BIS 2019 Conference

Relationship between Linguistic Intelligence and Students- Attitudes toward IT Usage with Writing Ability
Agrissto Bintang AJi Pradana*, Athia Fidian

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


Nowadays people cannot be separated from IT use. For academic purposes, IT devices and services provide flexibility in accessing information. However, in writing activities, students- linguistics intelligence type may become a predictor which influences their ability. This prior research aimed to investigate the relationship between students- linguistics intelligence and their attitude toward IT usage in the learning process with their writing ability. It was conducted in the writing classes in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. It assigned 26 students as respondents. Questionnaires and test were administered to gather the data. They were analyzed using Multiple Regression Test. The results showed that value of sig. was 0.303>0.05. Then, F count stated 1.257<3.408. Hence, There was no relationship between Linguistics Intelligence and students- attitudes toward IT with their writing ability.

Keywords: Attitudes toward IT, linguistics intelligence, writing ability

Topic: Learning Technology


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