Hotel Content-Based Recommendation System
Kristian Wahyudi, Johanes Latupapua, Ritchie Chandra, Abba Suganda Girsang
Bina Nusantara University
Content based recommendation systems try to recommend items similar to those a given user has likely in the past, whereas systems designed according to the collaborative recommendation paradigm identify users whose preferences are similar to those of the given user and recommend items they have liked. The proposed recommendation system is discussing about Airbnb recommendations for a place in the city of Seattle. The selected process for the recommendation is calculating the rating of room types based on the environment. By calculating room types from several environments by combining two features namely room type and taken from the environment of the selected room type as well. The result of process and analysis will be provided into certain steps and images.
Keywords: recommendation, hotel, content
Topic: Big Data, Database System, Data Mining and Web Mining