INCLAR 2019 Conference

Analysis of The Weakness of Doctor-s Salary Regulation in Indonesia
Muhammad Nur

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


The results of a survey issued by Junior Doctor Network (JDN) Indonesia on August 1-30 2018 stated that as many as 26.24 percents of doctors in main workplaces in Indonesia were still under salaries of under IDR 3 million per month. Even from the same data, there was 8.89 percent of doctors still underpaid 1.5 million per month. Low income for doctors can increase the risk of danger. The government must understand that low salaries cause doctors to work a lot of shifts over a long period to fulfill their needs and families. Research says that working continuously for doctors increases the risk of malpractice and endangers patients. Doctors have pressure from family and environment to get a decent income, so this opens up opportunities for drug companies for conspiring with these doctors to increase the number of drug sales. Low salaries also make doctors apathetic about their work, and it is difficult to empathize with patients and not provide the best service for them. This research then analyzes the weakness of salary regulation for a doctor in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that one of the causes of these problems is the absence of standards set by the government regarding salaries for the medical profession in Indonesia. Even though in several countries in ASEAN, standardization of wages for doctors has been regulated for quite a long time. The author uses a normative juridical research method by examining library materials or other secondary materials. The author uses the literature study. The tools used are documents in the form of primary, secondary, and non-legal materials. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively, then presented descriptively.

Keywords: Doctor, salary, regulation, analysis

Topic: Private Law


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