SoRes 2019 Conference

Community Economic Empowerment Based on Zakat Funds
Sri Fadilah, Mey Maemunah, Nopi Hernawati

Accounting Study Program of Unisba


The background of the study is West Java Province as a province with a large population and has 27 areas of cities with all kinds and cultures and the advantages of the region into the wealth of West Java. West Java still has economic and social problems, namely unemployment and poverty that must be resolved. There is something that should be a major concern, especially in distributing zakat is how zakat in having a high socio-economic value. Indeed, every zakat institution has unique programs, but generally the program fields are almost the same. The purpose of the study is to describe Community Economic Empowerment Based on Zakat Funds. The research method used is a case study with a descriptive analysis approach. The technique of collecting data is observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study were community economic empowerment based on zakat funds, consist of the stages of mental development, group activities, capacity building activities. The conclusion of this study is that the field of study is the social field, the economic field of SME development and the economic field of cooperative development.

Keywords: Community Empowerment, Zakat and Zakat Funds

Topic: Management


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