ICGAB 2019 Conference

Potential Analysis of Plants as a Raw Material of Herbs by Society of Grati, District of Pasuruan
Ruri Siti Resmisari, Windah Widiastuti, Khoirotun Nisak and Dwi Ariskha Wulan Suci

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


Herbs is a traditional medicine with medicinal plants as the main ingredient. The existence of herbs cannot be separated from society-s local culture, especially in Grati, District of Pasuruan. This study was to determine the types of plants for making herbs, parts of plant organs, types of herbs, processing method, benefits, and how to get the raw material. The study consisted of preliminary surveys and interviews. The data was taken using snow ball sampling technique. The survey method was using semi-structured interview technique and data presented in descriptive form. Based on the results of surveys and interviews, there were 17 plant species used as raw materials for herbs, where turmeric, Round-rooted Galangal (kunci pepet), Kaempferia galangal (kencur), rice, betel and tamarind are the most used plants with 100% for each use. The most used organ is rhizome, that is 41%. There are eight kinds of herbs. The raw material for making herbs 89% are bought from traditional market and the rest comes from harvesting and wild cultivation.

Keywords: Herbs, medicinal plants, Sub-District of Grati, District of Pasuruan


Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/4h8qFQ6xmV9J

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