ICORE 2019 Conference

Renewable Energy Awareness in Vocational Engineering High School Students
Fitria Tahta Alfina1, Nugroho Agung Pambudi1,a), and Muhammad Kunta Biddinika2, Indah Widiastuti1, Yeny Rachmawati1

1Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
2School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan


Abstract: Among the keys to successful industrialization in the field of renewable energy is the availability of ready-to-work human resources in the industry. Although Indonesia has a lot of potential renewable energy, the development of its utilization is still small. One obstacle is the lack of development of industries that develop renewable energy that are not supported by the readiness of human resources ready for work in the field. Indonesia has a very large renewable energy potential, but the utilization is still not maximal. One of these obstacles is the lack of human resources that is in the way it is an effort to improve the quality human resources to achieve the development of maximum renewable energy is through education. Furthermore, good, unknown and unique social technical education technical and Vocational School is a place to start the development of the individuals awareness of the individual who is traveling vocational education, about renewable energy sources. A survival surgical renewal of source of energy is distributed to 82 respondents from different education class levels. Respondents consist of education students of vocational techniques of engineering machinery and Vocational School students Department of engineering machinery. This study will be one of the reference in determining the direction of national policy especiallyin education in the field of development of renewable energy in Indonesia.

Keywords: Renewable energy, Awareness, Vocational School, Education Policy

Topic: Renewable Energy

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/32frcLFmE4KJ

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