ICAS 2019 Conference

A Critical Discourse Analysis of Release of Siti Aisyah by Court of Malaysia in Online Media Detik.Com, Kompas.Com, and Merdeka.Com
Rina Sovianti

Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya


Researcher using the critical discourse analysis Sara Mills to analyze the text of the news. The point of concern from the perspective of Sarah Mills is showing how text bias in showing women. Women tend to be shown in the text as the wrong party and marginal compared to the male party. Siti Aisyah was released from custody that is constructed by three online media as an innocent woman and the success of the Government in lobbying the courts of Malaysia. In relation with the Governments success in lobbying the Court of Malaysia, the Government of Indonesia has a different agenda. A different agenda is the campaign about the success of the activities of the Government of President Joko Widodo. Construction the news that are shown in discourse are the woman always weak and need help in all things. With the help of the Government of Siti Aisyah successfully escaped the death penalty by the Court of Malaysia as a suspect in the murder of Kim Jong Nam. Researchers choose online media Detik.Com, Kompas.Com and Merdeka.Com because the three media is the main reference for people looking for Indonesia news. In addition, the two media are categorized as the largest online media by Alexa. Tribunnews.Com was ranked first, second place is occupied by the Detik.Com, and the third was occupied Kompas.com. Tribunnews.Com is not being sampled in this study because the Tribunnews.Com has sub sites in every province, making Tribunnews.Com as the site of the most recognized by the public. Merdeka.Com is number five popular media in Indonesia by Alexa (2015).

Keywords: Release of Siti Aisyah, Critical Discourse Analysis of Release of Siti Aisyah

Topic: Social Kultural

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/8PqC3jMB6Vfa

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