Bioeconomic analysis of shortfin scads fish (Decapterus spp) in the Flores Sea Waters of South Sulawesi Indonesia
Aris Baso 1), Najamuddin 1), Firman 1), M. Hasyim Hasani 1) and Andi Asni 2)
1) Faculty of marine science and fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
2) Faculty of fisheries and marine science, Indonesian Muslim University, Makassar
The bioeconomic approach is a combination of scientists with a biological approach and fish entrepreneurs with an economic approach. The results tend to be more realistic to apply. Widely used in various countries and is one of the references in the management of fisheries resources. This study aims to evaluate the stock of shortfin scads fish in the marine waters of Flores, South Sulawesi. The research conducted from April to September 2019 using a survey method for fishing gear related to the Flores Sea of South Sulawesi. Data collection was carried out through interviews using a questionnaire and direct measurement of caught fish. Research locations include the districts of Jeneponto, Bantaeng, Bulukumba and Selayar. Measurement data of fish catches are presented in graphical form and compared with reference sizes for the first time the gonads mature. Time series data on the number of fishing gear and catches for 10 years is calculated using the Microsoft excel program package. The results of the analysis showed that the population growth rate was 0.999, purse seine capture coefficient was 0.0051, the carrying capacity of the water environment was 124504.2 tons. Potential stock of floating fish 59821.61 tons, potential OSY 31054.11 tons and efforts to catch 103 purse seine units. Production has been achieved in the last year of 38657 tons with 252 units of purse seine fishing gear. Utilization rate has reached 124.5%. To maintain the sustainability of laying fish resources in the marine waters of Flores, South Sulawesi, the number of purse seines must be reduced by 59%.
Keywords: bioeconomic, shortfin scads fish, Flores sea
Topic: Socio-economic of animal science