The Influence of the Needs and Passions to Full Fill The Professional Job Position in Local Government of Garut District
Nefi Aris Ambar Asmara
STIA - Lembaga Administrasi Negara Bandung
Lembaga Administrasi Negara
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 34-38, Kota Bandung, Indonesia
To analysis the needs a passions of professional job position in Local Government of Garut District, should have to consider on their employee itself. Its mean that their own needs should came from their passion on what professional position to full fill the job position in Local Government. According to the result there are 5 (five) job position has been identified on those professional job position. Such as: librarian, auditor, archives and agriculture. There more job professional or functional job positions, but it seems that still difficult to encourage civil servants in Local Government of Garut District, to found more those functional job positions. The finding analysis has been used with SWOT analysis. Some suggestion has been addressed to the Local Government of Garut District. There are: the Human Resource Management Institution (BKD), should taking more encourage and change to the Civil Servant as well as taking sustainable on analyzing what kind of professional job that able to full fill the local government level to get better public services.
Keywords: Job Position Professional and Needs; Human Resource Management; public services; Local Government Policy
Topic: Human Resource Management