SemnasPKM 2019 Conference

Utilization Of The Yard To Increase Additional Food Value Dharma Santi Village In The Denpasar City
I Gusti Bagus Udayana ;I Gede Pasek Mangku; Ketut Irianto

Universitas Warmadewa


The Community Service Program is related to the work programs of Bali Province women groups points II and III, namely, managing the Family Economic Empowerment program through the Family Income Improvement Business Program (work group II program) and managing land use through the Beautiful and Comfortable Regular Asri Page Program ( working group III). Yard land area throughout Indonesia reaches 10.3 million hectares. This huge potential can be used as a source of food suppliers that are nutritionally valuable and have high economic value. (Agricultural Research and Development Agency, 2011) Of these areas, most have not been utilized as a planting area for various agricultural commodities, especially food commodities. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, if this treaty is utilized optimally, it can become one of the pillars to realize family welfare. Likewise, the plots of land in the Dharma Santi sub-village vary greatly, some are large, but some are narrow, but even the use of narrow plots can be used so that it is beneficial in increasing the nutrition and additional income of the family by growing plants in pots and filling empty spaces. in various corners of the yard. Yard land use is one of the Ministry of Agricultures National programs in order to maintain and maintain the independence of the communitys food security and availability through optimizing the use of the yard with the aim of: 1. Increasing the skills of family and community Particularly the PKK in the use of the plot of land; 2. Meet the familys food and nutrition needs; 3. Developing seed / seed sources to maintain the sustainability of the use of the yard; 4. Developing productive family economic activities and creating a clean and healthy green environment independently. The objectives of the activity to be achieved in this activity are: 1. Technological understanding of vegetable and empon-empon cultivation in the yard 2. Increasing the knowledge of partners in processing crop yields such as being able to make ginger powder and fresh drinks from the ginger products 3. Partner groups have the ability in better business management. 4. Helps create an entrepreneurial spirit for partners so that they have added value and get additional income for the family.

Keywords: Womens Group, Use of the yard, Making ginger powder

Topic: Ekowisata


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