BIS 2019 Conference

Development of Smart Bamboo Arranged Learning Media on fractional material for Elementary students
Tria Mardiana(a*), Ari Suryawan(b), Khairadha Maharani(b), Shalma Shalsa(b)

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
(b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
*corresponding author: triamardiana[at]


This study aims to produce Smart Bamboo Arranged mathematics learning media on fractional material for elementary students. Method: This research is research and development. The development procedure uses the 4D model, namely: define (user analysis, curriculum, and teaching materials), design (designing products with tools and materials), develop (assessment and revision), and disseminate (testing on potential users). The research instrument was a questionnaire. The product assessment team consists of experts, peer reviewers, elementary school teachers, and elementary school student responses. Results: 1) Researchers have produced Smart Bamboo Arranged mathematics learning media on fractional material for fourth grade elementary school students, 2) Expert assessments, peer reviewers and elementary school teachers on products scored 434 and percentage of 86.67%, perfect, 3) Class IV SD / MI students responses to the mathematics learning media Smart Bamboo Arranged obtained a score of 439 with an assessment percentage of 87.8%. This value is in the interval between agreeing and strongly agreeing

Keywords: Learning media, fractional material

Topic: Learning Technology


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