The phenomenon of brand community based on group chat related to perceived benefits, member commitment and brand loyalty
Ali Imaduddin Futuwwah (a*), Dien Mardhiyah (b)
a. Faculty of Economic and Business, Airlangga University
Jalan Airlangga No.4, Surabaya 60286, Indonesia
b. Faculty of Economic and Business, Airlangga University
Jalan Airlangga No.4, Surabaya 60286, Indonesia
Chat-based social media users like WhatsApp and Telegram have been popular in the Southeast Asia region. Indonesia is the country with the largest number of internet users in Southeast Asia, where they used social media that based on chat applications is prevalent. As the user chat application in Indonesia is bordered, it is encouraged the brand community to use the group chat feature. The development of user chat apps in Indonesia encouraged the brand community to use the group chat feature. This research will examine the perceived benefit of members when interacting in the community chat groups. When members feel the benefits, members will have a strong commitment to community and encourage brand loyalty. This study will use the community brand SONY ALPHA camera users. This community is engaged in photography and it is popular in Indonesia, which the sample is 186 respondents that were the members of the community who joined the WhatsApp and Telegram chat groups. This study used SMART PLS 3.0 as the analysis tool. This research produced a new and different finding from the previous research, where the benefits obtained by community members related to the hedonic and social benefits positively influenced members commitment. The other benefits related to learning and self-esteem are not significant. Community commitment has a positive effect on brand loyalty. This research provides learning for stakeholders who want to manage community-based chat applications, both for business and social needs.
Keywords: Brand Community, Brand Loyalty, Community Commitment, Group Chat, Perceived Benefit, Photography Community
Topic: Education, Community Engagement