BIS 2019 Conference

Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
Andjar Prasetyo1, Henny Asmoro1, Hotnier Sipahutar2, Asrori2, Catur Wibowo Budi S2, Deden Nuryadin2, Gunawan2

1Research and Development Agency of City of Magelang
Magelang City, Indonesia
2Research And Development Agency, Ministry Of Internal Affairs, Kramat Raya St 132, Jakarta, Indonesia


Innovation is an effort to accelerate the development of various sectors, the development of human resource productivity is part of the sector. Magelang City has implemented an innovation screening process since 2004 and 2019 replicated in Pekanbaru City, Labuhanbatu Regency and Tuban Regency which have an impact on developing human resource productivity. This study aims to describe, compare and evaluate the practice of innovation replication carried out in Pekanbaru City, Labuhanbatu Regency and Tuban Regency in the context of developing human resource productivity. This research needs to be done because the practice of applying innovation has not been evenly distributed in the territory of Indonesia. The data used in this study is divided into two, namely, secondary data which tend to have little composition and dominance of primary data that complements this study. Primary data include the number of organizers, the number of participants, the number of evaluators, and the total budget. The analysis was carried out with a comparative qualitative description of the study area in a macro manner and a focus on research. As a result, the replication process with limited available human resources can be implemented but still requires capacity building and strengthening human resource capacity, another result is that policies to encourage innovation as a strategy to develop human resource productivity need to be prioritized because of the impact of the regional innovation process.

Keywords: Regional Innovation, human resources, replication process, strategy to develop

Topic: Government Studies


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