ICONBEAT 2019 Conference

Ibrahim T. Jabal1, Mazwan Z. M.2, Fadlan A. M. Wahyu3

Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University Malang, Indonesia


ABSTRACT Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L) is one of the leading horticultural commodities that has been intensively cultivated by the farmers. This vegetable commodity belongs to the group of non-substituted herbs that serve as food seasoning and traditional medicine. The demand for shallot continues to increase as the population increases In Indonesia, most of its territories own or produce shallot. Based on the average production in 2011-2015, shallot production were centralized in Central Java Province, East Java, West Java and West Nusa Tenggara. These four provinces contributed to 85.33% of the total production of Indonesia-s shallot. The increase in production was related to an increase in harvested area by 7.16% per year and productivity up to 1.05% per year (Kementerian Pertanian, 2016). Increasing consumption, needs, and demand of shallot encourages farmers to produce shallot. However, the production still cannot cover the demand for shallot intensively causing relatively fluctuating prices. In addition, shallot is also a seasonal commodity and is susceptible to pest and disease. It is known that shallot is one of the commodities that can generate high income but is accompanied by production risks and high price risk (Lawalata, Darwanto, & Hartono, 2017). This study aims to determine the risk of production of shallot farming in Ngantang, Malang Regency. The research was conducted in Purworejo Village, Ngantang District. The selection of research site was determined purposively. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. Research was conducted on September – November 2018. The sample in this study was 80 farmers determined by purposive sampling method. The risk of shallot production was determined by the analysis of the coefficient variations (CV). Method to calculate the coefficient variations (CV) is presented as follows: CV = = where: CV = coefficient variations = standard deviation of yield = average of yield (kg) n = total of sample The value of coefficient variation showed the level of production risk on shallot farming. The low variation coefficient value indicated that the average value variability in the distribution was low. This illustrates the risk that will be faced to obtain such low-level production. In contrast, the value of the large variation coefficient indicated that the average value variability in shallot farming was high and illustrated the risk faced by large average farmers. The result of risk analysis can be seen in Table 1, the coefficient of variation was 37,54 indicating that the risk of shallot production in Ngantang, Malang Regency had the variation value of 37,54%. Table 1. Production Risk of Shallot Farming Variable Production Risk Mean of Production 5321.25 Standard deviation 1997.604 Coefficient Variation 0.3754 CV (%) 37.54 Source: Primary Data Analysis, 2018 The results showed that the coefficient of variation was 37.54, indicating that the produ

Keywords: coefficient variation, production risk, shallot

Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/4EV6CdLru7kK

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