INCLAR 2019 Conference

Bambang Dwi HS (a), Budiman Gunawan (b), Sukirman (c)

Faculty of Law
Borobudur University


In various cases of health service disputes, medical records have a very important role in the aspect as evidence in court. The better the medical record, the more legal protection will be given to patients, doctors and hospitals. Medical records are often used as a basis for defense / legal protection for doctors. Medical records are files containing records and documents about patients identities, examination result, treatment program and other medical measures in health care facilities. Legal problems often arise that are directly related to the management / treatment of their Medical Record. The value of Medical Record are called as "ALFRED VALUES" which is interpreted: Adrministrative value, Legal value, Financial value. Reseach value, Eduvation value and Documentation value. Medical record can function as a legal document, namely as a valuable evidence as an expert witness but its depend on judge decision. Sometimes, Medical Record can be use as a key witness to dispute resolution in health services both in hospitals and in individual clinics. Medical record can be used as a basic data to prove the presence or absence of errors. The position of the medical record is very dependent on the judges judgment. The judge greatly determines the relevance and position of the medical record at the trial. Medical records are also very important for evaluating health services and evaluating staff performance in order to reduce morbidity and prevent mortality.

Keywords: Keywords : Medical Record, Medical disputes

Topic: Administratif Law


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