Household Willingness-to-Pay for Landslide Hazard Mitigation in Purworejo, Indonesia
Endah Saptutyningsih (a), Diswandi (b), Melawati Nur Aziizah (a)
(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Indonesia
(b) Universitas Mataram, Indonesia
Jalan Majapahit No.62 Mataram, Indonesia
Landslide hazard causes severe consequences on people properties including damage on infrastructure, changing on land structure, relocation of buildings and roadways, reduction on water quality in streams and irrigation facilities, etc., Household mitigation for landslide hazard would be necessary to reduce this hazard intensity and minimize the impacts if it occurs. This study analyzes households willingness to pay for landslide hazard mitigation in a high potential risk for landslide hazard regency in Central Java Indonesia, namely Purworejo. Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was employed to capture the household willingness to pay (WTP) for landslide hazard mitigation. Determinants of the household WTP was estimated using the Logistic regression model. For the respondents of this study, 270 households were chosen using a purposive sampling technique. This study found that 95.2 percent of respondents were willing to pay for an average of IDR 4,500 (USD 0.32) for landslide mitigation. Household income, distance to the landslide location, the frequency of landslide, and educational attainment have significant effects on the WTP. This study recommends the local government to pay more attention to the landslide hazard mitigation programs.
Keywords: landslide; contingent valuation method; disaster mitigation; willingness to pay
Topic: International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion