ICEMINE 2019 Conference

ROLE OF THE COMMUNITY OF JANGKAR KELUD IN BUILDING COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY AROUND GUNUNGAPI KELUD (Study of the Role of Kelud Anchor Community Pre and Post Kelud Volcanic Eruptions Year 2014, in Blitar, Kediri and Malang Regencies)
Eko Teguh Paripurno, Purbudi Wahyuni, Sudarmanto

Students of the UPN "Veteran" Disaster Management Master Program in Yogyakarta


An eruption of Mount Kelud dated February 13, 2014 at 2 2. 5 0 WIB spewed 150 million cubic meters of material, which is said to be the largest eruption history since the last 100 years, in fact did not result in casualties, in three affected districts (Blitar, Kediri, Malang). Even though at that time the transition status from PVMBG occurred relatively short (less than one month). Based on information from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG), an increase in seismic activity was observed since January 2014, which was dominated by Shallow Volcanic (VB) and Deep Volcanic (VA) earthquakes. Based on seismic activity, the status of the Kelud volcano was then raised from normal to vigilant on February 2, 2014 , although the situation was considered to be less than ideal in rescuing, but the community was able to evacuate independently quickly at the right time and to the right location. In fact there were no fatalities or zero victim in the 2014 eruption incident. This study was designed to determine the role of Kelud Kelangkar Community in building the resilience of the people living in the vicinity of Kelud Volcano (Blitar Regency, Kediri Regency, and Malang Regency), in the phase, pre and post eruption of the Kelud Volcano in 2014 . The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of - people and behaviors that can be observed. The object of the research was conducted at the Kelud Anchor Community in the Kelud Volcano area (Blitar, Kediri and Malang Regencies). Communities have been selected at the time of the eruption of Kelud Volcano T a hun 2014, were able to participate in community mobilization inside Kelud Volcano KRB and has been able to menyiapsiagakan themselves in the face of Gungungapi Kelud eruption, as well as the survivors were able to evacuate independently In this research, an in-depth description is obtained resilience of people living around Mount Kelud (Blitar Regency, Kediri Regency, and Malang Regency) in the face of the potential threat of the Mount Kelud Eruption disaster , and the Kelud Anchor Community Community in building the resilience of people living around Mount Kelud (Blitar Regency, Kediri Regency, and Malang Regency), pre and after the eruption of Mount Kelud in 2014

Keywords: Community Resilience around Kelud Volcan

Topic: Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Sudarmanto Sudarmanto)