AIFC 2019 Conference

Analysis of The Effect of Third-Pary Funds and Non-Performing Financing on Return on Assets in BPRS in Indonesia
Haryo Firas Tunas Kuncoro

Fakultas Ekonomi Islam


This study describes the results of a study that analyzes the effect of third-party funds and non-performing financing on return on assets in SRBs in the period January 2014-December 2018 using the variables used are ROA, Third Party Funds (DPK), and NPF, the sample of the research is BPRS in Indonesia. The analytical method used uses multiple linear regression analysis, the statistical test is the coefficient of determination, t statistical test, simultaneous test F. The study found that the variable Third Party Funds (DPK) does not affect Return on Assets (ROA) in BPRS in Indonesia and Non variable Performing Financing (NPF) has no effect on BPRS in Indonesia.

Keywords: Third Party Funds, Non Performing Financing, Return on Assets.

Topic: Islamic Micro finance


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