BIS 2019 Conference

Reduction of Hyperlipidaemia using Combination of Mimba Leave (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss), Curcuma Zedoria, and Curcuma Mangga Val.van Zip.
Mirah Rejeki (a*)

a) The Department of Hospital Administration
STIKes Kusuma Husada Surakarta
Jaya Wijaya ST No. 11 Kadipiro, Banjarsari, Surakarta 57136 Indonesia
* miraulin[at]


The trend of current life style has lead people to have unhealthy eating habbit. This may cause medical problem such as hyperlipidimia that is the main reason of heart disease. Heart disaese is the main cause of dead and the trend of its prevalence indicates an increment rate. The high level of cholesterol and triglyceride are the major cause of heart disaese and the pragmatic solution of this problem is consuming some medicines. Long term consumption of medicine may result in another medical problems. Due to this reason, herbal medicines will be prospective choice. It gives fundamental recovery since it restores cells to again normally work. Therefore it may give permanent recovery. In addition, the negative effect of herbal medicine is minimum. This paper discusses use of herbal combination of Mimba Leave, Curcuma Zedoria, and Curcuma Mangga Val.van Zip. for reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The herbs are prepared in its original materials in a precision dosage by boiling with pure water. Application of this herbs in a patient indicates a significant reduction of triglyceride from 679 mg/dL to 120 mg/dL in 3 months. Combination these herbs with nutraceutical will simultaneously recover the problems.

Keywords: Herbs; Hyperlipidaemia; Heart Disease; Triglyceride

Topic: Medicine


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