MSCEIS 2019 Conference

Developing an Assessment Model of E-Government Software Assets for Maintenance Recommendations: A Case Study in BKD Bandung
Rizqia Lestika Atimi

State Polytechnic of Ketapang, Jalan Rangge Sentap, Dalong, Sukaharja, Delta Pawan, Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat 78112, Indonesia


This study developed a model of e-Government software asset assessment for its maintenance recommendations. A case study conducted in Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Bandung. The steps consist of the identification of software asset management, developing of asset assesment, and proposing of maintenance recommendations were carried out in this investigation. The Likert questionnaire and task analysis were used to assess the e-Government software based on two essential aspects regarding business value and technical value. It is found that the business values and the technical values averages for the software of SIM Gaji, SIMPEG, and SIAP are in high category (the entire average score between 3.00 – 4.00). The recommendations are ordinary maintenance and feasible to use. Thus, the model developed in this study is appropriate to use for assessing e-Government softwares. To provide a comprehensive maintenance recommendations, the future studies might be used additional aspects besides the business and technical value.

Keywords: Assessment model; Business and technical value; Maintenance recommendations; Software evolution.

Topic: Computer Science


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