MSCEIS 2019 Conference

The efficient multiplier GF(2^8) is formed by the NAYK algorithm
Muhamad Nursalman

Department of Computer Science Education, Faculty of Math and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Efficient multiplier in Finite Field is needed in its implementation in the cryptography field. The NAIK algorithm provides fast steps and efficient solutions in forming the desired multiplier. The formation of an efficient multiplier GF(2^8) will be formed with the NAYK algorithm without being constructed from the smallest values, but directly from the value 8 itself. In comparison with the results of the Generalization of Karatsuba Algorithm, the NAYK algorithm provides a more efficient solution.

Keywords: Efficient multiplier, Finite Field, GF(2^8), NAYK Algorithm, Generalization of Karatsuba Algorithm

Topic: Computer Science


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