BIS 2019 Conference

Utilizing a Web-Based Technology in Blended EFL Academic Writing Classes for University Students
Dedi Turmudi

Postgraduate Student in ELT Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang No 5,Malang 65145, Indonesia
Home-based University: English Department of FKIP
Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro Lampung


This paper discusses a web-based instruction mixed with off-line learning in a blended EFL academic writing classes for undergraduate students. The concepts are constructed by reviewing selected and related articles based on the current trends of blended instructions with the aid of technology in education. The main ideas taken into account is how to make EFL academic writing practicality, and convenience, yet respecting norms and responsibilities of education principles. It is practical since it is flexible and can be done anywhere and anytime, yet within the consensus. Thus, the concept covers the conceptual framework of blended EFL academic learning mixed with face-to-face and web-based model as a unit of Blended EFL Academic Writing Classes. It is a theoretical description and procedural flow of face to face and web-based. This is hoped to assist any higher education educators in treating the students and contribute to the body knowledge of online learning in the era of information and communication technology (ICT) or currently known as virtual technology era.

Keywords: Academic Writing, Blended, EFL, Web-based, Virtual Technology

Topic: Learning Technology


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