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Development of Smart Application Systems in the World of Waste Bank Business
Irfan Sumitra, Dewi Sri Juniarti

Departemen Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


This writing was made with the aim to analyze the efficiency carried out by millennials to create a modern management system using technology. The method used by the author is a descriptive method and observation from sources that exist on the internet or in the book. The author hopes that the results of this study are that millennials can develop modern technology and can apply it to the waste bank business that has good business opportunities and minimizes the use of technology that is not used properly. So from the research obtained, it was concluded that millennials have good knowledge about waste that can be recycled, and know the use of technology for this business, but there are some people who are not interested in helping develop the technology bank waste business and lack of attention from the local government to Therefore, what should be done is to provide socialization to inform that the trash can is important and its management with technology. Of course technology can improve management.

Keywords: Millenials, Waste bank business, Technology, Trash management

Topic: Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Conference: 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (M Azmi JR)

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