MSCEIS 2019 Conference

Using GeoMaSchool To Link Between Creativity and Performance for Students In Higher Education
Nasrullah Pemu (a) , Asdar Ahmad (a) , Jeranah Tajuddin (b)

a) Universitas Negeri Makassar
b) STKIP YPUP Makassar


Developing creativity and increasing student performance in learning activities is essential but is not easy to implement. For this reason, through the use of Geogebra, Maple, and Schoology (GeoMaSchool) in further calculus lectures, students are expected to be able to show their best creativity and performance. With design research carried out in stages, namely preparation for experiments, conducting experiments in classrooms, and conducting retrospective analyzes. This research activity designs learning that involves Geogebra and maple devices and structured learning material in the Schoology learning management system. The subjects in this study were 32 students of mathematics education who programed Advanced Calculus courses. The results showed that with the knowledge and mastery of Geogebra or Maple devices, students build their calculus knowledge creatively. Then, Schoology recorded students performance and the learning progress authentically.

Keywords: GeoMaSchool, Creativity, Performance, Higher Education

Topic: Mathematics Education


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