ICISER 2019 Conference

Communication Accomodation Strategies and Culture Shock Experience in an Intercultural Interaction by Indonesian Exchange Student
Vashty Ghassany Shabrina (a*), Dr. Reny Yuliaty (b)

a) Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Communication Science Post Graduate Programs, University of Indonesia, Jl. Raya Salemba 4 No, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Communication Science Post Graduate Programs, University of Indonesia, Jl. Raya Salemba 4 No, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia


Cultural differences are not always acceptable in society, a dominant culture that makes other cultures feel alienated. The lack of peoples ability to understand cultural diversity raises intercultural communication issues, one of which is culture shock. In cultural differences require the immigrants to adapt to a new culture, one of them students from Indonesia, Evani Tami who followed the Global Citizen Program in Taiwan in 2015 ago. Given the cultural differences in the two regions, the researchers wanted to see the communication accommodation strategy as well as intercultural communication interaction by using the Culture Shock phase by Evani Tami. This research uses qualitative approach with case study method. The results showed that there is a form of communication accommodation that is convergence, divergence, and also excessive accommodation during the program. While the culture shock phase shows Tamis adaptation process to communication constraints faced by Tami is also quite varied as the differences of language, perception, and culture are quite significant.

Keywords: Intercultural Communication, Communication Accommodation, Culture Shock

Topic: What are the topics?

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/8E6JqgnRWvkL

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