AASEC 2019 Conference

The Diversity of Fauna in the Mangrove Community: Success Replanting of Mangroves Species in South Coastal East Lombok, Indonesaia
Agil Al Idrus12), Abdul Syukur*12), Lalu Zulkifli12),

*1 Postgraduate Program and Department of Sciences Education,
2 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mataram University, Indonesia;
Jalan Majapahit No 56 Mataram Nusa Tenggra Barat; Phone: +62 370 623873
*12Corresponding author: Abdul Syukur - Email: syukurbiologi[at].unram.ac.id.


Mangrove is a plant species that grow in a unique environment and serve as breeding, spawning, hatching, and nursery grounds for many marine species. However, the damage of mangrove has a negative impact on the diversity of fauna associated. This study aims to prove and evaluate mangrove replanting of fauna diversity on the South Coast of East Lombok.. Data collection were done through observation, surveys and quadrant methods The data were further analyzed to detemine Diversity Index (H) and Dominance Index (D). The analysis showed that the mangrove in Jor Bay has the highest index value of fauna diversity, is 2.762 and the lowest is Lungkak that is 2.146. The mangrove other locations such as Tanjung Luar have a value of fauna diversity index of 2,567, Kedome 2, 361 and Ekas Bay 2,457. However, the index value is highest dominance Ekas bay of 0.176 and the lowest was 0.097 Kedome. The conclusion of this study is that mangrove planting has been successful in increasing the diversity of fauna associated with mangroves on the south coast of East Lombok. Therefore, efforts to maintain the results of mangrove revegetation are a very important part of mangrove conservation.

Keywords: Replanting of Mangrove, Diversity of fauna and Maintenance of mangrove

Topic: Biology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/4tcmwgqAPV6r

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Abdul Syukur)