BIS 2019 Conference

Enhancement of Solar Photovoltaic using Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on Hill Climbing Optimisation Algorithm
Agus Ulinuha (a*), Anas Zulfikri (a)

a) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
A. Yani ST Pabelan, PO Box 1, Kartasura, Surakarta, 57102 Indonesia
* Agus.Ulinuha[at]


The voltage generated by solar photovoltaic depends on sunlight intensity. Since the direction of sunlight changes during a day, it causes changing of sunlight intensity leading to voltage reduction. To maintain the voltage, the panel must be directed so that it stays facing toward the sun to get maximum light intensity. The algorithm of Hill Climbing is employed to search the most optimal panel position that enables providing maximum voltage. This algorithm explores and saves the most optimal condition and updates it if new situation takes place. The algorithm is implemented in a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system that continuously directs the panel to generate maximum voltage. An Arduino Microcontroller is employed to interpret the algorithm that instructs DC Motor to set the most optimal panel position. A set of current and voltage sensors are used to measure and provide feedbacks to the controller. The system is implemented on a 50 WP solar panel that enables providing higher voltage compared with that without MPPT. Since the microcontroller and actuator also consume power, this should also be taken into account. However, inclusion of this additional power still makes the system provide higher power compared with that without MPPT.

Keywords: Solar Photovoltai; MPPT; Hill Climbing; Optimisation

Topic: Electrical Engineering


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