AASEC 2019 Conference

Traffic Management of Intersection With More Than Four Road Segments
Rezqi Malia, Noer Fadhly, dan Sugiarto.

Student Magister Civil Engineering of Syiah Kuala University


Simpang Tujuh Ulee Kareng is one of intersection with high vehicle volume. The increase in V/C ratio every year starts from 2016, 2017, and 2018, each was 0.301, 0.316 and 0.322, but each was 21,909 vehicles, 20,950 vehicles, and 21,896 vehicles. The intersection will be calculated by using SIDRA Intersection, and then it will merger of intersection. In this case, it will change the route for flow rate. The calculate is in unsignalized and signalized. Furthermore, we will compare after estimate all of its. After estimating with this method, it has level of service for existing conditions which has seven road segments and the level of service after merger of intersections will be four road segments unsignalized or signalized. The results that will hope are the level of service and sensitivity.

Keywords: SIDRA Intersection, unsignalized, signalized, seven road segments, four road segments.

Topic: Civil Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/2CjvzcDEpwRG

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