Utilization of Bamboo Local Materials for Innovation of Playing and Creating Media in Children Age of Preshool
Product Design, Faculty of Architecture and Design
Duta Wacana Christian University
Jl. dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo 5-25 Yogyakarta
Play is one of the right stimulations for children to stimulate childrens thinking power, to empower emotional, social, and physical aspects. There are several types of games that shape the skills and creativity of children, one of which is a game of compiling puzzles, because playing puzzles can coordinate the movements of the eyes and hands of children or fingers movements, with it without them knowing that the fine motoric skills of the child continue to be trained and developing. When children play puzzles, children can practice recognizing shapes and thinking about how they arrange puzzles to form shapes. In this research activity, there were problems encountered in the Amongsiwi play group, Panggungharjo village, Bantul, namely the lack of availability of play and creative media in the form of puzzles that could support the development of fine motor skills of children. In this play group, in their activities every Friday there is a special time to play and be creative. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to create a play and creative media innovation from local materials in the form of puzzle cendani bamboo that is feasible, safe and environmentally friendly for preschoolers. The method used in this activity is development (R&D) by collecting data, observing and analyzing problems, product design and product testing (testing on children). In collecting data using observations, interviews, documentation to be analyzed in a quantitative descriptive manner. The results of the study indicate that the play and creative media that are designed can be accepted by children with a feasibility level of 78,4%, this means that the resulting media is suitable for use. Meanwhile the level of childrens ability to use / compile a puzzle to form a shape based on observations of 76% of a total of 25 children can already be in the form of tangible shapes such as animals, cars or robots.
Keywords: bamboo, preschool, puzzle
Topic: Industrial Engineering