ICONBEAT 2019 Conference

Effectiveness Of Mycorrhiza, PGPR And Fertilizer On Chlorophyll Content In Black Soybean Plant
Muhammad dan Umi Isnatin

Universitas Darussalam Gontor (UNIDA)


INTRODUCTION The main problem in increasing the production of black soybean is the absorption of the element nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Not yet the maximum absorption of nutrients by black soybean plants causes low yield production. Therefore one alternative that can be done to increase production by finding environmentally friendly technologies is to use mycorrhiza and PGPR to optimize the absorption of nutrients, especially phosphorus and nitrogen. The general objective of this study is to find an effective combination of mycorrhizae, PGPR and Fertilizers. While the specific purpose of this study is to find mycorrhiza that are effective in nutrient absorption to increase chlorophyll content. This study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) with three factors: the first factor is mycorrhiza application, the second factor is PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) and the third factor is the application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. Data from observations were analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to determine the effect of the treatment being tried. If the results of the analysis have a significant effect then proceed with the LSD test (Least Significance Different) at a 95% confidence level. The results of this study indicate that the most effective application of mycorrhizae in increasing total chlorophyll content is pabrikan mycorrhiza without being combined with PGPR and fertilizer (TP.TR.MP: 80 g / ml). The most effective application of brawijaya mycorrhiza in increasing total chlorophyll content is brawijaya mycorrhiza combined with PGPR without fertilizer (TP.R.MB: 83 g / ml). The most effective application of mycorrhizal unida treatment in increasing total chlorophyll content is unida mycorrhiza without combined with PGPR and without fertilizer (TP.TR.MU: 80 g / ml). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Chlorophyll a is the main pigment in photosynthesis whose function is to donate electrons in the photosynthetic electron transport chain. Chlorophyll a most effectively absorbs the spectrum with wavelengths of 429 nm and 659 nm. This chlorophyll reflects the blue-green color. Factors that influence the chlorophyll content are nutrients N, Mg, Fe and Light. All green plants contain chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, chlorophyll a making up 75% of the total chlorophyll (Pratama and Laily, 2015). The results showed that there were very significant differences between mycorrhizal, PGPR and fertilizer treatments according to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In this study, it was found that there was a different response between mycorrhizae with other mycorrhizae towards fertilizer and PGPR. According to Pratama and Zakiah (2017) research, bacteria attached to hyphae show a close relationship between mycorrhizae and PGPR bacteria. fungal symbionts with host roots, the third on receiving host plants for the presence of root infections. Table. Total Chlorophyll Content No Treatment Average Notation 1 T

Keywords: Black Soybean, Chlorophyll, Mycorrhiza

Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/3ZEXCaqJUvhH

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