ICIEVE 2019 Conference

A Building with Teen Spirit: The Design of Banda Aceh City Youth Center
Lena Hanida, Tutin Aryanti, Trias Megayanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Banda Aceh City has been titled as a youth-friendly city in 2017; however this city has not had centralized facilities for youth interaction and youth talent development. Banda Aceh City needs to have a youth center as a youth facility that has various youth infrastructures in it. The youth center is designed using a dynamic theme that is adjusted to the character of youth which is full of enthusiasm and spirit. The dynamic theme is applied through the concept of building façade (color and texture), building shape, and landscape. The use of the dynamic theme is expected to be able to attract youth to use the facility and to develop talents according to their interests and doing other various positive activities. Youth Center of Banda Aceh City with the dynamic theme is expected to be a facility of character building, capacity building, and improvement of youth competitiveness so that it can support the success of regional development maximally following the city-s 2017-2025 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan.

Keywords: youth center; dynamic architecture; interaction facility; talent development

Topic: Architecture

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/4wYqPGQ9NkHT

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Tutin Aryanti)