AASEC 2019 Conference

Screening of the drought tolerant phosphate solubilizing bacteria in dissolving P-inorganic
Lolita Endang Susilowati, Bambang Hari Kusumo, Zaenal Arifin

University of Mataram


The drought tolerant phosphate solubilizing bacteria is needed to dissolve phosphate (P) inorganic which is usually low in availability at dry land. This study is aimed to obtain a consortium of drought tolerant phosphate solubilizing bacteria which has high potential in dissolving P-inorganic. An experimental study which has 4 treatments of bacterial combinations has been conducted in a laboratory. The first treatment was the combinations of Pseudomonas azotoformans (PA), Acinetobacter baumannii (AB) and Bacillus paramycoides (BP). The second treatment was the combination of PA and AB. The third treatment was PA and BP, then the fourth treatment was AB and BP. The potential of the consortium bacteria in dissolving P-inorganic was measured qualitatively using phosphate dissolution index (FDI) on solid pikovskayas medium. While, the potential of the consortium bacteria in dissolving P-inorganic was measured quantitatively by measuring dissolved P using the ascorbic acid method in liquid pikovskayas medium containing 0.5% Ca3(PO4)2. The results showed that the consortium of those three bacteria (PA AB and BP) has the best potential to dissolve P-inorganic compared to other combinations. In addition, the three bacteria combination also resulted in the highest dissolved P with 0.29% potential dissolution, followed by combination of AB and BP (0.19%), and PA and BP (0.18%), respectively. Thus, before the consortium of these three bacteria is applied in soil, it is needed further experiment of potential of the bacteria in dissolving soil P-inorganic.

Keywords: drought tolerant, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, dissolved P-inorganic, pikovskayas medium

Topic: Biology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/7Qvdn6AgFWwM

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