BIS 2019 Conference

Saifudin Zukhri (a*), Setianingsih (b), Retno Yuli Hastuti (c), Indri Setianingsih (d)

a.Study Programe of Nursing of Stikes Muhammdiyah Klaten, Jl. Ir. Soekarno Klaten, Indonesia, saifudin[at]
b. Study Programe of Nursing of Stikes Muhammdiyah Klaten, Jl. Ir. Soekarno Klaten, Indonesia, setianingsiih[at]
c. Study Programe of Nursing of Stikes Muhammdiyah Klaten, Jl. Ir. Soekarno Klaten, Indonesia,
d. RS PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu, Jl. Jogja-Sol, Delanggu, Klaten, Central of Java, Indonesia


Pathophysiologycally and by the management patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are at risk of constipation. This study was aim to determine the relationship of age, fluid intake, fiber intake, use of sedatives, and mobilization status with the occurance of constipation in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in intensive care rooms. Thirty ACS patients (21 male and 9 female, aged 45 to 74 years who were treated in the intensive care room (IRI) of PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu Hospital, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia, in November - December 2018, were observed for 3 consecutive days from the initial admission to intensive care unit. Data were analysed with the chi square test (X2) and binary multiple logistic regression tests at 95% confidence level. Multivariate analysis indentified 3 independent parameters correlating the occurance of constipation in ACS patients , ie. fiber intake (p=0.025, RR=26.675, CI 95%= 1,498-474.996), fluid intake (p=0.044, RR=21.332, CI 95%= 1,093 –416.328 ) and immobilization (p= 0.012, RR = 15.466, 95% CI =1.068-349.989 ), with Negelkere R2 = 0.80. Whereas age and used of sedative were not significantly correlated to the occurance ofcontpation. It was concluded that lack of fiber intake, lack of fluid intake, and immobilization were the risk factors for the occurance of cosntipation in ACS patients and contributed of 80.3% the occurance of constipation in ACS patien, whereas of 19.7 % influenced by other factors were did-nt studied in recent reseach. However further research needed to be done with a larger of sample size. Keywords: Acut Coronary Syndrome, constipation, fluid intake, fiber intake, immobilization.

Keywords: Acut Coronary Syndrome, constipation, fluid intake, nutrient intake, immobilization, sedation

Topic: Health Science


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