INCITEST 2019 Conference

Internet Role Entrepreneurship Indonesia
T Tawami (a*), A Rahman (b)

a) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the Internet, which is part of the real form of development in the era of modernity, played a role in the development of entrepreneurship in Indonesia, both through various applications contained in it, as well as in its use by local Indonesian entrepreneurs in an effort to maximize potential business. The model used in the preparation of this paper is a qualitative approach model with literature study method which emphasizes on observative and documentative data collection through data sources in the form of written sources and the Internet as a source of information. Data - data obtained through the literature study is processed by analyzing books that are relevant to the variables to be studied, to obtain a form of narrative, detailed and descriptive data presented in the presentation of various information that has been obtained. From the results of observations, research, and in-depth analysis through the search for data that can be accounted for found information that the Internet has a large influence in the business world so that entrepreneurs also compete in utilizing Internet technology in their business activities.

Keywords: Internet; Role; Entrepreneurship

Topic: Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


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