesia. The Kasepuhan Cisungsang indigenous tribe has existed since the 13th century. The presence of modern culture also changes the values of life adopted in the Cisungsang tribe. There is concern among indigenous leaders, that the values they believe in from generation to generation will change and even be damaged by changing times. This study focused on three objectives, namely: (1) finding traditional communication models in maintaining local wisdom in the Cisungsang tribe, (2) finding the self-concept of indigenous leaders in terms of: the rights and obligations of indigenous leaders to make decisions for themselves and their environment . (3) Finding patterns of support for indigenous peoples, in terms of their attitude of religiosity and democratic attitude. This research is based on pragmatisms philosophical roots, uses cultural social traditions, symbolic interactionism theory (mind, self and society) -Herbert Mead, constructivist paradigm, qualitative-exploratory research approaches, and ethnometodology methods. The level of data validity is based on credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of this study are, (1) traditional leaders carry out traditional communication in the form vertical communication methods, which are carried out from indigenous peoples to traditional leaders, called reporting (nyarita). The second traditional communication method is horizontal communication, namely communication between traditional leaders, called discussion (adu renyom). (2) The next stage is to the self-concept of traditional leaders. Traditional leaders carry out their duty to maintain cosmic order. Customary leaders in carrying out their roles have competence. They are creative, wise, responsible, alert, ready, understanding, intelligent, skilled, agile, caring, fast, responsive and the ability to maintain self-esteem. Traditional leaders have the ability to place themselves, can absorb social values. This ability is achieved by meditating and maintaining the sanctity of behavior. The self-concept of traditional leaders has a tendency to the aspects of "the Me" and not on "the I". (3) Indigenous peoples support for local wisdom in Kasepuhan Cisungsang is to maintain and carry out religious ritual activities and trust in Sri Devi. They respect and loyal to the traditional leader. From the aspect of the attitude of democracy, if they marry outside people, then the traditional leader allows them. After marrying and moving home, they are not given the obligation to follow customary regulations. Keywords: traditional leaders, discussion (adu renyom), reporting (nyarita), content (eusi), container (wadah), indigenous communities.

traditional leaders, discussion (adu renyom), reporting (nyarita), content (eusi), container (wadah), indigenous communities.

Education and Social Change


Traditional Islamic Boarding School Empowerment Model Through Training Economy Creative
Ima Maisaroh and Dadang Sodikin

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Ima Maisaroh

Public Administration Department, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

Islamic boarding school is integral part of National Education System (Act No. 20 of 2003). As organizer Islamic Education, Islamic School is local wisdom and wealth Indonesian culture should preserved and developed in a manner innovative. Contribution of Islamic boarding school for nation and country is very big. In the past, Islamic boarding school is node struggle drive away invaders and fight for independence. Now Islamic boarding school is organizer education with cost relatively cheap however permanent keep quality so that to be support hope society poor for obtain education. Islamic boarding school need noticed and support it able to answer demands era as is intended by Constitution that is. On consideration that Islamic boarding school Al Chikmatul Muballighoh was chosen as partner service to community (PKM) Focus activities Training Economy Creative this is create entrepreneurship mindset is integrated with Training Making Veil and Cap. Participants 40 of 250 Students / female students, plus five (5) persons Ustadz Part Care. Purpose: so that besides have skill Religious Sciences, Participants also have entrepreneurial mindset, skills creative and productive, as well as able to give contribution for the Pesantren. For that Participants motivated to "transmit" results training to the Santri / Santriwati and the Ustadh / Ustadzah others. Output and Outcome: Islamic boarding school have Cadre Superior sound and skilled entrepreneurship, capable identify and process potential, catch opportunity economy and give solution for needs himself, and give contribution to Islamic boarding school so that have business units productive (Cooperative and Owned Islamic Boarding School / BUMP) as source income Pesantren at once Entrepreneurship Laboratorium to give optimal service to the Santri / Santriwati.

Empowerment, Pesantren, Creative Economy, Entrepreneurial Mindset

Education and Social Change


Tussle of Identity Politics Within Indonesian Islamic Parties: Study of PAN, PKB, and PKS
Yeby Maasan Mayrudin, M.A. and M. Chairil Akbar, M.A.

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Yeby Ma-asan Mayrudin

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta

This study seeks to conduct a critical analysis of the vision and practice of Political Islam held by the leading Islamic parties in Indonesia: PKS, PAN and PKB. Strategy and the methods adopted by the three parties are not always based linearly with Islamic style. The analysis will be directed at explaining their adaptive actions and changes in response to the concrete political realities and developments. Political Islam will be placed in the context not only in terms of identity and ideological elements but also in its intersection with efforts to achieve the targets of political power and success in general elections both in a short-term and a long term. The authors believe that the theme of Political Islam is very interesting after observing the phenomenon of national politics especially since 2017. Strengthened Islamic identity sentiment through the National Movement of Guarding MUI Fatwa or GNPF-MUI has undeniably attracted more public attention. Political mobilization against the case of blasphemy by the Governor of Jakarta at that time had opened crucial political spaces. Thus, the struggle for identity politics in Indonesia has become more dynamic and further study or research is highly needed. The development of the Islamic party in Indonesia to a certain degree shows the irony and paradox. In this study the authors used the method of Explanatory cases with a Qualitative approach. Explanatory case study methods is used to explain more deeply the research questions that focus on PKB, PAN, and PKS. Discourse on identity politics often used as a shield to advocate for their short-term political achievements. In turn, the struggle for Politic of Islamic identity may lead to all significant changes in internal party mechanisms and reinterpretation of party values in a more moderate direction and accommodating to their political environment.

Political Islam, Islamic Party, Identity Politics, Election

Political Party and Election


Understanding Aceh Referendum Discourse in the Context of Asymmetric Decentralisation
Sait Abdullah, Deni Fauzi Ramdani

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Deni Ramdani

STIA-LAN Bandung

As a result of recent political dynamic, particularly after the world most complicated simultaneous national elections, Aceh referendum discourse has been echoed by Acehnese local elite. This issue has become an interesting phenomenon to be investigated as Aceh has been granted by the central government by way of a special autonomy scheme to run its government. Is it true that the local Acehnese really want the referendum? Or is it just a discourse enacted by the local elite? The current referendum issue raised by the Acehnese local elite seems to be based on the disappointment of the result of national democratic contestation rather than military oppression and prolong economic resources appropriation by the central government as experienced by the 1999 former referendum. This paper traces the dynamic wave of asymmetric decentralisation in line with the dynamic of the Aceh local politics. First, in the 1956 Formation of Aceh Special Autonomy Province. Second, the Iimplementation of the 1999 law on Aceh Province as a Special Region. Third, the 2001 law on Special Autonomy for Aceh as Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and the last wave on the birth of the 2006 Aceh Special Autonomy as a result of the MOU Helsinki conflict resolution signed by the Aceh Free Movement and the Indonesia Government. For sure the new wave of this local political dynamic has been ongoing as the dynamic of asymmetric decentralisation which gives a new space for the politics of bargaining position of the Jakarta national elites.

Referendum, Assymetric Decentralisation, and Local Democracy

Local Politics and Decentralization


Village democracy and winning strategies based on Power in Javanese culture in Village Head Election in Tanjung Village, Pagu District, Kediri Regency)
a)Endik Hidayat, b) Miskan

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Endik Hidayat

a) Faculty of Social and Political Science
Universitas Wijaya Putra
Jalan Raya Benowo 1-3 Surabaya
b)Faculty of Social and Political Science
Universitas Wijaya Putra
Jalan Raya Benowo 1-3 Surabaya

This study based on the different understandings about political activities in the villages. This study aims to prove oligarchy in electoral process to elect village leader (headman) in Indonesia is different compare to other elections at the local and national level. By applying qualitative research method and looking at the case of Tanjung village, Pagu District, Kediri Regency. The study shows that all candidates have tried to maximize the benefit of both material resources and non-material power according to Javanese values. However, the use of money and formal institutions as the basic character of oligarchy as indicated by some scholars is not effective in gaining votes in the headman election. On the contrary, the application of non-material power used by the elected headman election candidates proves as more effective to attract more votes. The source of non-material power is parallel with Javanese power derived from mystical energy of -kesakten-, and it works effectively to increase contestants- confidence in embracing the headman election. Various forms of political strategy based on spiritual power are divided into six categories: Slametan ceremony at the village founders grave, pitou services come from religious leader and dukun, ownership of heirlooms, pulung as a legitimacy of power, petungan Javanese calendar system, luri son of the village head.

Political Strategy; Power Sources; Local Politics; Democracy Village

Local Politics and Decentralization


Village Government Leadership Towards Optimizing Society Participation in Development Planning
Adam Latif (a), Irwan (b), Ahmad Mustanir (c), Jamaluddin Ahmad (d), Geminastiti Sakkir (e)

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Ahmad Mustanir

Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang University

This research is to find out the leadership of the village government and to find out society participation in development planning in Pattondon Salu Village, Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency. The hypothesis of this study is that village government leadership has a significant effect on optimizing society participation in development planning. The location of this research in Pattondon Salu Village, Maiwa District, Enrekang Regency. The population in this study is 133 Families (KK). The sampling technique uses incidental sampling with the Slovin formula. The sample in this study is 100 Families (KK). The techniques of collecting data use observation, questionnaires, documentation, and interviews. Quantitative data analysis techniques using frequency tabulation analysis methods and simple regression analysis using the SPSS 16.0 for Windows program. This results shows that, 1) Village government leadership is categorized in the good criteria with an average percentage of 63.95%, 2) Society participation in development planning categorized as a fairly good with an average percentage of 58.95%. In addition, there is a strong influence between village government leadership and the optimization of society participation in development planning.

Development Planning; Leadership; Society Participation

Sustainable Development Goals


What Netizens Talk About Jakarta Riot?: Content Analysis of
aksi22mei on Indonesian Twittersphere

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Yearry Panji Setianto

Yearry Panji Setianto


Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

Indonesia, digital citizenship, election, political hashtag, big data


Womens Digital Literacy Capacity in Against of Gender Based Violence in the Cyberspace and Against Hoax in Serang City
Shanty Kartika Dewi *), Anis Fuad *), Titi Stiawati **)

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Shanty Kartika Dewi

*) Government Studies Department, Sultan Agung Tirtayasa University
**) Public Administration Department, Sultan Agung Tirtayasa University

The research is motivated by the low level of Womens Digital Literacy in Indonesia. According to the World Wide Web Foundations main report entitled "Womens Rights Online", gender inequality in the digital field is quite significant in Indonesia, on average only 20% of Indonesian women have internet access, of whom only 26% express their opinions online and only 5% get information on the website regarding their rights. Phenomenon that occurs, Harassment and violence against women today not only occur in the real world also occur in cyberspace. Serang City as the capital of Banten Province in the use of the Internet is still low compared to three regions in the East Banten region such as Tangerang City, South Tangerang City and Tangerang Regency, which amounted to 41.26%. Womens Internet users in Serang City were also low at only 39.06%. Therefore it is necessary to do research on digital literacy in the city of Serang related to gender violence and the spread of hoax among women.

Womens Digital Literacy, Against of Gender Based Violence in the Cyberspace, Against Hoax

Digital Governance and Citizenship


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