Coping mechanisms among health workers in community health centers
Hasniati*, Badu Ahmad, Andi Ahmad Yani, Nur Indrayanti Nur Indar, Atta Irene Allorante, Syahribulan, Hamsinah, Irwandy
Department of Administrative Science, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Abstract Objective: This study aims to describe the coping mechanisms among health workers when dealing with situations where having to provide satisfying services while faced with limited resources provided by management of Community Health Center (CHC). Methods: This study uses a qualitative approach and employs three data collection techniques, namely in-depth interviews, observations, and documentary study. This study interviewed 24 informants. Results: The findings in this study indicate that all informants interviewed generally did coping mechanisms to deal with the conditions of work they faced due to limited resources. Most of the coping mechanisms used by health workers have a positive impact on patients. The study identifies three positive impacts as follows: (1) ease of access to services, (2) speed of obtaining services, as perceived by patients who do not need to queue to obtain services due to emergency conditions, (3) improvement of service facilities, as perceived by patients who request referrals to hospitals due to limited facilities at CHC, (4) patients- satisfaction improvement. Conclusion: The authority to do coping mechanisms is inherent as long as health workers are confident in their abilities. Confidence and sincere intentions to help others will help health workers to handle every problem they encounter due to limited facilities.
Keywords: Coping mechanisms, professionalism, street-level bureaucracy, health workers, community health center
Topic: Occupational and women