Analysis of Cost Control Process in Pt. S- Project Management on a 2018-s Work Package: Constructing a 100-Tonne-Capacity Integrated Cold Storage Facility in Kampar District
Sarah Shahnaz Ilma (a), Dr. Nofrisel S.E, M.M (b)
a-b) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.
Salemba Raya 4, DKI Jakarta 10430
Integrated Cold Storage facilities are much needed by the Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Ministry. The construction of ICS facility in Kampar District by PT.S in the fiscal year 2018 proved that effective project management must be implemented. One way to measure the performance of PT. S- PM is by examining the control cost process throughout the project. Control Costs is the process of monitoring the status of the project to update the project costs and managing changes to the cost baseline. Control cost process is analysed using Earned Value Analysis. The results showed that PT. S- PM faced many challenges in maintaining planned values. The result of this case study is presented to the company as an improvement tool for later projects.
Keywords: Construction; Control cost; EVM; Project Management
Topic: Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management