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Does Size Matter? Indonesian Banking Efficiency measurements using two-stage Network DEA (2013-2018)
Petrus Darmanto, Bona Christanto Siahaan M.T.

MM-MBA Universitas Indonesia
Gedung MMUI, Jl. Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430


This study compares the efficiency of different groups of ownership and bank size, and investigates the productivity change during the period, pursuant to fulfilment of regulations issued in 2012 concerning “Business Activities and Office Networks Based on Bank Core Capital” and “Minimum Capital Adequacy Requirement for Commercial Banks” that ignites the change of banks- strategy, capitals and ownership, as well as attracting M&A with more foreign investments. The measurement method of the bank efficiency adopts recently developed two-stage network data envelopment analysis model by Liang et al. (2008) to obtain intermediation and operational efficiencies to establish the overall bank efficiency. The bootstrapped truncated regression algorithm as proposed by Simar and Wilson (2007) employed to examine the exogenous factors to the efficiencies. The study employs 105 conventional banks operating in Indonesia since 2013 that suggests Indonesia banking efficiencies has been improving evidenced with improving overall efficiency scores and the gap efficiencies between intermediary and operating functions narrowed during the observed period (2013-2018).

Keywords: bank efficiency, two-stage network DEA, Data Envelopment Analysis, Indonesia,

Topic: Financial Management and Accounting


Conference: The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Petrus Bayu Darmanto)

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