INCITEST 2019 Conference

Use of Bayesian Regulation Algorithms to Predict Software Complexity Based on Requirements
Wartika Memed Purawinata

Indonesian Computer University


Along with the increasing implementation of information technology in various fields, the complexity of software has also increased. This increase in complexity is related to the increasing requirements. Complexity is the main driver of software costs, reliability and performance and one of the most important factors that can affect quality. . The best choice for predicting software complexity is before software development reaches the coding phase. This helps developers to manage software projects. There have been many studies on predictions of software complexity carried out by previous researchers. But in this paper the method of using bayesian regulation algorithm is proposed to predict the complexity of software based on requirements. Thus it is expected to be used as a reference for software developers in managing software projects.

Keywords: Complexity, Software, Requirement, Prediction, Algorithm

Topic: Informatic and Information System


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