MASEIS 2019 Conference

Design Speed Bump Piezoeletric Used Pressure Method (Case Study Jambi University Gate Portal )
Haerul Pathoni1, Dwi Pratiwi2, Samratul Fuady,2, and M Noval 2

1Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Jambi, Jl. Jambi-Muara Bulian Km15 Mendalo Indah, Muara Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia, 36361
2Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Universitas Jambi, Jl. Tri Brata Mestong Pondok Meja Muara Jambi, Jambi Indonesia , 36364


Abstract — Speed bump was a device for producing mechanical energy from a motor run through it. Piezoelectric was a device for producing electrical voltage that sourced from the energy pressed the piezoelectric. This research used speed bump as a source of mechanical energy which pressed piezoelectric for producing voltage. The results showed that piezoelectric speed bumps producing varied voltages. The voltage resulted that varying the highest voltage generated around 1 - 1.8 volts. In the other research the resulting voltage was not so high. It depended on many factors finding in the field.

Keywords: Speed Bump, piezoelectric, Voltage

Topic: Physics


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