AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Development of Poetry Writing Learning Module Assisted by Religious Songs for Junior High School UNIVA Medan
Hainur Anisa (a*), Khairil Ansari (b), Mutsyuhito Solin (b)

Universitas Negeri Medan


Development of teaching materials is done as an effort to improve learning outcomes and determine the material based on the context of the situation that exists in schools. Paradigms and perceptions that have occurred so far at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah PGA Univa Medan Project namely in developing a teaching material in the form of modules is still minimal, even if there is a form of teaching material used by teachers is still based on textbooks used by schools obtained from the government namely books from the Ministry of Education and Culture . The use of textbooks is one of the tools used by teachers or students as learning resources. Tracing the study of the development of teaching materials in the form of modules to be carried out, researchers conducted a preliminary study consisting of two steps, the first to conduct a field survey and the second to conduct a literature survey. The factor of student interest in learning is still low resulting in the majority of students experiencing difficulty in writing. Learning writing skills take a variety of forms. One of them is writing poetry. Expressing thoughts and feelings in free poetry. Poetry writing is a literary writing skill whose activities describe the contents of the soul, experience, and appreciation by using written language as a tool.

Keywords: development; teaching materials; poetry

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development


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