AASEC 2019 Conference

The Study on the Self Purification of Situ Gede, Tangerang City, Banten Province Based on BOD Parameter
Hana Purwati, Melati Ferianita Fachrul, Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan*

Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: dianahendrawan[at]trisakti.ac.id


Situ Gede is a natural water body located in Kelapa Indah, Tangerang District, Tangerang City, which has an area of 5.07 hectares. The decrease in water quality is characterized by the number of pollutants such as pollutants BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), which are closely related to human activities such as the disposal by organic waste from domestic activities around it. The purpose of this study is to analyze the self purification of water body in degrading of organic matter. The average of residence time of Situ Gede is 3.05 hours and a mixed concentration is 16.12 mg/l. The calculation results, the degradation rate at Situ Gede is 0.19/day. These results are stated as the composition of BOD in the Situ Gede situation not degraded perfectly. Alternative strategies for water pollution control can be done by entering oxygen in the transition will help the growth of aerobic microorganisms for the process of reforming organic matter.

Keywords: Organic matter; residence time; degradation rate; self purification

Topic: Environmental Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/3Q8BL7uJzgyp

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