The Role of High Fat Diet in Hyperlipidemia Mice Model
Windaniyah Sri Rahayu1, b) Abdul Ghofur2, Sri Rahayu Lestari2, a)
Magister Program of Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Many peoples having an unhealthy lifestyle, like consuming fast food which has a high-fat content. There are many types of research using HFD (High Fat Diet) woof. HFD composition consists of many various contents. Consuming a HFD can cause several negatives health consequences, including metabolic dysfunction and obesity. The purpose of this study is to know the role of HFD which used our composition in the hyperlipidemic-mice model. Eight weeks old balb-C mice divided into two groups, normal and high-fat diet. Both groups received treatment for four weeks. The proximate test was carried out on both HFD and normal woof. Bodyweight and energy intake were measured at the end of the study. The result shows that the HFD group had a bigger body weight and energy intake. The proximate test showed that HFD contained lipid, protein, saccharide higher than normal woof. These are supported by the proximate test of HFD woof that contains protein and lipid higher than normal woof. The conclusion is HFD increasing body weight and energy intake higher than normal.
Keywords: High Fat Diet, Body weight, Energy Intake
Topic: Zoology