Heat transfer computation of a motorcycle engine block at variable speed, turbulence intensity and tilt angle
Nazaruddin Sinaga, Syaiful and Bambang Yunianto
Mechanical Engineering Department of Diponegoro University
The performance of a motorcycle engine is greatly influenced by the cooling system. If the heat is released more than it should be then the efficiency will decrease. Thus, the engine block cooling system must be designed optimally. The research aimed to study the effect of motorcycle speed, turbulence intensity, and tilt angle on the heat transfer coefficient of the engine block cooling system. Calculations were performed numerically using a finite volume method. The engine block was modeled as an annular fin cylinder which had a stroke volume of 150 cc, where the outer and inner diameter was 78 mm and 62 mm, respectively, while the fin thickness was 2 mm. The simulated vehicle speed was 40 to 100 km/h at 30 oC air temperature. The turbulence intensity were varied between 0 to 20%, while the tilt angle were 0 to 90 degrees. It was found that there were an optimum condition which give the highest heat transfer coefficient. It can be concluded that the numerical simulation can be used to design an optimal motorcycle engine block cooling system.
Keywords: motorcycle; engine block; heat transfer; numerical method; turbulence intensity; tilt angle
Topic: Mechanical Engineering